
The strange Hut

Chilufya hurriedly started walking as she saw that the clouds were getting darker and darker by the minute it was about to start raining and she was miles from home. She started running as fast as she could hoping to find a shelter somewhere near because she was on the outskirts of the Chilubi Kingdom. Imediately she reached Chilubi Kingdom it started raining she started running and running trying to look for a shelter where she could spend in this heavy rainfall. But since she was near the outskirts of the kingdom she could barely see any hut's around."what am I going to do now" , she complained to herself she was so tired that she could barely run , just when she was about to stop she saw a very small thutched hut it looked like it had been abandoned for centuries and no one lived there. But Chilufya had no option it either to go in there or remain in what looked like the storm was about to start. As she got near the hut she looked at it she was scared to go in it was dark inside, just when she hesitated to go in it started thurdering . She quickly but carefully went in the hut that had a door almost about to get ruined, it was now getting dark Chilufya could barely see anything she was afraid to go out and to move from where she was standing in the hut. To make matters worse she heard so me footsteps approaching the hut although it was raining heavily she could hear some footsteps outside the hut and the footsteps sounded strange to her, since she had never heard such kind of lound footsteps from anyone before. She started shivering the footsteps started getting closer to her the door opened it was dark but she could tell that the figure of the person that was approaching towards her was that of a man. She could barely move the man continued to walk towards her and she continued to walk backwards as she continued to walk backwards she fell on a stone . Chilufya started screaming loudly hoping and praying that it was just a nightmare she was having, but she could still hear the footsteps continued to come near and near and they stopped. "Are u okay miss here hold my hand let me help you get up " the man said, chilufya slowly opened her eyes scared to look closely at the person offering to help her when she opened her eyes she saw a tall man with blue eyes he had blonde hair , she had never seen anyone like that in Chilubi Kingdom. The man was standing with a lamp in his hand with the the other hand extending towards he trying to help her get up . Chilufya just looked at him and hesitately failed to hold his hand