
The Day The Earth Stopped Spinning

As the Earth mysteriously halts its rotation, ushering humanity into an age of chaos and despair, a divine intervention occurs. Forty-two ethereal pyramids plunge from the heavens, appearing across the planet. Each pyramid corresponds to one of the forty-two sacred parts of the Book of Thoth. Drawing upon Pre-Egyptian, Sumerian lore and Annunaki mythos, this is a novel that attempts to paint an alternative picture of Humanity’s origins. In the city that now stands at the brink of apocalypse, emerges Brandon Void, the enigmatic heir to a billionaire's empire Leading a formidable army of 500 comprising orphans, POWs, mercenaries, assassins, and outlaws, they built a fortress armed to the teeth with every resource imaginable to reign supreme in this post-apocalyptic world. On the first day, crimson lightning seared the skies, awakening the “gods’ within chosen humans, altering their destiny forever. However, humans aren't the only ones affected. Creatures once harmless mutate into monstrous threats, forcing the Earth into a harsh game of survival. Becoming the King of the City of Void, Brandon dares to set his sights on the remaining forty-one pyramids and their hearts. As Brandon ventures deeper into this enigmatic Kingdom-building venture, he must level up his city and fulfill criterias to upgrade his civilization. In this riveting unique spin to traditional LitRPGs, join DESS in a captivating tale of survival, discovery, and conquest. With the City of Void leading humanity's charge against the chaos, they push the limits of possibility to herald a new era of enlightenment for Earth. Dive into an epic saga where the origins of humankind are questioned and every victory is a step towards the dawn of a world reborn.

MrBtheNovelist · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Kingdom of Void

<< Capital City - Presidential Palace >>

The three highest ranked officials, President Reed, Sir Adam, and Sir Warren, stood in stunned silence as they processed the unimaginable sight before them.

"Ten cosmic vortexes! Ten?! How is that possible? And his powers..."

President Reed's voice trailed off, his disbelief palpable.

Even within the ranks of the military, the most Enlightened ones could only boast one or two cosmic vortexes, but here was Brandon Void and his personal army, defying all expectations.

President Reed's fingers drummed on the polished surface of the table, a rare hint of apprehension in his usually stoic demeanor.

'This isn't just about power…,'

He muttered to himself, reflecting on a past entangled with the rise of the Void family.

Sir Adam's voice pierced the thick tension.

"What... What is he? Still human?"

Secretary Amelia, her voice tinged with a mixture of astonishment and apprehension, couldn't contain her thoughts any longer.

"And it's not just him. His army is composed of hundreds of Enlightened ones, each possessing 4 to 6, even 7 cosmic vortexes..."

"This Brandon Void... What kind of secret does he hold?"

President Reed pondered, his brow creasing with concern.

The room was engulfed in a heavy silence as they grappled with the enigma of Brandon Void's origins.

Suddenly, Brandon's voice boomed from the screen, reverberating through the room like a domineering harbinger of doom.

"This is now the Kingdom of Void and NONE SHALL QUESTION MY REIGN !!!"

The chilling words sent a shiver down their spines, filling the air with an undeniable aura of menace.

As his proclamation echoed, the livestream feed captured an eerie transformation unfolding before their eyes.

A mist of dark energy billowed forth from Brandon Void's body, swirling and writhing like ethereal serpents uncoiling from their slumber.

The mist, thick and suffocating, cast an ominous pall over the surroundings, distorting the very fabric of reality.

It exuded an aura of raw power, tinged with a malevolence that stirred primal instincts within those who beheld it.

The dark energy pulsed and throbbed, an embodiment of the unleashed darkness from within Brandon.

As the dark mist surged, so did the storm within Brandon.

Memories of betrayal, pain, and loss tore at his psyche, fueling the menacing power he now exuded.

Every pulse of his unleashed energy was a testament to the wounds etched in his heart.

It was as if the abyss had found its voice, an unseen force manifesting its presence in tangible form threatening to even seep out the screens of the thousands watching the livestream.

And then, in an unexpected turn of events, a hand covered Poki's camera lens, abruptly ending the stream.

Confusion erupted in the livestream chat…

[ Why did the screen turn black?! ]

[ Did we lose satellite connection again? ]

[ Are you dumb? Can you send messages in chat if there's no connection?! ]

Poki's panic-stricken voice filtered through the sudden darkness, crying out against the interruption of her livestream.

"AH~~ What are you doing!! My stream… my stream… "

In the wake of her protest, a notice flashed across thousands of screens across the world:



Poki's phone was then confiscated, a sack was put over her head and an arm was once again wrapped around her waist.

Like a lifeless sack of rice, she was swept up in a whirlwind of motion, her protests falling upon deaf ears.

"Ahhhyahhhhyahhh~ Not again~! Let me down! Let me down!!!"

On the battlefield outside the Void Castle…

Meanwhile, on the battlefield outside the Void Castle, Lili's voice rang out with an update,

"Boss! We've ended the stream!"

As the words reached his ears, Brandon's ethereal armor immediately dissipated into a mist.

He fell limply to the ground below.


Baal's voice, full of urgency, rang out against the backdrop of chaos.

He swiftly rushed to his aid, propping him up with a shoulder for support.

Meanwhile, Lili leaped off the wall of the Void fortress, gracefully landing in front of Brandon and Baal.

Concern filled her voice as she approached him, her helmet dissipating to reveal her beautiful face,

"Boss, are you okay?"

Shaking his head as if trying to clear it, Brandon managed a weak response.

"I'm... I'm fine, just overused my powers. Gather the dead mutated beasts, retrieve their energy crystals, and take the meat to the processing plant."

"Roger !!"

The soldiers around them responded in unison, saluting with passion and unwavering loyalty.

Their voices carried a fervent admiration for their leader.

<< The Void Fortress - Throne Room >>

The chaos of the apocalyptic world outside the Void Fortress was muted within its walls, the castle's heart, the opulent Throne Room, stood in stark contrast.

Brandon, seated on his throne, cradled a crystal the size of a baby's head - the cosmic core of the mutated rat king creature.

His eyes still showed hints of redness as he continued to massage his temples, trying to ease the residual strain from using his ominous powers.

Beside him, Lili offered comfort, her hands skillfully kneading his shoulders.

Meanwhile, the chatterbox Poki, her head covered with a sack and hands tied behind her back, knelt before the throne.

Her non-stop pleas for release filled the room with an oddly endearing energy.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Poki pleaded, her voice filled with a mix of anxiety and fear.

"I'm Brandon Void's number one fan!"

"I've followed him since the beginning! I even have a fan page dedicated to him!"

"Please, let me see him!"

"Wait! You can't kill me now... I haven't even..."

Poki's voice quivered,

"...had my first real boyfriend yet!"

Brandon, visibly annoyed by her constant prattling, waved a dismissive hand.

One of the soldiers standing beside Poki saluted and swiftly removed the sack from her head.

She had two adorable buns atop her head, adorned with long, luscious pink curls that cascaded down her shoulders.

Poki squinted her beautiful blue eyes, momentarily disoriented by the change in lighting.

As clarity returned, her gaze flitted around the throne room, taking in the grandeur.

When her eyes met Brandon's, a split second of disbelief flashed across her face before giving way to starry-eyed wonder.

Poki's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as her eyes landed on Brandon.

"Brandon Void... You're even more handsome in person!"

Poki exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

"I can't believe I'm actually here! I've followed your journey and supported you all the way. You're my idol!"

Her words echoed through the throne room, filling the space with an air of adoration.

Despite the circumstances that had brought her here, Poki's genuine affection for Brandon was evident, and it left an unexpected warmth in the hearts of those present.

Brandon, however, did not seem too impressed with the turn of events.

His frown deepened as he watched the giddy girl before him.

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