

⚠️Bad Language⚠️

**= Sounds (At the beginning)

''= Thinking

Bakugo's POV




'What is that!?'


'God Damnit! I'm trying to sleep!'


"What the fuck do you want at 2:30 in the morning Shitty Hair!?" I scoffed through the phone. "Bakubro!!! We need you NOW! That villain we've been after for weeks is making another move!" I immediately sat up. "WHERE!?" I practically yelled through the phone. "They're heading towards XXX!" Before he could say anymore I hung up and got dressed. We've been chasing this villain for weeks maybe even months. I've lost track at this point. The hard part about it is that we know nothing about them. We don't even know their gender. The only clue we have is that whenever they're involved, somewhere on the scene you will find a 'D' written in very fancy writing. We think the 'D' stands for something but we don't know what. To me, the 'D' is a taunt. Cause whenever we get there, the 'D' is still freshly written. So it's like they're taunting me, shoving it in my face that I barely missed them... But not this time. No. I will get them this time.

I'm going as fast as I possibly can. I will not let them escape my clutches this time. I will catch them if it's the last thing I do. As I get to XXX, I see Shitty Hair chasing someone zooming around leaving trails of green lighting. I quickly start following it too. I get ahead of Shitty Hair but I'm not quite fast enough to catch him. I can barely breathe I'm going so fast. I need to catch him!

As we're going, they make a turn. I follow and to my surprise, it's a dead end. I'm ecstatic! The walls are too high for them to use their quirk to get over, so they just trapped themselves. All I have to do is restrain them and wait for the rest of my team to catch up. They're really far behind cause those extras couldn't keep up.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you're cornered villain. Now do you wanna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" I say putting up my fists. Then out of nowhere, the villain who's back is still facing me, starts laughing. I get the feeling I'd heard a similar laugh before, but push that feeing aside and try to focus on the villain in front of me. "Why the hell are you laughing Shit head!?" "Cause you heroes are quite hilarious!" The villain finally says something. I get a feeling like I'd heard the voice before, just like I did with the laugh, but I still pushed it away to focus on the villain. "And what makes you say that!?" "Because you still can't figure out who I am..." The villain starts. "I know exactly who you are though... and I'm not talking about the hero 'Ground Zero', I'm talking about who you really are." This really confused me. "What do you mean!?" I questioned. "I mean I KNOW you Katsuki Bakugo. Age: 24 years old. Your mother's name is Mitsuki Bakugo, and your father's name is Masaru Bakugo. You went to XXX elementary school (Idk the name sorry), Aldera Junior High and finally you got into UA high. You used to live at XXX until you moved out to live on your own. Does all that sound about right?"

I stood there shocked... How the hell did this villain know so much about me!? Did he research me or some shit!? But even then he wouldn't be able to find that much information! "How the hell do you know all that!? Are you stalking me or something?" "Haha, no I just know you." What the fuck does he mean!? "And how do you know me!?" "I'm surprised you haven't figured that out yet... after all the hints I left you too..." "What hints? You mean those damn D's?! How the hell am I supposed to figure out who you are based on those!?" I'm basically yelling at this point.

"I guess there's no use in hiding it now since you're to fucking stupid to get it right!" I was furious. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU LITTLE FUCKER!?!?" I was pissed. Since when did this villain I don't even know, have the right to dictate me stupid!? "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I could hear my team getting pretty close. I just had to keep him here till they got here, then it's game over for this little bitch. "It's sad that you couldn't figure that out on your own..." The villain started turning around. They were wearing a long black coat with a hood and while turning around, they took off their hood as well. When they had turned all they way around with their hood all the way off, I finally knew why the voice and the laugh seemed so familiar, and why this villain knew so much about me... I couldn't say a word... I was dumbfounded... Just then, the villain smiled. "Hey Kacchan!" I now knew... It was my childhood friend, Deku...

Knowing this, I got what all the D's were for, they were for 'Deku'. The nickname I gave him when we were kids... "D-Deku!?" I was still in a state of shock mixed with anger and sadness. "How long has it been Kacchan..? Almost 10 years right? Wow... look at you now! I always told you you'd be the #1 Hero didn't I..! And you always told me I'd never become a hero. Looks like we were both right!!!" He said with a smirk. "How the hell did this happen!? Why the hell are you a villain!?" I practically yelled at him. I had so many emotions rushing through my body... My childhood best friend, was now a villain!? And how the fuck did he get a quirk!? He was quirkless last I knew him!

"Well Kacchan, you see, I got sick of everyone at my normal high school bullying me and calling me useless and every time someone did I remembered you and how you bullied me. Till one day, I met someone who made all of that stop. He gave me purpose, a reason for living! A quirk... He gave me that and showed me where I truly belonged. I was originally going to tell him no, then a small voice came into my mind. That was your voice. My brain started replaying every single mean thing you've ever said to me ending with when you told me to kill myself... and I said you know what? FUCK IT! And I accepted! And now I'm here."

I was so angry. But this time I was more angry at myself than anything. I was angry remembering how rude I was to him. I was angry that I was the reason he was like this now. Before I could open my mouth to say one more thing my team was coming into view. I didn't want them to be there yet. I wanted more time. Sadly, my wish was not granted.

"Well Kacchan, it was fun catching up, but it looks like my time is up. KUROGIRI!" Just then a black mist appeared behind Deku. "I'll see you around... Kacchan." He gave his signature smile laced with evil, before disappearing into the black mist.

"Hey Bakubro! What happened man?" Shitty Hair asked as they finally reached me. "He disappeared in this black mist. Probably someone else's quirk. It probably teleports people or something, that's probably how he'd get away from crime scenes so fast." I responded still kind of dumbfounded. "Hey did you see who it was?" Shitty Hair asked. I know I shouldn't have but... "No dude... They never turned around..." I lied...

After doing a lot of paperwork, I headed back to my apartment. I couldn't get Deku off my mind. I just kept remembering his sweet, loving smile that was now laced with evil, and his adorable, precious laugh that now sounded like some crazy person. And I kept remembering him saying my nickname he gave me when we were kids... "Kacchan" I always hated it... but now I longed for him to call me it again. I wanted him to come over to my house asking if I wanted to hang out just like when we were kids. I wanted to have a normal conversation with him, and see his smile the way it used to be. I longed for the old him back...

When I got back to my apartment, I crashed on my bed. It was like my body just gave out. I was so exhausted from the running and all the emotions that were still rushing throughout my body. I almost instantly fell asleep. The last thing I remember going through my head before fully falling asleep, was the last time I could remember Deku smiling at me. As I drifted into a deep sleep, I remember feeling a single tear roll down my cheek... This day will always be remembered in my mind, as the day that everything changed...

Hey y'all!! I hope you enjoyed it!!! Again, this is my first story so I'm sorry if it's not as good. If you have any input or ideas please do let me know! I'll see you next time! Bye!!!