
I reincarnated as a bully.

This book is an original work by the author. A man reincarnates into a modern world in the body of infamous bully Jared Myers, but his memories didn’t come with him? Who was he before reincarnating? It doesn’t matter… now I am Jared and your past is a burden I have to carry, bullies want to beat me up? Bring it on, I’ll teach them a lesson, rap battles? That’s my specialty, damn, the original Jared’s personality is influencing me /// Hello readers, author here, the question you are asking yourselves, what to expect from this new novel? The world into which our MC reincarnated is a reality similar to ours, with some differences that will be explained throughout the story, he faces normal everyday problems, school, streets, gangs, fights, passions, besides that our MC will also follow a path of music, more specifically a RAPPER, it is an engaging novel that covers various topics, have fun!

Worldofimagination · Realistic
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9 Chs

New student

[Westwood High - 1st Year Classroom 18]

In the classroom, the morning unfolded with the murmur of students' voices, interrupted only by the bell signaling the start of classes. Standing at the front of the room, Mrs. Henderson addressed the students with her usual authority, immediately quieting the room.

Mrs. Henderson: "Good morning, class. We have a new student joining us today whom I'd like to introduce. Please welcome Sarah Davis."

All eyes turned to the door as a pretty young girl entered the room. Sarah had short, black hair that gently framed her face. She wore large round glasses that accentuated her expressive eyes and a captivating simplicity.

Sarah: "Hi, everyone. I'm Sarah, transferred from a school in another town. I hope to get to know all of you soon."

Sarah's voice was gentle and friendly as she timidly greeted her new classmates.

Mrs. Henderson: "Sarah, you can take that empty seat over there, please," she said, pointing towards the end of the row.

Jared, who was sitting with his arms crossed and his head lowered, was fast asleep and didn't notice Sarah's introduction, nor did he realize she sat beside him. He continued sleeping.

The teacher, noticing the situation, just sighed and decided not to interrupt the class to wake Jared at that moment, knowing it wouldn't help.

The bell finally rang, interrupting the class and causing Jared to wake suddenly. With a blink, he looked around, still groggy, noticing the presence of a new girl beside him. She had a friendly smile, seemingly about to say something when Jared muttered to himself:

"New student? This is starting to feel like a cliché webnovel... entering this time of year, she would definitely be the female lead."

Before she could start a conversation, Jared quickly got up, put his hand in his pocket, and left the classroom.

**Sarah's POV**

As Jared hurriedly left the room, Sarah watched him walk away with curiosity and a slight touch of disappointment. She hadn't expected a warm reception, but Jared's indifference caught her off guard.

"Maybe he's just having a bad day?" Sarah sighed softly, adjusting her glasses.

"Hey, you're the new student, right?"

Sarah turned to see who it was and saw a group of girls walking towards her.

"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah," Sarah replied with a shy smile.

The other girls quickly introduced themselves, and soon the conversation flowed animatedly. They talked about their classes, teachers, and the peculiarities of Westwood High.

After a while, the topic shifted to Jared. One of the girls grimaced at the mention of his name.

"You're unlucky to sit next to him, Sarah," she warned with a tone of caution. "Jared has a bad reputation around here. They say he's a bit of a bully."

Sarah furrowed her brow slightly. She didn't know what to think about Jared, but decided to listen to the girls.

"It's true," another girl agreed, shaking her head. "I've heard stories that he's been in some fights and it's best not to mess with him."

"Did you know Jared supposedly knocked over an entire locker in a fight with a student from another school?" one of the girls said, her eyes widening.

"It's true, and he has a secret collection of sharp knives hidden in his backpack," another girl whispered.

Sarah blinked, surprised at how quickly rumors had turned into such exaggerated stories.

"That sounds a bit extreme, doesn't it?" Sarah tried to keep a light tone.

The girls exchanged glances and laughed, noticing Sarah's reaction.

"They're probably exaggerating a bit," one admitted, laughing. "But it's true that he's quite closed off and has a somewhat intimidating reputation around here."

Sarah nodded, processing the information. She thanked the girls for the warning but decided she would form her own opinion about Jared when she got to know him.

"Thanks for letting me know," Sarah said, maintaining a friendly smile. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Come on, let me show you the cafeteria," one of the girls said as she pulled her along.

**Jared's POV**

Jared was in the cafeteria, quietly enjoying his lunch away from the hustle and bustle of other students. He preferred these moments of solitude where he could eat without being bothered.

"Achoo!" Jared sniffled, rubbing his nose.

"I wonder who's talking shit about me now?" Jared muttered to himself, with a half-cynical smile. He was used to the rumors and gossip circulating about him.


The end of the class passed without major incidents. Jared, who had spent most of the time looking out the window and pretending to pay attention, was relieved to hear the sound of the bell signaling the end of classes.

As he packed his things into his backpack, he reflected on the past few days. It had been a week since he woke up in this world.

Today, however, Jared had an important decision to make. He needed a job, something that would give him purpose and money, he couldn't leave it all in his mother's back, decided and confident he left looking for independence!


Some time later, Jared walked down the street, kicking a can on the ground and muttering under his breath. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky orange and purple. He was frustrated and tired. He had spent the entire afternoon looking for a job, but without success.

"Damn, it's unbelievable," Jared grumbled, kicking the can again. "All these stores with 'Now Hiring' signs and no one needs help? Are they taking me for a fool?"

He felt like he was trapped in a cruel joke. Every place he entered, people looked at him with disdain or discomfort, quickly stating they didn't need anyone at the moment.

The frustration he had accumulated over the past week was starting to weigh on him. Jared stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath to try to calm down. He looked around, seeing the city lights beginning to come on as street traffic dwindled.

"I need a better plan," he muttered to himself, trying to think of alternatives. Maybe he could try something online or look for jobs that weren't as visible. Either way, he knew he couldn't give up. Finding a job was essential for him to establish himself.

Chat Corner

Reader-Kun: How can the MC sleep when a beauty is right next to him?

\(>︣ . <᷅) < p>

Author-Sama: Poor Reader-Kun, let me tell you. The MC is absolutely right! That's how you win over girls. (¬‿¬)

Reader-Kun: Tell me more, Author-sama! (¬‿¬)

Author-Sama: It's simple, women's minds work differently from men's — they want you to show them that you're the alpha in the relationship. The more you ignore them, the more they'll fall for you! Buahahahah (>‿◠)✌

Reader-Kun: Wow, Author-sama, if it weren't for you I'd never know! Thanks for your teachings!

Author's Girlfriend: WHAT!

Author-Sama: It was Reader-Kun who said it! ☜ ( ͡' ₃ ͡')