
I reincarnated as a bully.

This book is an original work by the author. A man reincarnates into a modern world in the body of infamous bully Jared Myers, but his memories didn’t come with him? Who was he before reincarnating? It doesn’t matter… now I am Jared and your past is a burden I have to carry, bullies want to beat me up? Bring it on, I’ll teach them a lesson, rap battles? That’s my specialty, damn, the original Jared’s personality is influencing me /// Hello readers, author here, the question you are asking yourselves, what to expect from this new novel? The world into which our MC reincarnated is a reality similar to ours, with some differences that will be explained throughout the story, he faces normal everyday problems, school, streets, gangs, fights, passions, besides that our MC will also follow a path of music, more specifically a RAPPER, it is an engaging novel that covers various topics, have fun!

Worldofimagination · Realistic
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9 Chs

Home sweet home

Finally, when Jared left school, he felt a slight relief as he breathed in the fresh air outside.

As he walked towards the bus stop, Jared noticed the faces of other students passing by, some looking curiously, others indifferent.

From his fragmented memories, Jared knew exactly how to get home. He walked through the familiar streets until he reached a simple house where he lived with his mother, Lucia. They lived in a poor and modest neighborhood on the outskirts of town.

Entering the house, he recognized the familiar surroundings. The house was small, with simple furniture and a welcoming atmosphere despite its limitations.

The relationship between Jared and Lucia was marked by deep affection. Even though Jared was seen by others as a kind of villain, he had always been extremely close to his mother. He was a typical filial son, one of his best qualities.

When he arrived home, he noticed no one was there; his mother was probably still working. She worked as a domestic helper in some local households to support the family, and Jared knew how hard she worked to make ends meet.

Upon entering the house, Jared went straight to his room, a modest space with few pieces of furniture and simple decoration. He turned on their old computer, an outdated model but still functional enough for his basic needs. Without a cellphone, the computer was his main source of internet access and connection to the outside world.

As the operating system loaded slowly, Jared pondered the oddity of his situation. Once connected, he began to do some research, trying to understand more about the world he was now in. The first thing he noticed was the difference in musical tastes: artists and bands he had never heard of before were topping the charts. Names like Faye Morrow and The Stardust Collective dominated playlists, replacing the musicians he knew from his old world.

In addition to music, Jared noticed significant changes in the types of popular entertainment. Series and movies that had never existed in his old world were widely discussed online. Titles like "Echoes of Eternity" and "The Crimson Sky" frequently appeared in conversations and articles he read.

He also noticed the absence of social media platforms that had previously been predominant. Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube had been replaced by completely different social networks like SnapWave, Streamly, and VibeSphere. The ways of creating and consuming content had changed drastically, leaving Jared confused about how everything worked.

As he explored further, Jared realized the differences went beyond entertainment. In this world, there had always been only one spoken language, with no borders between countries, promoting integration across continents and regions. Advanced technologies and new consumer habits were changing society in ways he did not recognize. The world seemed both familiar and strange to him.

Jared continued to browse the internet, trying to piece together the puzzle of this new world he found himself in.

As he surfed the internet, Jared had a moment of inspiration. Could he use the knowledge from his old world to make money here? He considered the possibility of bringing famous music, movies, manga, and anime from his previous life to this new world. The idea seemed promising.

However, reality soon set in. "I'm no genius," he thought, frustrated. He knew he didn't remember all the songs or precise details of the manga and anime he knew. The information he had was vague and fragmented, insufficient to accurately recreate the works from his old world.

Sitting in front of the computer, Jared sighed deeply. The idea of using his knowledge to make money seemed less viable with each passing moment. He would have to find another way to adapt and thrive in this new reality, even if it meant starting from scratch and learning everything anew.

"Damn, those novels and romances lied to me," he murmured to himself with an ironic smile. "The protagonists always manage to live a comfortable life just with memories from their past life. Where are the music contracts and publishing deals when I need them?"

Jared dropped the subject and took a shower, trying to clear his mind and relax. Looking at himself in the mirror, he saw the face that was now his.

The reflection showed a tall young black man, with a good figure, neither skinny nor fat. Something to note are his teeth, which are surprisingly white, contrasting with his dark skin. As he took off his shirt, he noticed a few tattoos that he hadn't noticed before, hidden by the blouse he was wearing; it was a typical tribal form that stretched from the shoulder to the elbow, forming geometric designs that intertwine, another on the chest and right arm.

With the hot water running over him, Jared allowed himself a moment of peace.

After finishing his shower, Jared put on loose clothes. He went down to the kitchen and started preparing food.

Jared had always been the one who took care of meals at home, a way of showing gratitude for his mother's efforts.

As the aroma of spices filled the kitchen, Jared turned on the TV for some company. The news was about how the bullying rate in schools was increasing and blah blah blah.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the door opening and saw his mother coming in. She was a woman with a welcoming smile and eyes full of tenderness, with black hair that was now starting to show silver strands.

"Mom." Jared exclaimed, turning with a smile as she approached.

His mother returned the smile. "Hi, my Jay," she replied, going to hug him.

Since he was little, his mother gave him this nickname, and only she called him that.

"Hmm, looks like we're having a feast tonight! What's Chef Jay preparing?"

Jared with a corner smile "You know I always put in effort when you're home, mom. I'm trying to impress."

"I hope the impression doesn't involve any new incidents at school today. Any trouble to tell me about?" Said Lucia suspiciously

She had always had to worry about her son in matters of behavior; he was an angel at home and with her, but at school, he had always had complaints. But deep down, she knows her Jay has a good heart.

Jared shrugged, sighing. "Nothing you need to worry about, Mom."

"Jared, you need to understand that your actions have consequences. I don't want any more calls from school."

"I know, Mom. I don't need any more lectures; I'm already grown up."

"They're not lectures, they're mother's concerns. I just want the best for you, and for me, you'll always be my little Jay." Lucia said, hands on her waist

Jared knew he couldn't win against his mother in arguments, so he could only sigh, "I know, Mom. I'll try to be more careful."

Lucia put her hand on his, "That's all I ask, my son. Now, shall we finish dinner together?"

Jared nodded in agreement and went back to preparing the food. His mother started to help, cutting vegetables and setting the table. They talked about various topics, from her workday to Jared's classes.

When the food was ready, they sat down at the table and started eating. The conversation flowed naturally, ranging from trivial subjects to childhood memories.

After dinner, they cleaned up the kitchen together, each taking a task. When everything was clean, Jared stretched, feeling the tiredness of the day. He said goodbye to his mother with a hug and went to his room. Lying down on the bed, Jared fell asleep quickly; it had been a long time since he had such a good sleep.




Conversation Corner

Reader-Kun: So the MC is a mommy's boy? (っ^▿^)

Author-Sama: Don't say that about our MC! He respects his mom, that's different! (ง'̀-'́)ง

Reader-Kun: Okay, but explain this new world to me properly, I still don't get it.

Author-Sama: It's actually quite simple. We're in a completely normal world, no powers or anything like that, but many things have changed, including entertainment. It was to be expected! We're in another world where different people exist, and among other changes, there are no country divisions here; everyone speaks just one native language, and the world is divided by continents, regions, or cities. ✍(◔◡◔)

Reader-Kun: B-but what about music and entertainment? Is the MC going to bring that to this new world? It's a big opportunity for him to make some serious money!! (ง'̀-'́)ง

Author-Sama: Shhh, keep quiet! They're watching us. /˚,˚\

Reader-Kun: W-who? \(°︣ . °᷅)/

Author-Sama: (>'o')> Copyrights.