
I reincarnated as a bully.

This book is an original work by the author. A man reincarnates into a modern world in the body of infamous bully Jared Myers, but his memories didn’t come with him? Who was he before reincarnating? It doesn’t matter… now I am Jared and your past is a burden I have to carry, bullies want to beat me up? Bring it on, I’ll teach them a lesson, rap battles? That’s my specialty, damn, the original Jared’s personality is influencing me /// Hello readers, author here, the question you are asking yourselves, what to expect from this new novel? The world into which our MC reincarnated is a reality similar to ours, with some differences that will be explained throughout the story, he faces normal everyday problems, school, streets, gangs, fights, passions, besides that our MC will also follow a path of music, more specifically a RAPPER, it is an engaging novel that covers various topics, have fun!

Worldofimagination · Realistic
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Battle of Rhyme

Jared was on his way home, kicking stones along the path, when he noticed a crowd gathering in a nearby square. Initially, he thought it might be some kind of argument or protest, something interesting to observe. Driven by curiosity, he approached, trying to figure out what was going on.

As he got closer, he saw that the crowd was focused on an improvised stage. Two guys were at the center, each holding a microphone, while a lively announcer hyped up the crowd.

"Come on, everyone! Who's going to win this battle today?" the announcer shouted, inciting cheers and shouts from the crowd.

Jared watched with interest. The energy was contagious, and Jared was drawn to the intensity and creativity of the performances. He didn't have much experience with rap battles, but he couldn't help but admire the skill and improvisation.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's hype up this crowd! On the left side, we've got Lil' Flex! And on the right side, the unbeatable King Rhyme! Who's taking the crown today? Make some noise!"

The crowd responded with cheers and applause, excited for the showdown about to begin.

"You all want to see this battle heat up?"

"Blood!" (Crowd chant.)

The crowd responded in chorus, chanting "Blood!" enthusiastically.

"That's right, folks! No more delay, let's start this show! Lil' Flex, it's on you! Show everyone what you got!" (The announcer signaled the DJ to drop a lively beat.)

The crowd went wild as Lil' Flex took the microphone. He stepped forward.

"I'm Lil' Flex, ready for battle, I won't falter,

My rhymes are sharp, like blades, they'll cut you harder.

You want blood? I bring chaos and truth,

My words are venom, causing real pain, not aloof.

I leave you stunned, only your memory will remain,

While I reign on this stage, seizing my fame."

The crowd exploded in applause and cheers, energized by Lil' Flex's performance. He handed the microphone to King Rhyme, ready to hear his opponent's response.

"You talk about blood, but spread empty words,

My rhymes are real, cutting like sharp, cold swords.

I'm King Rhyme, royalty in this game,

My words are fire, burning you with every claim.

You want chaos? I bring storms with precision,

My rhymes are blows, leaving you in submission.

While you stumble, I dance with mastery, (pausing)

In the ring of rhyme, I am the supremacy."

The crowd went wild, applauding and cheering louder than before. King Rhyme handed the microphone back.

Even Jared, standing in a corner a bit away, felt like shouting or saying: "you're going to let this guy say this to your face?" He didn't know, but he was excited.

"And there you have it, folks! What a battle that was, huh? Are you ready for more? Let's raise the roof for round two! On the left side, we have Lil' Flex, and on the right side, the unbeatable King Rhyme! Who's going to show who's boss here today? Make some noise!"

The crowd responded with a deafening roar, showing their enthusiasm for the continuation of the battle.

"So, who do you think had the upper hand in the first round?"

"King Rhyme!" (Crowd chanting his name)

The vote was clear, with the majority backing King Rhyme as the winner of the first round.

"That's right! King Rhyme dominated the first round, but we've still got more to come! Let's start the second round with him attacking first! King Rhyme, it's your turn! Show the crowd what you got!"

King Rhyme confidently took the microphone, ready to challenge Lil' Flex with his rhymes, while interacting with the audience to intensify the atmosphere.

"I see you, Lil' Flex, trying to shine with weak, gasless rhymes, (Pointing at Lil')

But I'll show you how a true king of this game climbs.

You call yourself Flex, but really, you're just a wannabe,

While I reign here, you're just a zero, a nobody.

Your verses are empty, like your substanceless pride,

I'm the master of this arena, your insignificance is my stride.

So brace yourself, because I came to destroy your reign,

Lil' Flex, better kneel, 'cause here only the King is crowned. (At this point, the crowd was shouting.)

Listen up, Lil' Flex, you're just a rookie with no voice,

You try to face me, but you're just a player with no choice.

You talk about flex, but your presence here is all fuss,

While I shine like the sun, you're just a bust.

Do you think he has a chance? I'm sorry, but no chance,

Even with all this noise, he can't touch my stance."

I am the king, the true MC who drives this crowd insane,

And you, Lil' Flex, are just another one who's going to fall without even realizing it."

The audience was increasingly ecstatic, absorbing every word of King Rhyme with deafening applause and cheers. The presenter, seeing the intensity of the battle, took the opportunity to further increase the drama.

"(Dramatically raising his voice) There you have it, folks! King Rhyme dominated tonight with his sharp rhymes and unmatched style! King takes the victory today by 2-0. Let's make some noise for our champion!"

The crowd exploded in applause and cheers of support, recognizing King Rhyme as the undisputed winner of the battle.

King Rhyme, with a satisfied smile, thanked the audience for their energy.

King Rhyme: "Thank you all! This victory is for you, who support and inspire me every day. And a shoutout to Lil' Flex, who brought his best today. Let's continue to elevate the culture of rhymes!"

With that, the rap battle came to an end, with King Rhyme crowned as the night's champion.