
The Day I Left You

A rebirth of the two eternal lovers who don't believe that fate exist......she could do anything for her family. He could everything for power and money. Everything was perfect in her life but little did she know, she was untying memories of her past life. He is a savior in disguise but deep down he has a secret that only he knows about. Destiny is planning to play with them. Will it bring them together ?Or will it always be what it was--hate?

Lindal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

A splendid hangout

Cassandra had almost forgotten the purpose of coming here. She coughed, trying to catch their attention. " Umm.. Can we? " she said, looking at Abigail.

" Oh yeah, we have a date, don't we? " She grinned, hugging Cassandra.

" Y-You are..? " Alexander clutched his hand against his chest with a fake cry.

" Get the J-O-K-E bruh. "

" Fine fine, go and enjoy your DATE" he said, shoving her.

" Let's have a word later." He whispered in Cassandra's ears as she left. She was sure he would ask about her arrival at the station and was prepared for the worst considering his temper.

" I'm super hungry. I know a good restaurant. Let's have a feast! "

" Considering how energetic you are, I'm sure we are in need of a feast. " She said with a chuckle as she beamed.

They went into a fancy restaurant and sat down near a window. The waiter came in to collect their orders.

" One chicken confit and? " Abigail gave her order and looked towards Cassandra.

" A Cassoulet please."

" Excellent choice ladies, your order will be right away." The waiter said, taking his orders and went towards the counter.

" Isn't this place nice? A fancy, not so fancy restaurant. It has always been my favorite." She said, looking out of the window while people were busy with their daily life chores.

" Indeed it is. It's quite a welcoming type. Oh, something fell off." She said and bent down to pick it up. " A pocket watch? "

" Haha.. yeah I use it. Better than digitals, you know." She took it back and before Cassandra could ask more questions she diverted the topic. " So what's the matter? You called me today for. "

" Umm... yeah. I wanted to know if you had ever dealt with any case related to the Bennett Mafia."

" The Bennett Mafia, you say. Hmm.. there was one that was even before I joined but the case seemed to have settled by then." Cassandra knew about the case being settled with quite a sum.

" Oh. Could you tell me more about that?"

" Apparently it was a layouting near Ergenekon. A tremor that did cost the lives of many people."

" But there was another case which I could have almost caught onto but our chief restricted us to look into it. " She added.

" What was that case about? "

" It was an old case of a car accident. It was an intended one, which was about 16 years ago. "

Cassandra was beyond shocked at the news. 16 years ago, she lost her father in an accident. She tried her best to find the culprit but it was of no use. Not even a single person helped. A young girl with her mother who was in coma and a little brother roaming around the corridors of the hospital every now and then.

She couldn't help but look into it. If, by any chance, that was the same accident, then she wouldn't sit back. Before she could ask more, their food had arrived. " Enjoy your meal! " The waiter served the food and left them.

" Bon Appetite ! " Abigail squeaked in joy, to which Cassandra smiled and continued to devour their meal, which indeed looked delicious.

" So, Abigail... Do you have any leads about that accident case which you can show me? " She asked in the middle.

" Hmm.. It's probably in the archives of the station. I can get those for you. But why dig into this case ? "

" Uh.. You know I'm working on a case with Alexander. So the case involves Bennett's. Even though I'm just a psychologist, I want to help them, not just sit back and watch the show. "

Abigail gave her a warm smile. " That's wonderful coming from you. I'll get those files. I had to go to the archives anyway. Ugh ! A new case had appeared."

" I thought detectives loved new cases every now and then." She said with a light laugh.

" There are a bunch of notorious criminals that really prick my mood. I end up having a pile of paperwork, you know." She whined.

" The confit might give you the zeal to finish your paperwork." Both laughed and had a lively moment together.

As they came out of the restaurant, Abigail decided to hang out more with her new friend. They went to a beach a little away from where they were. A splendid hangout was a perfect fit for the duo. As they ended their little merriment, Abigail thought of something more amusing for the evening.

" There's a carnival nearby. Wanna go? " She asked Cassandra, who nodded at her question.

" That's great, then lets goo.. !" She ran, pulling her.

Soon they reached the entrance of the carnival. Their jaws dropped seeing the ambiance around them. Entering the carnival was like a sensory overload.

The rides were always lit up at night, reminding them of elaborate Christmas decorations. There was different music coming from the various rides, a mix of foxtrot and the familiar melody of the carousel.

The game booths practically called to them with those gigantic stuffed animals anyone wished they could win. And the smells of the delicious fare wafting throughout the park prompted their stomachs to rumble with hunger.

They went on looking around in awe when a moment of disruption occurred with Cassandra bumping into a tall figure.

It was none other than Alexander. She was stunned to see him at the carnival. " A grumpy cat at the carnival, huh?" she mumbled.

" What? " He asked, getting closer.

" Ahaha...Fancy seeing you here Mr. Morris."

" I forgot back then, you two knew each other? " Abigail interrupted.

" By now she must have told you about the case we are working on. She is my partner in crime. " He said, leaning closer to her.

" Say what? " She glared at Alexander.

" I said partner in crime, not a pervert who likes bumping into me." He whispered in her ears, earning a few more glares from her.

" Hey, you two stop this whisper game. Haa.....it was so peaceful for me and Cassy. Oh heavens! rescue us from this bizarre mortal." Abigail whimpered in a dramatic tone.

" C-Cassy? "

" You don't like that name? Oopsie I thought Cassy was better than calling your whole big name."

" Haha.. Not that. Nobody has called me like that except for my family." Cassandra burst into an awkward laugh.

" Then from today you're Cassy and yes, call me Abi." She winked at her.

" Ladie-" Yet again Alexander's words were halted by a happy voice that made Abigail turn around. The source of the voice was from her subordinate, Harvey.

" Detective Abigail ". He came running towards Abigail.

" Oh my little lamb", She ran screaming towards him as they were engulfed in a bone-breaking hug.

" Detective Abigail, I did expect you here for sure, since you never missed them. " He squealed with delight.

" My child, we share the same brain cells." She said and turned towards Alexander. " This explains your odd arrival here? "

" What do you mean odd? I'm not a stranger to carnivals," Alexander said in annoyance.

" Look who's talking", She retorted and said." Anyways, it was girls night today but its fine since my little lamb is here."

" The more the merrier ! " This was from Harvey, who seemed to be delighted as usual.