
The Day I Hated You

When two best friends hate each other because of a misunderstanding. One has to hide his one-sided crush. When they meet each other will their life goes as smoothly as before...

Daoistavip7d · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 : College Life

College life 

I studied biology science when I was in higher secondary, so I decided to go for BSc Chemistry. PNDS college, was a great academic aided college. When I entered to the campus first day. I see many seniors standing outside to welcome freshers. I greeted them and gets inside the college. There was a big hall. I looked at the structure of the college. Three years I had to be here. I asked a senior about the first-year chemistry class, he soon showed me the way. The class was on the first floor. I thanked him and walked through the stairs. A boy came from nowhere and hits me. He turns his face and looked at me. It was Tevin. My first impression in him, arrogant. Because as soon as he hit me, he just disappeared without even telling me a sorry.

I walk fast to my class. Most of students were sitting at the class. Majority of them was girls. Boys were sitting on the back seats. I was surprised to see girls, because they just met today but already were sitting in groups and chatting. I can't be like that. I can't be friends with someone so fast. I decided to sit on the last bench. A boy from the second last bench holds my hands. I turns back. it was him the one who hit me in stairs. I didn't think we will be in same class.

"Sit near me. This seat is not taken" he tells me

"No, I can sit in the back bench, thank you" I said

He grabs me and made me sit near him. I didn't have a choice and even if I had I didn't want to make a scene on the first day. He keeps looking at me. I checked my face if something is on my face. I was annoyed by his stare.

"Why the hell are you looking at me?" I ask

"Nothing, I was just looking if you are ok" he says

 "What do you mean?" I ask

"Hey you don't remember me. I was the who hit you just before on the stairs. You forgot"

"Of course, how can I forget your face, the one who ran without even saying a sorry" I angrily said

"Hey I am sorry for that"

"Really! sorry accepted. Thank you telling me" I was so pissed with his words and sitting near him was making me even more angry.

"Hey, I am really very sorry. I was scared actually. I thought you was senior. And I heard seniors here are little tough. So, I was scared that you might hurt me. That's why I ran. Please understand me"

"So, what. You are really a pain in the ass" I look at him and says "You know, it is a basic manner to apologise. If it was a senior, he would have beaten you because of your attitude."

He didn't say anything and bends downs. I realise that I was being harsh when he was trying to be nice. "We'll let bygones be bygones". I speak. He looks at me I continued "I didn't think we was in same class. So, I was just little shock. I didn't mean to shout at you. I am sorry if my words ever offended you"

"Hey its ok you have the right to scold me. I was the one who did wrong here. I am sorry"

"You said it already. Its fine, Let's forget it" I smile and said.

"Ok" he smiles back. His smile was really cute and he smiles like an angel. He turns fully at me "well my name is Tevin"


"Not Kevin. It's Tevin. T instead of K" he says

"Ho… Tevin, Nice name"

"And what's your name"

"I am Rehaan. Nice to meet you" I say

We both stare at each other and shakes our hands on our first day. I completely didn't want to be his friend. I just want someone to talk because I don't want to be alone on my first day. But I never thought that he will become my only best friend for the three years. I couldn't deny that he has a charm that no one can ever resist. To tell the truth I never seen such a good friend in my whole life like him.

That day nothing was special. Seniors came to our class and did little raging but they were friendly. The teachers came and talked about the importance of subjects and gave us awareness. And told how lucky we are here and said many famous things about the departments and the college. I didn't know why the teachers has to talk high on themselves, before taking the class. Don't know if its lie or not. But it was so fun to listen. That sometimes I had to pretend that it was great. But when I looked at Tevin, he was opposite of me, whenever he wanted to laugh, he did that. He didn't liked teachers talking gossips so he just lay on the desk. I seems curious about Tevin so much, I was so pleased to see someone who just do whatever he like, I was sure his parents spoiled him so much.

 To be continued...