
The Day I Caught A Piece of Sky

Sakura is your average 18 year old, having just graduated highschool and about to enter her freshman year in college. The thing is... even if she herself is normal, her everyday life is anything but normal! "Mama? Sora wants a hug..." Starting from the fact that she has a four year old daughter to take care of! "Kyaaaaa~! How can you be so cute!" And she loves it! This is the story of the life of a young mom who loves her daughter with all her heart, and how she everyday strives to be a better mom for her daughter! Will she be able to become the best mom she can? We don't know, the only thing we know is... "Mama, I wuv you!!." ...that her daughter loves her just as much! Do your best, Sakura!

Asoraaaaaaaaa · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

I'm fine. I'm always fine.

There was no bell to inform us the day was over. After the last activity of the day—a free recess-like period—Ms. Alice guided us all to the gate and personally dismissed us.

"Ms. Wendy was going to dismiss you herself, but an unexpected situation came up which forced to leave early," is what she said on the way there. I don't know in which order our groups were dismissed, but they probably arranged something, as we didn't see anyone from outside our group on the way. Anyway, that brings us to the present.

"Bye Sora!"

"Bye bye!"

Outside the gate, Sora and I stand side by side in front of Achilles and Lily as we say our goodbyes. All of the other parents in our group have already left after saying their farewells, so only us four are left here. Ah, well, and Ms. Alice who's watching from afar, but let's just ignore her, she isn't relevant right now.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride home, Sakura?' Achilles has a concerned expression on his face as he looks at me. But that aside… how insistent. It's like the third time he asks me if I want a ride. I know he's probably just trying to be nice, and I appreciate the offer, really, but I just met him earlier today, you know? I might come off as paranoid or cynical, but it's our safety we're talking about here, so rather than thinking I'm paranoid, I prefer to think I'm being rational.

"No, no, we're fine, really. But thank you very much for the offer."

"Well, alright. In that case, I suppose this is goodbye for today. It was nice meeting you." Achilles extends his hand over, and I shake it with my own.

"Yeah, same here." While I still can't really put a finger on what a kind of guy he is, I can, at the very least, say he was pretty nice to me all day long, and that's already something. Don't get me wrong, the other parents in our group were nice too. Not only did they often try to start conversations with me, but also encouraged their kids to play with Sora. They even invited Sora and I to a play date next week, which I've already decided we'll attend—for a change of pace. Anyway the point is, that despite how nice they all were, Achilles is definitely the highlight of today's meetings.

Sure, he came off as a bit annoying at first, but overall he was the most friendly out of all the parent's I've met today. And he was also the one who made it easier for me to get closer to the other parents in the group, which is something I really appreciate.

"Then, I'll see you around."

"Yeah." I give a slight nod at him, to complete our farewell. Then, while quickly flashing a friendly smile at me, Achilles turned around and started telling Lily that it was time to go. Lily gave a last goodbye to Sora before following along with his dad.

"Shall we go, too?" Once Achilles and Lily are out of sight, I turn to look at Sora, who's still staring in the direction they just left in. I extend out my hand toward her, and noticing me calling out to her, she grabs it before nodding.


As I listen to her nod, I smile and pause my steps for a second. I turn my gaze toward the entrance gates of the nursery school, where Ms. Alice lies in waiting. I bow lightly at her before turning around with Sora.

"Let's go, then."

Just like that, Sora's first day at the nursery school was over, and we were finally on our way back home.

∆ ∆ ∆


"So you do remember, huh. Glad to know you left me waiting on purpose, Sakura."

Arriving at our home, the first thing that I notice is a man standing on the sidewalk beside our lawn. He brushes his golden hair backwards with her hand as an expression of sulking and exhaustion crosses his face. Though saying that, I must clarify that the man in front of me doesn't seem physically tired. No, he has the appearance of someone with physical health worthy of respect, with glowing milky white skin, no eyebags, and smooth hair that seemed carefully trimmed. His killing looks, together with his expensive looking white coat, jeans, and boots, form the perfect image of a lady killer.

Too bad his looks don't work on me.

"Uncle Rei!" The moment Sora notices him, she starts running toward her with all her might, though she has a bit of trouble due to having her backpack on.

"Hey, kiddo. How've you been, huh?" The guy, who has had his hands in his pockets, immediately brings them out and picks up my charging little girl with ease, holding her in her arms. Geez, I sometimes get really jealous when Sora acts like that with him. I mean she does that with me too, but…you know.

…Huh? You don't? W-Well, that doesn't matter right now, does it? L-Let's instead just get to the introduction. This guy right here is Rei, and even though Sora calls him 'Uncle Rei,' he isn't my brother. Rather, he is actually my one and only friend—my childhood friend, to be more precise. We are the same age, went to the same school from kindergarten all the way to high school, and met a long, long time ago, so long—in fact—that I can't even remember exactly when it happened. Our parents were friends, so for as long as I can remember, Rei's always been there with me; I'm sure it's the same for him.

"Where did you take your mother today, kiddo?"


"School, huh... I remember those days. Did you have fun?" Despite having a naturally blunt and cold way of talking, his voice still manages to somehow transmit a sense of warmth. Don't get me wrong, with 'cold' I don't mean that he has a deep voice. Rather, he has the voice you'd expect from an energetic anime protagonist, or your average gentle and handsome male lead. The thing is that the way he says what he wants to say—his tone, his body language, his everything—always comes off as…uninterested, or sometimes even rude. It's not intentional, that's just the way he talks, that's all.

It has always been that way; I actually remember that back in school, some kids used to pick fights with him every time they talked, because they thought they were being looked down on. They all ended up beaten to a pulp, though. As expected, those petty little boys, who wanted to protect their 'honor and pride' and show off to the girls in our class, were no match for Rei, the top student of the martial arts class. It was an extra class—or you can also call it club—that we enrolled in during elementary and middle school, 'cause we were bored. I sucked, but Rei was genius-levels amazing at it. It's a shame he decided to quit.

Anyway, even though there were kids who antagonized him, not everybody hated the way he spoke. As we entered middle school and high school, flocks, and I mean FLOCKS of girls started approaching him because they thought he was a 'cool beauty,' just because of the way he spoke—even when he didn't act cool AT ALL during the day in any other way. It got to the point that there was a time in which Rei and I were eating lunch in the cafeteria, and there was this one girl who yelled at him, 'PLEASE! TREAT ME AS DIRT!' It was so funny that I nearly choked with my water. Well, at least for me, because Rei didn't take it as well, and so replied by throwing a burrito at her face.

Haaaah…good times…ahem, enough reminiscing.

"Nn! I made a friend!" Sora replies to his question by waving her hands high in the air in excitement.

"Hooh, that's great. You know, I used to have a friend too! But there was a time she made plans with me, and then left me waiting for an hour…. Things were never the same after that." Rei sneakily sends a glance at me even when he is smiling at Sora.

…Now that's a low kick, you jerk. I mean, it's true that I maaaaaay have forgotten that you and I were supposed to go tour our new college about an hour ago, but still!

"Oh, is that so? I'm sad to hear that. She must've been a wonderful person if she was willing to put up with being your friend. I'm honestly sad that you let her go for such a petty reason." Before you say anything, I'm aware I'm in the wrong here, and that he isn't being petty by all means. I was the one who forgot our appointment, after all, and he has every right to be mad. The thing is…that he isn't.

"Oh, no, not at all. Don't worry, she wasn't even that good of a friend. After all, she was rude, disrespectful, and—"

"—'Kay! 'kay! I get it! I get it! I'm sorry, alright?! I went to drop Sora off at the nursery as planned, but they invited all parents to come in, so I had no choice, and I forgot to text you. My bad." I raise my hands as if in surrender, and he starts smirking at me. Tch. What a smug face. But well, we can't keep this childish exchange forever; somebody has to act mature in this situation, right? And if it ain't gonna be him, then I must be the one to step up, obviously. Yup, I'm tooootally not making excuses just because I couldn't think of a good reply to what he said. Yup. There's no way that's the case.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped if that's what happened. I suppose I can forgive you this one time." Tch, you presumptuous fuck. I should be one who's mad. How long has it been since you've come visit us, huh?! Sora misses you, and…well, I kind of feel lonely too when you suddenly stop coming over. But there's no way in hell I'm ever saying that to your face.

"Well, anyway, do you still want to go?"

"Can't we move it to tomorrow? My social battery ran out at the nursery school, and I really want to just stay home for the rest of the day." And also, today wasn't a tour with a guide, planned by the college, or anything like that. It would've just been us walking around to familiarize ourselves with the layout and stuff, so there's not really a need for it to be today.

"Sure. Our first day's Thursday, anyway, so there's no need to rush." Great, I knew he'd understand.

"Thanks." I make my way past him as I take my keys from my pocket. After sliding the correct one into the key-hole and turning it, I look back at Rei and Sora with one of my hands on the knob.

"Wanna come in?"

"Nn! Nn!" Baby, I know I was looking at both of you, but you live here, so that question wasn't really for you… meh, whatever, she looks cute raising her hand high in the air, so who cares.

"'Kay, you pretty girl there! You can come in! How about you, filthy-rich looking gentleman?!" I start pointing at both of them as if I was some showman. Sora laughs and claps as she says, "Yay! Yay!"

"Y-You're talking about me?" Rei, in the meantime, reacts to the rich-looking gentleman's comment and plays along, pointing at himself and turning his head to both sides while acting confused.

"Yes, you! Aren't you filthy rich, good sir?!"

"I-I guess I am! T-Then, can I come in?"

"Of course! We may not want any more visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations, but we always welcome possible investors!" With a wide swing and turn of my arm, I turn the door completely open and hold it for them to come in, which they do a few seconds later. And that's the end of our little skit. It was short and unexpected, but well, it's these kinds of things that make life suck a little less, right?

"Pardon the intrusion." Rei can read my thoughts pretty well, so he also cuts the play short and excuses himself into the living room along with Sora. I take off my coat and follow behind him, dropping it on the couch. I see him struggling on whether he should also drop his own coat there.

"Just drop your coat wherever, you know I don't care too much about that kind of thing." Some people might be too strict about order, cleaning, and whatnot, but I'm pretty chill in that respect. Don't get me wrong, I do hate seeing my house made a mess, but a coat or two lying on the couch is not going to turn my world upside down.

"...Yeah, thanks." Hm? What was that pause for? Wait, now's not the time to think about that, he's doing it! In order to take off his coat, he has to let Sora on the floor, and in that moment…I quickly walk past him and pick Sora up in his place. I cuddle her in my arms as Rei freezes halfway through the process of taking off his coat, staring at me in disbelief. Hmph! What do you look so shocked for, huh?! She's mine! I may have lent her to you for a sec, but she's my baby!

"Haaaah…" Hah?! What's up with that look of exasperation on your face?! I'm just recharging my Sora energy, what's wrong with that?!

"...You know, Sakura…When you act all adult-ish and stuff, it really makes me reflect a lot on how much things have changed since we were kids. Back then, you couldn't even greet me properly whenever I came over to play. You just either stuttered, or simply sticked out tour tongue at me and refused to meet me." Don't listen to him! He's lying! Such a thing has never happened!

"It does make me a bit sad, somehow, seeing you act all grown up. I mean, I know it's a positive change, but I feel it's like when they update your favorite game's textures. You know the new ones are objectively better, but even so can't help but miss the old ones. That's how I feel whenever I see you be the adult—the parent—you are." He sits on the couch's armrest, with his elbows on his legs, and his hands together. He is staring at the ground, but I can see a lonely smile spread across his face. He then turns to look at me while I tightly hug Sora.

"....But then I see you act like this… as petty and possessive as you've always been. While seeing you like this does make me think, 'she's seriously hopeless,' it also just…I dunno, makes me glad to see that some things never change." There's a second of silence as he stares at me with a nostalgic expression.

"...Are you okay? You seem to be strangely thoughtful today…Did you eat something bad? Wait, you aren't terminally ill or something, right?! No, before that, who are you calling 'petty' and 'possessive,' huh?! I'm not petty!"

"So you admit you are possessive."

"Tch, shut up! That's not the point!"

"What? I can't even try saying something deep for once? Ah, that's right, I forgot that in addition to possessive, you're also controlling. Haaah, what a troublesome person, to be honest." He sighs as he facepalms. Sora imitates him in a funny way, facepalming but with both of her hands. I was about to say something to him, but…Hmph! I'll forgive your extremely rude comments this time, just because you made Sora do something cute. But there won't be a second time, you jerk!

"Come on, Sakura, I might die if you keep glaring at me like that. Haven't I told you before? That you have some pretty evil eyes?" Yes you have! It's thanks to you that I now have an awful lot of confidence in my glare, as a matter of fact!

"Never mind that, will you really not tell me what's going on?" I say in a somewhat concerned tone. What can I say? He might be an asshole, but he is my sole friend; I guess I could spare a bit of my mental power in thinking about a way to solve his problem—if he has one.

"Well, it's just that, my sister just came back to move in with us." Rei has a twin sister that I've never met. When they were eight or so, their parents separated, and so his sister moved away with their mother to another city, and Rei remained here with their father. When they were fifteen, their parents got back together, and so the plan was for her sister and mother to move back in with them at that time. However, she refused to leave the high school she was enrolled in in the other city, and thus stayed there living with an aunt on their mother's side. And well, It seems that after three years she's finally back.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It is, but…she's so different from what I remember." Ah… so that's why he said all that stuff about things that change and never change. It's sometimes hard to cope with the fact that somebody isn't who you thought they were any longer; I understand it way too well. "The way she acts, the way she talks, the way she looks, everything seems different."

"In that case, don't you just need to meet her again, as if from scratch? And well, even if you think she's changed, she's still your sister." I know what I'm saying is stupid, 'kay? I'm not the best at giving advice.

"...Yeah…you do have a point. I guess I'll talk with my sister." Even if I'm not the best, Rei still puts his hand on his chin as if he's thinking about it.

"?!?! Uncle Rei has a sis?!" Just in that moment, Sora's eyes start sparkling; it seems she finally understands a tiny bit of what we're talking about.

"That's right." Rei approaches and messes up Sora's hair with his hand.

"Mama, Sora wants a sis too!" While Sora turns to look at me with hopeful eyes, I go ahead and die inside a bit. I'm sorry, baby…even if I wanted to, giving you a sister is a bit too complicated. I can't even picture myself getting in a relationship with anyone, and that's usually the very first step in…well, you know, the baby making process. Not only that, but I'm also not really eager to go through the whole pregnancy process once again. Those months, followed by the literal act of giving birth were like hell to me. Sora doesn't know the magnitude of what she's asking for, but I do, and I don't really know what to say. It's a…complicated question to answer when you're me.

"C'mon, kiddo. Don't be unreasonable." While racking my brains thinking what to say, Rei, who was previously silently dying from laughter in the corner of my eye, seems to notice that I'm seriously struggling, and comes to save me. "Your mom is already doing her very best trying to take care of you, so let's not push her too much."

"Hm…Nn. Mama, sorry…" She seems a bit disappointed, but nods nonetheless as she leans her head on my shoulder with an apologetic expression.

"Don't apologize for this," it's my fault. Everything's my fault.

…What? Why is there concern in your eyes as you look at me, Rei?

I'm fine.

I'm always fine.

Isn't that right, me?

That's right, me.