
The Day I Caught A Piece of Sky

Sakura is your average 18 year old, having just graduated highschool and about to enter her freshman year in college. The thing is... even if she herself is normal, her everyday life is anything but normal! "Mama? Sora wants a hug..." Starting from the fact that she has a four year old daughter to take care of! "Kyaaaaa~! How can you be so cute!" And she loves it! This is the story of the life of a young mom who loves her daughter with all her heart, and how she everyday strives to be a better mom for her daughter! Will she be able to become the best mom she can? We don't know, the only thing we know is... "Mama, I wuv you!!." ...that her daughter loves her just as much! Do your best, Sakura!

Asoraaaaaaaaa · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Achilles, you damn son of a—

"I'm Sora's mother." The moment I say that, Ms. Alice's eyes start to evaluate me from head to toe.

Yup, she's definitely trying to guess my age right now, mhm, I've seen that gaze before. Sora's almost four years old, and clearly looks that age, and in my case, I've always had a baby face that makes me look younger than I actually am. So, even in the best case scenario that Ms. Alice actually guessed my age, she would still reach the conclusion that Sora was born when I was 14, which is pretty messed up, if I do say so myself.

Come on, at that age your worst worry should be thinking about how bad you will get scolded for failing a test, not about how your little baby is crying nonstop, and you just can't seem to soothe her.

…What can I say? I still haven't recovered from those hellish, sleepless nights, courtesy of the angel clinging to my leg right now.

"...Ms. Alice?"

"Ah, p-please go on in, Ms. Saeki." I can only smile awkwardly when receiving this kind of gaze. The way Ms. Alice is looking at me right now is just how people who learn of my situation always do. There's always pity, disappointment, or sometimes even disgust in their eyes. I'm used to it by now, but…it still bothers me a bit. I'm human, you know? I have feelings.

That's why I didn't really state who I was until the situation grew too complicated. I can somehow manage how people look at me, but that's not the case for Sora. I don't want people to treat her differently just because of me. But… I can't do anything about it. I can't change how society works.

That's why I initially wanted to pass off as Sora's sister, but Ms. Alice said I wouldn't be able to go in if that was the case. Why didn't I just let her go in by herself, then? Well, that's because she has a mother, and she has the right to have her by her side today just as much as any other kid.

Even if this Mom of hers is ridiculous in many ways.

"Yes, thank you." I simply smile at the still bewildered Ms. Alice, and walk past the gate into the installations with Sora's hand on my own.

"Ah…yes…" I feel the teacher's gaze on my back as we walk off, but I ignore her and start looking around the place. There is a single-floored blue building in front of us. It looks very well maintained, with large windows from which a lobby-like room can be seen. But that isn't what's catching my girl's attention as we walk through the stone floor that reaches until the entrance.

To our right, in a square area of grass, there is a playground area filled to the brim with equipment that also seems to be in good condition. There are slides, merry-go-rounds, a sand box, and some big yellow structures in the form of houses, bridges, and many other things.

"Oooh look, baby, there are a lot of kids here! Do you want to go play with them?" We should still have about 20 minutes before we all get called inside the building. I think that's enough time for Sora to go and start making friends.

"...Mm…" Hmm… although Sora doesn't look really excited about making friends. She's a bit shy by nature, and it's also going to more or less be her first time interacting with kids her age, so it makes sense she's nervous.

"C'mon sweetie, don't make that face." I crouch down in front of her, and lightly pinch her cheek to try to make her chuckle. "I know you're scared, but how do you feel about giving it a chance? Who knows, you could end up liking the kids here. And even if you don't, that's fine too. Mama will be waiting here for you if you need me, 'kay?"

"Hm...okay..." She still doesn't seem convinced, but at least it looks like she's willing to give it a chance. If she doesn't like it, then I have no intention of forcing her to do it again, but she should at least try it once.

"That's my girl." I bring my face close, and rub our noses together with a smile.


"Go get'em, baby." I take her backpack from her, and hang it over my shoulder as I stand up.

"Nn!" She nods as she looks up at me before running toward the playground zone.

"Be careful!" Wawawa, she won't fall while running, right?! The ground is stone! Stone! That's no joke! She could break a bone if she fell here!

I control my worries until I see her successfully reach a group of girls playing around a slide.

Awww, look at her go! I can't listen to what they're saying over there, but after what seems like a few words, Sora and the girls start to laugh with one another and start playing together. Phew, that's a relief. It's good to know she's better than me in this aspect.

"Hmm?" While being proud of her, I notice Sora looking back at me with a smile, as if to say, "I did it!" Fufufu, she sure looks excited now. I wave at her while giggling.

Ah! She's waving back! What a cutie! Hmm? Wait, the rest of the girls are also waving at me now? Why?! W-Well, it doesn't matter. Just smile and wave, Sakura, that's all you gotta do.

Kyaaaa~! Sora just went down the slide! She looks so cute when she's having fun!

"They grow up so quickly, don't they?" A voice calls out to me from my right.

Urgh… why is it that when I'm having a pleasant time by myself, there is always a person who thinks it's a good idea to start a conversation with me? I don't get it.

Like really, why is it that there's some people like this guy right here who sees me by myself and thinks, 'Oh, she looks lonely, I should go up to her and strike up a conversation!' Like holy fuck, NO! Don't do that! It's just annoying!

"...They do." I reply awkwardly. Urgh. Can't you just go away so I can go back to looking at my girl playing with her first friends ever?

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Achilles." Yeah, yeah, whatever, I don't...huh? Wait. Nonononono, there's no way your name is actually Achilles. Like, really? Are you for real?

"Hahaha, I know, I know. It's a weird name. Everybody says so." No, I wasn't going to say that. I mean, it is a weird name, but what I really wanted to ask was if you'd go away if I kicked you in the heel.

…Okay, that was a bad joke, I get it, you don't have to look at me like that. I'm giving it my best trying to be entertaining, 'kay?

"My name is Sakura. And… well, I wouldn't say you have a weird name. Although, it is the first time I've met an Achilles, that's for sure." I flash a friendly smile and shake the hand of this random guy. I mean, I don't wanna talk to him, but if he's here, that means he's a parent, and that means it'd be a good idea to keep a friendly relationship with him. Yeah, I'm not going to be blatantly disrespectful just because I don't wanna talk to the guy.

Here's a tip for all parents: don't go around making enemies out of everyone you meet. It should be the other way around, try to make friends out of everyone you can, 'cause if someone doesn't like you, odds are that they won't like your kid either. And what did the kid do to deserve that? Nothing.

So be nice! Be friendly! Smile!

…Even if it's annoying.

"Hahaha, is that so?" Of course that's so. Do you really think it's common to meet a guy named Achilles? A yuri anime would get a second season before I ever get to meet another guy with that name. What? I'm just stating facts. We all know they never get second seasons.

"...Which one's yours?" Trying to change the conversation about his name, I point at the playground with my face. Sora's now playing tag with her new friends there, running all around the place.

Haaaaaah… I hope she doesn't—WAWAWAWA she just fell?! Is she oka—Ah?! She just stood up again as if nothing ever happened?! She's laughing as she dusts her clothes off?! …I don't know if I should be worried about whether she got injured somewhere, or amazed at how tough she seems to be.

"Hahaha, before that, I guess that girl with black hair over there is yours?"

"...Yes. What gave me away?" I reply without taking my sight off Sora.

"Hahaha, well, you looked very panicked a moment ago when she fell." Urgh, don't say it like that, it's embarrassing.

C'mon, now's your turn, Mr. Achilles. Kukuku, I wanna see what kind of greek mythological warrior you have as a chil—

"Mine's that redhead girl your daughter is playing with." …Ahem. What I meant to say was, that I was eager to see which kind of pretty princess you'd have as your daughter. Yup. I tooootally wasn't making fun of him for having a weird ass name. Nonono. No way.

"She looks lovely." Sora's much more lovely though.

"Hahaha, thank you. Your daughter seems like a very good girl, too." Hah, but of course! She's my daughter, after all! There's no way the likes of Medusa would beat my girl.

…Okay, maybe that was a bit too mean. Let's secretly apologize to her, 'kay?

"...Thank you very much. I hope they can be good friends." I flash my friend Achilles a smile, hoping to leave a good impression on him.

"I hope so as well." Good, he smiled back. That's a good sign, right? I think I managed to leave a good impression on him.

"...You seem like quite the funny person, you know?"

…Funny? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Just so you're aware, I know your weak point, dude, don't mess with me, I'll kick you.

"Hahaha… No, not at all." I laugh awkwardly.

"You seem to be very young. Could it be that you are one of those people whose appearance ages slower than others'?"

"...I guess. I do hear that a lot." Yup, let's just leave it at that.

"Oh, how lucky for you! Look at me, I'm not even that old, and time is already taking a toll on me, hahaha." Urgh, I hate this type of conversation. Like, what should I say here?! 'Yeah, you look pretty old,' or something?! As if! You damn old geezers, always with your tricky questions!

"Don't be so harsh on yourself."

"Oh, how kind of you."

"No, not at al—"

"Excuse me, may I have your attention for a moment?" A voice interrupts my boot lic—ahem, my… friendly conversation. This guy and I, along with everyone else around us, turn to look at the source of the voice.

"Dear parents, my name's Ms. Wendy, I'm Sunshine's principal." Ah, I hadn't mentioned it before, but this place's name is Sunshine Nursery School. Just making sure we're on the same page.

"We are about to begin, so if you could please come inside with your children?" She's…old. Like, not dinosaur age old, but she's still definitely the oldest person I've seen today. She has gray hair, and is quite tall, she should easily be at least one head above my own.

"Mama~! I'm back!" Baby girl~! Come to Mama! Sora hugs my legs as soon as she reaches me.

"Did you have fun, baby?" I pat her head while she smiles at me.

"Nn! Nn!"

"Hahaha, you sure are loved." Ah? You're still here, Mr. Achilles? I thought you had already gone inside. What a pity.

"Daddy! Come on! Come on! Let's go, let's go!" Oh, so that's one of Sora's new friends? She looks…quite lively. She's also quite pretty, with fiery red hair tied in pigtails.

"Sakura, this is my daughter…Medusa." Yes, of course, Medu…eh?

…Ain't no fucking way. Nonono, there's no fucking way you actually named her that. I turn to look at the girl in panic, and she just makes me a peace sign with her fingers in response while smiling. How cute! Wait, no! That's not the point!

"Pfffft, I'm just kidding. You should've looked at your face, hahahaha! Say hi to the lady, Lily." …Achilles, you damn son of a—

"Hi! My name is Lily! Nice to meet you!"

—an angel? Sure, she looks a bit too vivid, but she has some nice manners. I mean, she put her hands together and bowed at me, what kind of little girl does that? Achilles, is this girl really your daughter?

"...I feel you're thinking something quite offensive." Tch. Perceptive bastard.

"Not at all, you must be imagining things. Hi, Lily, nice to meet you. I'm Sora's mom, you were playing together just now, right?"

"Yup, Sora is my friend!"

"L-Lily's also Sora's friend!" Awww, look at you, baby! My shy little girl is doing her best! She reminds me of me in the past!

"Hahaha, how nice. Sora, this man over here is Lily's dad, say hi."


"Haha, I'm sorry, she's a bit more shy when it comes to adults." I pat Sora's back as she continues to hide behind my leg.

"Hahaha, it's fine, don't worry about it."

"Final call! Parents, please gather inside with your children!"

"Ah, we should get going." Achilles takes Lily by the hand, and starts walking to the entrance.

"Sakura, Sora, it was nice to meet you. Let's see each other inside!"

"It was nice to meet you too, Mr. Achilles, Lily." Sora nods together with me.

"Hahaha, just Achilles is fine! Remember that when we meet inside!" That's the last thing he says before rushing inside, dragging her daughter away like a ragdoll. Hahaha…he sure is lively for an old man.

"Should we get going too?"


Y'know, I was pretty worried about how all this 'interacting with parents' thing would turn out. I've had some…experiences in the past that made me fear the worst, but… it wasn't as bad as I thought.

'Kay! Bring it on, folks! I'm ready for whatever you throw at me! Come at me! This Sakura will not crumble before anything or anyone!

∆ ∆ ∆

That's what I said, but…

"Is she her mother?"

"No way! Doesn't she look too young?"

"B-But if she is, then…just how old is she?"

…is it too late to call it quits?