
The Day And The Night

"How are you feeling, baby?", a husky, deep voice said to the girl tied to the chair. "Feels like hell.", said the girl whose face was covered with a piece of cloth containing the darkest shade of black. "Just release me once, and I will make you feel the same.", she uttered again. "I liked it", the man praised, pulling a smirk. "Take the cloth off", he ordered one of his men, "Let me see the face behind this attitude". "Sure boss", replied the guard. The moment that guard went forward to take off the cloth, the girl made a glide from the chair and kicked him. The black cloth covering her face was now on the floor, and the girl's face was visible. Within seconds, the whole force of those black-dressed bodyguards was sleeping on the floor. Before leaving, she pointed a gun at the boss, standing still, all lost inside those locks lingering around her face. Will she kill him? Will he kill her in defense? Will the girl choose to escape and will never see each other again? The king of the Mafia world. The biggest businesswoman in the Technical world. Can there be any possibility for these two to meet each other? Even if that happened, will the world accept it?

dream_is_reality · Urban
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8 Chs

The Past

a/n pov

Till now, some of you must be experiencing sorrow, most must be experiencing confusion, but the only thing common in all must be the eagerness to know,

what the hell is going on here?

who on earth are those two bodies lying unconscious inside the operation theatre, swinging between life and death?

and, who are the two persons, sitting outside waiting for them to wake up?

To know this all, you all need to use your power of imagination and follow me to the past. So, let's go…


"Leave me…somebody saves me...…HELP!", a man tied with thick ropes cried out loud while sitting on a chair. The chair was placed in a gloomy room.

There was a horrifying pin drop silence. Nothing else could be heard except his yells. It seemed like the room was located at some abundant place since no sound of cars rushing and no horns of bulky trucks passing by could be heard.

The man was sure that the place he was in, was neither in the countryside nor located near any highway. "I…is…i..it-a…forest!", he murmured to himself in shock.

But suddenly a high-pitched click-clack of some kind of foot ware could be heard, echoing through the silent walls of the room.

"I must appreciate your clever brain. It is still working after being poisoned.", a sharp voice said, throwing a venomous smile on that exhausted person.

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU TRY POISONING ME? YOU SLUT!", shouted the man while throwing some punches with tied red hands, in the air.

"Shhh. Don't you dare raise your voice on me, darling, you know I cannot curse here. right! So just be a good boy and stay quiet, cause my mouth is bound not my hands. Ok!", the girl whispered in the ear of that man.

"BOYS! At least get some water for this gentleman", she ordered looking at the guards stationed at the entrance of the room.

"Sure mam" one of them replied and went away in order to seek some water for that man tied inside. The rest of the guards stayed at their places, holding guns in one hand and resting the other hand on the side of their thighs.

"Here mam", the guard said while showing the water to her.

"What? Should I, do it?", the girl asked with a disgusted face while glaring at the guard.

"Sorry mam", the guard apologized at once, taking his hands back. The next moment that guard splashed the whole jar filled with water over the man sitting in front of him.

"What th…", the man was suddenly interrupted by a strong pull the girl made, holding his hairs, "Darling! Can't you understand what did I just say? DO NOT USE THOSE WORDS HERE, GOT IT!", the girl stated, pulling the head of the man more upwards to match her level.

Out of the blue, a guard stepped inside the room, "Mam boss has reached here. He must be coming any minute", he whispered while stepping near to the girl, making his already deep voice to deepen more.

"Hmm… Ok", the girl nodded taking her steps back from the man sitting all wet on the chair. Another guard brought a chair and placed it write in front of the man leaving the distance of a few feet.

"Boss is coming now. So, you better behave properly Babyboy, otherwise, you know what I am capable of. GOT IT!", she warned the man, and went back, standing right beside the empty chair placed by that guard.

"I don't care about your boss, open me up, and before that just take this black cloth off my face. Let me see you bastards", the man said kicking in the air making noise, and grinding his teeth under the black cloth, with which his face was kept covered ever since he was dragged to that dark place.

Now the girl was seriously running out of patience. She delved for her gun which seemed like was not with her.

Maybe she put it somewhere outside the room or must have dropped it while hauling this man. She went to one of the armed guards and without any word pulled the gun out of the man's handgun holster, and shot that loud brat right in the middle of his cnemis.

The bullet penetrated his flesh and made its way out within microseconds.

"AAHH…HOW DARE YOU SHOOT ME! I WILL KILL YOU. YOU SLUT!", the man groaned in pain. The moment he said it there was another bullet penetrating his another cnemis, again at the same spot as before.

This time that man said nothing except some wails. Both his legs were bleeding now.

The girl went near him and bent down to his level "How are you feeling now darling? Didn't I warn you not to use those words here? And above that, how dare you talk like that about our boss. What you said, you don't care about our boss, right! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT? HOW DARE Y….", suddenly she stopped by various overlapping sounds of footsteps reaching the room.

Before she could take her position back, an enormously massive black shadow covered both the girl and the man.

"You can rest now", said a deep voice, to the girl, while sending shivers down the body of that tied man.

"Sure boss", the girl followed the words at once and went back to her position, right beside the chair, placed in front of the injured man.

The so-called boss came and stood in front of the chair which was placed there for him.

He unbuttoned the corners of his finely-fitted Columbian blue suit, which was also giving a reflection, no different than some shade of black, in the light of that gloomy room, and flapped the edges of it.

He sat down on that chair, resting his one leg on the other.

The faces of the boss and that man were now on the same level.

"Take it off", ordered the boss to one of the guards, pointing at that black cloth. Without any word, the man performed his actions and took the cloth off the face of that man.

The man who hung his head low while closing his eyes, due to weakness of the wounds, now lifted it. Since there was not much brightness inside that room, it did not take much longer for him to adjust to the outer darkness, and he was able to open his eyes as soon as he lifts his head.

The moment he saw the face residing in front of him, his eyes spread, and ultimately his jaw dropped down.

"S-s-ir y-y-ou", he tried his level best to bring sound from his frozen-less-shocked throat. "Hello, Mr. Gwan. I hope you are enjoying it here. I tried my level best to make you feel hell on earth, trust me", said the boss holding a cold yet evil face.

"Sir I am so so=orry. Gi-ive me o-one mo-mo-re month I w-ill return your money", the man begged.

"Come on Mr. Gwan, you know well that I never kill a person for not returning my money.", the boss said.

"Sir, I did not do it on purpose", the man uttered.

"So, are you trying to say that you went to our enemy's office, shaken hands, made a deal, betrayed us and killed our men instead of their guards, and ran away without paying us our money back, all without any purpose? Wonderful! I am impressed by your intelligence of making an excuse.", said the girl, standing right beside the boss.

"It was all to pay back your money. I swear. They promised to give me more money than my dept amount….so…. I thought of taking it as a good chance to pay off my debt", the man replied with his head hung low.

"So, you decided to pay us back by betraying us. Don't you dare hung your head low to act like you are feeling guilty. We know well what you were up to", the girl again said. In response, the man had nothing to say so, he chose to stay quiet in his defense. "Answer it!", the girl said on the edge of almost screaming.

"Enough!", said the boss holding his palm up to make his words by making actions. The boss stood up from the chair.

"You are well aware of the rules in my world. A mistake made once, deserves no second chance. And a person betraying once deserves no second life. In the end, I just hope you will not repeat such mistakes in your second life.", the boss said, and started walking towards the exit of the room.

"Finish it and come out soon", he added looking at the girl, before leaving.

"NO, NO, YOU CAN NOT DO THIS TO ME. NO!", the man screamed in fear.

"You don't need to tell us what we can do or what not. Just stop begging already. Use your last seconds in recalling the good moments of your life, because I can tell that you will never be sent here again. The sins of yours must have reached enough high to get you a permanent bed in hell. And don't worry about your family they were never happy being known by your name. About their expenses, the money you got from betraying us will be sent to them and we will use your life as our payback.".

"Goodbye! May your soul rest in pieces.", added the girl while lifting her armed hands, and shot the man, right on his head, but this time the bullet went in without coming out.

All the guards were standing still. the girl started taking big steps towards the exit, but stopped beside a man, and ordered, "Clear it all. It should look as if the house is abundant. Clean the body and take it to his family in a decent way. Rest, they all are already smart enough to know what happened, they will not regret his death anyways. Also, make sure you get the bag, and count the amount to confirm, doesn't matter if it is more but should not be less".

With this the girl left, leaving the men with their work, making sure that they are not free for at least five hours since the man lives at a good distance from there.

As she went to the exit the guards followed her.

They passed the dark forest in which that not so maintained gloomy house with a single working lamp was located.

The forest outside was wide, confusing, and dark. While walking, they were not alone inside those shabby woods since it was home to various wild animals, waiting with their families to have dinner.

They were taking fast but soundless steps to prevent any unexpected adventure.

Soon the road was visible, and as they reached further, the black cars parked all aligned could be seen too. The girl went near, followed by the guards.

One of the guards opened the door for the girl and the rest stood there for protection purposes. She stepped inside the car. The boss was also sitting inside that car. Gradually all the guards settled themselves in their respective places and the engines started.

"All done", the girl informed the boss.

"Hmm…good", the boss responded, showing an expressionless face.

"Hungry?", she asked.

"Hmmm", the boss again hummed in response.

"Then, let us fill our bellies first", she suggested.

"Order something lite, because I am more in the mood of taking a rest. So, I will go to bed right after having dinner", he said.

"Dinner! Better call it an early morning breakfast. It is already 4 am. Till the time we will reach the mansion, the staff will be giving morning greetings. By the way darling I...", she was about to continue but suddenly, was stopped by the sharp glare, her boss was giving after hearing that…

I know it's a bit late :)

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