
Chapter 1: Vacation is here,death is waiting

(music's on)

Dane: woaah woahwoah Sweet child of mine!woah ooahh sweet lover mine!

Alice: too loud Dane!

Dane: ooops sorry! (

Mom: Hey you two stop that

Dad: where here!

Alice: Dad it looks creepy

Dad: That is my ancestors house. Hope we will have a nice vacation here

Mom: Dad look!look how beautiful the scenery here is!So wonderful!

Dad: And it is at the top of the hill so you can see EVERYTHING

Dane: I won't last a day in here Alice

Alice: Me neither

Dad: (go outside the car and wave his hand saying us to come with him)

Mom: Come on kids

Alice: Oh no... Really dad we are going to stay here for months?(gets outside the car)

Dane: yes dad it's really creepy

Alice: I thought we are going to have our vacation on a beach not here!

Mom: Kids don't be like that. We are an adventurous family so it's okay for us to try new things right?

Dane: Oh yeah! Why did I even forgot that (walks fast) come on sister! Don't be too scared little cutie girl huh?

Alice: Cut it off Dane!

Dad: Okay okay you two stop now okay? Let's just relax here and have fun let's go inside the house

Mom: Okay come on now!

They walked inside the house while leaving me outside. I stare and look the place.. The view was fine,it's Instagrammable I can post my pictures but the house? Really creepy it's like an ancient house that really abandoned and I don't really feel good at this one..Then suddenly..


Alice: Hey what's that!? (Looks upward) Ohmygod! Dad! I saw something up there! Daaaad!

Dad: ( runs outside) what's that honey!?

Alice: I saw something! I really saw it!

Mom: What's that?

Alice: A..a... (Sees it again) look up there!Look! ( Points my finger upward)

Mom:(looks where I pointed my finger) there is...there is nothing there Alice

Alice: No! I really saw something!

Dad: Then what it is!? Tell us!

Alice A...a....(*WAAAAAAAAAAH!)

Alice: you hear that mom! You hear that!?

Mom: What Alice!? What?

Alice: The one who screams mom theres a girl who screams!

Mom: Alice...what's happening to you?

Alice:I saw a doll mom! A doll

Mom: then what happened to the doll?

Alice: it's bloody,it smiles freakly and holds a...holds a

(Mom screams.....fainted)


Blood is leaking on her blodd is everywhere..