
Little one

"Are you happy now? Let me rest for a bit before it starts."

It was a strange feeling of extrication. Part of him felt like it was drowning while the other half, the one in control, was jovial at the very thought. By all means he should be feeling sick to his stomach after seeing her cry to the point of losing her mind but at this very moment, he could not care less about her.

He wasn't able to feel any empathy.

Hao Xuan gladly went through the door despite what he had just had to do. But the ordinary old scene he was expecting to see was not what he got.

On the other side of the door was a whole other world. Hao Xuan felt the softness of the soil and the cold wind gently brush past his face through the thick foliage just as his expression turned ugly.

"Dai Zhi! We had a deal! I've already done everything you asked of me!" he shouted in a tempestuously sour mood but got no response.

"DAI ZHI!" he called out once more, even louder this time but nothing.


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