
~Chapter 2~

When I was done, I went to dress up for the coronation. Today is the same day that the Winter academy will pick me up, but even though I didn't feel any pain when Carl rejected me, I need to be sure that I can leave without any pain bound to me.

'This is the second time I've showered in my life. The water feels nice.'

I took one of Astrid's old cloths that she considers old and wore it.

It was a white simple dress with no prints on it. I paired it with one of her white block heels. I don't want to wear it but it's necessary to dress professionally for the academy assembly, and this is the most professional outfit she has, while I have nothing much.

I took the money that Carl always stashed for himself instead of using it for the pack, and packed it in my bag. 'I just hope it doesn't get stolen'. I put an extra toothbrush, toothpaste, and food for the way and for the driver. It takes at least 2 days to get to the academy.

I'm guessing this is part of the test. I like to call it, 'always be prepared test', to see if you're always prepared for anything.

When I was done, I hid my bag under a broken flip board on the floor. I broke it, to hide food there just in case.

Then I went to the coronation.








I got here faster than I thought. I always walk to where ever I go because according to my sister, It's a good way to burn my fat. I always never get tired and I wonder why every time. 'maybe it has something to do with what I am'

Astrid got on stage with Carl and the previous Alpha. Her outfit was beyond inappropriate. When a female has a mate, she doesn't dress like she's going to the beach everyday. She looked like a model wearing a short dress to the extent it showed her under wear, with shoes higher than my pen. 'At least tone it down a bit, you could make your 'mate' kill entire unmated wolves in the pack'

The previous Alpha started his speech, but I paid no attention apart from the last sentences. "Everyone, I just want to say I'm proud of my son, proud of his achievements, and also because he found his mate. I'm very happy for both of them. Thank you" They all clapped and the ceremony was complete. What exactly did he achieve? 'Good, I felt nothing. Just a little pang, time to leave'

I left the hall and took my bag from the floor board, but a letter to them won't hurt, would it?

dear whatever-you--ppl-are,

I hate you all, I hope you die miserably.

Especially you, my 'mate'.

F&ck u all :)

sincerely, Bella.

Of course, I wasn't in my right mind while writing the note, but I didn't bother throwing it away.

Then I saw the limo downstairs with the school's logo. It's beautiful.

"Hello miss, I'm here to pick up a student, I'm the driver." 'He must not know that I'm the student'

"Sir, I'm the student" I squirmed uncomfortably as he realized his mistake. He looked shocked, then remorseful.

"I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to disrespect you"

"It's okay sir, a man older than me shouldn't apologize, it's not your fault sir. Shall we get going?" He nodded and took my bag from me, then put it in the trunk and opened the door for me.

I thanked him and got in. It looked so smooth and clean.

I felt like I was tainting the limo. A car was cleaner than me.

I felt ashamed, but I didn't let that dampen my mood 'I can finally go somewhere and become someone. Even if I don't get in, I'll be happy experiencing it.'






We were nearing the academy, 12 hours more. I offered the driver some food...ok I forced him, he needed it. He looked 70 even though his face doesn't show it, like 20 years old. He kept glancing at me the whole 2 days. Probably curious as to why I look like this.

'Don't worry sir, I also want to know what I am.' I decided to take a nap for a while.

"Miss, we've arrived." I thanked him, took my bag and went to the entrance queue.

When it was my turn, my heart started beating fast, my palms were sweaty and I was nervous. 'snap out of it! you can do this' I stepped in the office where our attendance is written down by each of us, and they give us a short survey.

"Welcome- I'm sorry but is your son attending here? Parents are not allowed in the academy halls" I felt hurt, but I just kept my face stoic and emotionless.

"I'm the student sir, your form did not list down that it's only for males" He just stood there staring. I started getting creeped out, and shifted uncomfortably. 'He just noticed my features, I can tell'

"Um, sir. Can I write down my name now?" He just turned his neck as if he woke up from a dream and nodded.

"Of course, pardon me for my statement earlier, and welcome to our academy. I'm sure you'll like it here."

"Thank you sir" He nodded.

"I'll send a student to show you around, and to your class" I thanked him and he told me to sit down on the nearby couch for a bit. I waited for 5 minutes, and then someone who I assume is a student, walked in.

"You called for me sir?" He had brown- violet hair, green eyes, and tan skin.

"Yes. This is our new student Arabella White, please show her around and lead her to class"

"Of course. Right this way Arabella"

I followed him wordlessly, excited to see what a class finally looks like. 'I hope I pass this class, I'm finally free after almost 20 years'