
The Dawn Of Goldhart

Three boys set out to become adventurers in hopes of achieving their goals, discovering new powers and secrets along the way, what will their story consist of? Read to find out!

3idiotsinasock · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Intensity Incarnate pt.1

After three hours of sitting and feeling like they were hardly allowed to breathe, the Goldharts got word that the kids who were knocked out finally woke up. Now, they just had to wait for the kid's stories to determine their fate. They'd overheard through the wall that all of the kids interrogated about the incident told the truth, except for James, Peter, and the other lackey that we don't yet know the name of. Suddenly, Arcuate pulled his hands into his kimono and began writing down in his notebook, and showing it to Dash, who was on his right first and Karma, who was on his left second once the disciplinary committee went back into the room.

"Does that mean we can talk now?" Is what he wrote, to which they both scribbled down "No. And don't scribble so loudly on this paper either, they might hear, and we're already on thin ice, so don't test it." To which Arcuate nodded, pulling his notebook back into his kimono, putting it in his black jean-short pocket sighing with his hands on his chin. They probably still had another half hour to sit here, and Arcuate was getting jittery. He just wanted to stand up and stretch.. but those two women and that shadowy figure scared him too much, scared all of them too much. Perhaps not with their power, as they didn't know exactly what they could do, but with the authority, they've claimed to have it was more than enough.

The three members of the disciplinary committee left their office a few minutes after giving the boys the news about the three victims waking up, and half an hour later they came back with more news for the Goldharts, escorting them into the Disciplinary Committee's office once more. "Well, it turns out that your story was true. Regardless, you've all violated the rules so we'll give the three of you the punishment we thought of ahead of time." She explained as the same intimidating grin from when they first met her at the beginning of the day reappeared on her face.

"Well.. what's the punishment?" Arcuate asked her, raising an eyebrow. He was concerned as to why she was grinning like that. "Well. You guys seem stronger than a lot of the students in your year, and maybe even stronger than a few second years. So, while the kids who made up those lies about you are getting a regular boring old punishment like detention, we've decided to make this fun. The three of you will fight the three of us at the same time in different rooms, and if two or more of you beat us you'll get off scot-free. However, if two or more of you lose we get to choose whatever form of punishment we'd like to, including expulsion if we deem it necessary." She said to the boys, cackling afterward.

"Huh… good thing you got your shackle then huh, Karma?" Arcuate said, nudging him. It was clear that he hadn't realized the gravity of the situation, with how it appeared that she was going to expel the three of them if they lost the fight. Afterward, she cleared her throat and spoke once more. "That being said, you three may go get whatever you may need to fight, be back in fifteen minutes." This made Karma and Dashaun feel relieved as Karma had no experience with his shackle yet, he didn't even know what he could do to the frame-rabbit trapped inside the card.

So, the boys went back to Mr. Donovan's classroom, grabbing their weapons that he had made them leave. Dash was glaring at him with the evilest glare, Karma saw this and did the same, except he made it look much more evil than Dash could have because of his horns and overall demonic appearance. Mr. Donovan felt bad about wrongly sending them to the disciplinary committee and sighed, hanging his head low in shame.

Once they arrived back at the Disciplinary Committee's office, they were immediately escorted to a building on the edge of the school campus. It was an incredibly large building. "Hey uh, do you mind me asking what these buildings are for?" Arcuate asked Violet. "Well, they're to host tournaments for third years in exchange for things like extra credit and permission to skip classes for a day or two. It's mainly for entertainment and the three of us happen to be participating next time, though we don't really need either of those rewards since we get extra credit to patrol the school, and patrolling the school lets us skip classes. You don't really need any classes after year two anyway." Violet explained, leading everyone into the building.

Violet dragged Arcuate into the middle room, Daphne dragged Dashaun into the room on the right, and the shadowy figure dragged Karma into the room on the left, and with that… the battles began. Daphne got to it almost immediately, not even giving Dashaun time to breathe before they fought, her arm transformed into a cannon which she shot at Dash with a rock that he had to duck to dodge. Said rock legitimately put a large hole in the wall with cracks all around it.

Just from that, Dash could tell that she was a Kuchiku, a race of people who can turn one of their limbs into a single kind of weapon with their weapon transfiguration racial ability, and her racial animation was already annoying since it was both long-ranged and incredibly powerful. However, this wasn't going to stop Dash. He had some tricks up his sleeve, so he activated his shackle. His shackle looked different from most people because it was connected to a microphone by a chain.

He held it up to his mouth and spoke. "Dayum, you can't even give me time to prepare? Kinda disrespectful but aright." Daphne looked at him, confused, yet frustrated that he'd talk down to her like that. She activated her shackle as well, it was around the arm that she couldn't turn into a cannon. She shot another rock at him… but Dash could feel the room get colder and this time the rock was steaming when it came out. Due to the fact that it seemed to be incredibly hot, the air around it got hot too and began to rise, throwing the rock off course and allowing Dash to dodge it more easily. "The hell do you keep getting rocks from?! Do you just keep them on you?" He asked, genuinely confused. "Damn, those rocks keep getting closer and closer.. I'm surprised I dodged that last one. I'm gonna have to use that animation if I'm gonna hope to continue dodging those rocks." He thought to himself before grabbing parts of his varsity-style jacket.

He pulled it close to him, practically smothering his back with this jacket, and then his animation happened. "Hidden Animation Suction Model:… tailwind." He said quietly to himself. Then, the arms of his jacket, which his hands weren't in had a powerful vacuum created inside of them, this created a wind behind him that pushed him and increased his speed, which would allow him to more easily dodge the rocks she was likely going to launch at him.

"Huh, well if you're going to show off secret moves, I might as well do so too." She said, using her shackle "Heat Absorption." to absorb the heat around her and put it into her arm cannon, effectively making it a heat cannon. "You look like a crippled, overweight cow," Dash said into the microphone on his shackle, making her shoot heat at him prematurely from rage. He said that because he saw her get uncomfortable when he said the word weight while telling the story of what happened that got them in trouble and assumed that she may be insecure about her own. The ball of heat hit the wall, exploding it on impact from the ignition of gasses such as oxygen in the air. It also happened to be hot enough to unbind any hydrogen and oxygen from water vapor in the air, creating more combustible substances to cause an explosion.

Daphne could feel her body heating up, but she couldn't absorb the added heat and use it in her cannon for some reason which baffled her, as she should be able to absorb a large amount of heat and redistribute it. This was concerning to her, but she continued firing off balls of heat, the rest of the room was practically freezing right now due to the lack of heat anywhere except for where Daphne was. The water vapor froze, and Dash began getting cold as well, which wasn't good in the slightest as with heat rapidly being taken from the air he could likely develop frostbite, especially with the now cold air blowing at him. So, he ran at her, confident he could dodge the balls of heat she was likely to launch in his direction. Regardless, since the heat from before was farther away now and would take a while to come back and the heat of her cannon would be much less. Still enough to burn him, but it probably wouldn't be more than the first-degree kind if he only got hit once, as well as this he was cold and his veins were constricting as the result of this so it probably wouldn't be too bad to get hit with some heat.

Right before he got over to her, she changed stances, doing the equivalent of a pistolwhip to him with her cannon arm. Blood gushed from his nose, and when Dashaun saw it he looked like a bull who'd seen red. He picked up the microphone on the end of his shackle once again and spoke into it. "Your mother looks like a bald chimpanzee." He said this because well, most people dislike hearing people talk trash about their mothers.

Daphne teared up slightly, as well as this the heat she was feeling increased drastically, beginning to burn "M-my mother has cancer." She mumbled just loud enough for Dashaun to hear. Dash didn't care though, he spoke into the mic once more. "Good, she won't have to see your ugly mug every day then." He said to her, holding the arms of his jacket out towards her with one hand and increased the strength of the vacuum in them, the force almost blew him away with the stronger wind being generated but somehow, he managed to keep his feet on the ground. Daphne would have been able to keep her feet on the ground as well, but Dash's winds were pulling her skirt up which made her pull it back down and lose focus on staying on the ground and ultimately getting her sucked towards him.

As a result of this, Dash used another animation once she got close enough. "Magnetic Animation: Cobalt barrage…" He stated, shooting out magnetic force from his fists to be behind her, using the intensity of the magnetism to pull his punches into her faces with more power, reversing the magnetic pulls over and over again to make a barrage of punches. As this was happening, she was engulfed in blue flames. This was from the heat being added to her. The heat was being added to her because of his shackle, "Spittin'."

Spittin' allows the user to add heat to a person's body, the amount of heat added to the person's body is based on how badly he hurts their feelings or gets a negative reaction out of them. Meaning he can burn someone up badly if their ego is big enough. Once he finished whaling on her, he looked at her again. He broke her nose and she was bruised all over the place. As well as this she was burning alive, rolling on the ground screaming to try and stop the fire. "If you wanna stop burning then tell me I win." He said, to her, to which she did. "YOU WIN, YOU WIN, STOP BURNING ME PLEASE!" She yelled, her tears evaporating.

"Good." Dash said, stopping the fire and holding his hand out to her so he could help her stand up. "I apologize for what I said about you and your mother, it's a shame that she's ill and you are actually very beautiful." He said to her before leaving the room and sitting on a couch he saw in the building's hallway. Daphne went to the nurse to get healed up as she was hurt very badly. Dash would have lost if she got up and kept fighting, he almost got frozen and he was pretty much out of zeal after that last animation. He was lucky that it happened when it did, and now that he'd secured a win, he just had to rely on Arcuate and Karma.