
The Daughter of Two Worlds

Chuin Hua was the only daughter of a poor woman and an alcoholic father who lead to her mother's death when she was just a child. Determined to become successful in life and to make sure her future family did not end up like her childhood one, she majored in biology and minored in psychology when she went to a prestigious university. However, with just one gust of wind, she ends up in another world. In the beginning, she didn't get why most of the people did not quite like her, but after hearing about a tragic past, she changes her mind. Just as she understood why she is taken away. In the midst of all the chaos, she learns a secret or two about the world and herself, causing her to head to a new place: the capital. There, she meets Wang Kai Lun, a cold, rebellious general who has a bad reputation in the imperial palace. However, this is not their first encounter. Lots of secrets are yet to be discovered by both Wang Kai Lun and Chuin Hua.

Kirana1357 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: The Past- Pt. 4: The Plan

"Okay, let's start the meeting. I have a few problems and ideas to address." The four had gathered at Hua Huo's home, a nearby mountain. "First, we have to consider the war. After sending Qing Chen away, we will need to prepare for war as sooner or later, Wang Ming will find out that it was us that sent her away." The others nodded as Hua Huo continued.

"I believe that we should have three separate groups. One group will consist of the people that agree with helping Qing Chen as the scroll stated that only if a creature really wants to create the portal can we create it. That will be one group. Another group will consist of warriors when war comes. These creatures should have high stamina. Our last group also consists of creatures that will help if told to. They will not want to help Qing Chen by themselves, but are loyal and will listen to what I say. This is to make sure that if we can't create the portal, meaning that the myth about the portal is fake, then we need a band of people to be able to hide Qing Chen and protect her in an area. I haven't decided yet where our back area will be. Any questions?"

"How will the creatures know what group they will be in." Mi Mi asked.

"I think we can tell them tonight, so we won't have to in the morning. I hope that tonight, all the creatures can sleep extra early, so all of us have enough energy tomorrow." Bai Qiu answered while continuing to dip his head and think.

"I think that's a good idea. I believe right after dinner would be a good choice, so around sunset." Hua Huo added.

"So that means that we have to figure out the groups beforehand." Huo Wei addressed.

"Not likely, I think we can let the creatures step out themselves. We should say the ones that are willing to help Qing Chen should step out; that will be our group to create the portal. Then, we will find people that are most against this idea and the ones that will most likely not be very loyal to us. That will be our group of warriors. The rest will be our backup group. If needed, we will adjust depending on the number of each group." Bai Qiu answered.

"Good idea. Now, all we have to do is think of a place as our backup spot." Hua Huo happily said. She was quite happy with how efficient this meeting was.

"I think I know a place. I think right here is a very good idea, this mountain." Mi Mi, who had been quiet for quite a while spoke up.


"This mountain is considerably tall. If not for our wings, Bai Qiu and I would've had a lot of trouble getting up on foot. This will prevent all the human soldiers to reach here. I believe that we should also let all the children stay here. It is the safest."

"You got a point, I almost completely forgot about children."

"Well, having a strong daughter does have its downsides."

"True. But then again, my daughter is older than yours. She's almost an adult."

"Mmm, I guess."

"I think we should also have something that we use to communicate." Huo Wei addressed.

"I think we can just use magic to shoot up a firework to show we need help." Hua Huo answered. "I don't think it has to be anything complicated."


"So here's the plan. I have already decided what groups the four of us will be in. Bai Qiu and Mi Mi, you guys will be in the backup group because you have wings, it will be easier to get up the mountain. Huo Wei, you will be in the warrior group. I, myself, will be in the group that is going to create the portal in case there needs to be a lot of magic that is needed to create." The four nodded. "So here's the plan, my group will take Qing Chen to the river to create the portal. Huo Wei, you and your group go somewhat outward to protect the forest if needed. We need to make sure that Wang Ming doesn't get into the forest while we are creating. Bai Qiu and Mi Mi, your group, gather all the children and head for this mountain and wait. Remember, some of you guys have to stay with my group ready to take Qing Chen if something goes wrong. It doesn't matter who. Just a couple. I believe that everyone knows where this mountain stands. The rest is up to you guys."

"Wow, you thought a lot this time. That's rare." Huo Wei chuckled.

"This isn't something that should be taken lightly. If something goes wrong, this whole forest may be destroyed by Wang Ming."

"Mmm, I guess."

"Alright, meeting finished. You can all go back. I will report this news to the forest at sunset. Bai Qiu and Mi Mi, please spread the word for me. Thank you for how much you have helped me this time."

"It's no problem." both replied. With that, they took off.

Hey guys! Thank you for hanging in there for me! I hope you comment, if you have time, please do, good or bad. It would help me a lot to in improving my work. Thanks for all your support!

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