
The daughter of a warrior and a witch

Selene the daughter of the great warrior Cassius and the most revered witch Saphira is destined to fulfill her destiny. She will have to face tough challenges to get out of her parents' shadow, it won’t be easy for she, but with the help of someone close to her and a new love, will she changes her own destiny?

Alessia_Corsini · Fantasy
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2 Chs

New life

Pov's Selene

Here I am on my way to a new empire, a new home, new friends and maybe someone to make my heart beat again but this time I don't want to give it right away.

From what Dad told me, we're heading for the Northern Empire, and if I'm not mistaken, it's called the Crystal Empire. This empire is known for its large castle made of ice that looks like crystal and for its perennially frozen lakes, the empire is also famous for the crown crystal festival that is dedicated to the prince of the empire.

From what I know it says around few have seen the prince but those few who have seen it say that it is cold as ice. They say he has white hair, dew colors, snow-white skin, and a muscular build.

After days of travel here we arrived at the crystal empire in front of me stands a large road full of snow on the sides and a large arch is above our heads with the coat of arms of the imperial family. The coat of arms represents a snowflake thrown by a fairy, I was amazed by such beauty that coat of arms was unique of its kind, that coat of arms is recounted as a legend in all the history books of all empires and it is said that behind it there is a legend about it. This coat of arms for me is a such beauty than the others coat of arms because this one I believe that the legend of this one is beautiful but sometimes not clearly.

Legend has it that a young woman pretended to be a knight to fight a war that was bloody, the young woman just before she came across a little girl with a pure light skin, crystal clear eyes and straight white hair.

The woman, after bringing the little maiden back to her mother, received a reward that did not go unnoticed and this was the emblem of the imperial family of the Crystal Empire.

But the unclear thing was who that child was and what she was doing in the snow, the woman who ended up after she had begun the imperial lineage. No one knew anything about the first empress.