
The Daughter's Revenge

A strong femme fatale out to seek revenge. Blood is not always thicker than water. Oftentimes, the ones who hurt you most are ‘family’. Celestine's family did so many wrong things to her but for years, she always chose forgiveness over seeking revenge. Celestine has always trusted in the ability of the universe to make them pay but after long years of seeing them prosper, she grew impatient. An eye for an eye. I am Celestine Lim and I am in the pursuit of seeking bitter vengeance. Stronger and bolder.

Jehyeok_Kim · Urban
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15 Chs

Look at Me

As expected, hundreds of guests gradually arrive in Celestine's lavish mansion. The guests could not help but gasp at the massive entirety of the estate as soon as they got off their equally luxurious cars.

The construction of this mansion created quite a huge fuss among the richest of the richest. Not only this mansion is built in a subdivision lot where every square meter costs millions, the owner who is still unknown to the rich employed the best architects, engineers, and builders all over the world.

The quality of the materials used for the mansion is nowhere near that of a usual wealthy house in the area. Considering these seemingly trivial construction details of the mansion, the guests are very much excited to witness how luxurious the interior will be and of course, how will they then renovate their respective houses to match this one.

"Make me the most beautiful woman tonight, Oliver." While looking at her own reflection in a well-lit mirror, Celestine instructed her trusted make-up artist and stylists.

Celestine wants to turn heads, break necks, and have wide eyes tonight. There can never be someone more beautiful than her in this introductory party to the world she is about to dominate.

Ten long years have passed since they moved out from the Lim residence due to a seemingly trivial reason but one that pushed Celestine to her limits, one that her once young heart could never forget.

She aged gracefully, her once meek and frail physique changed into a domineering one. Her once black shoulder-length hair has grown past her waist and her figure which was once as straight as a stick gained voluptuous curves from her chest and hips.

All in all, Celestine turned out to be eye candy, a sweet but dangerous one. At 27, enumerable powerful men chased and competed over her affection but none won.

Among those highly influential men, Celestine did not find someone who was powerful and strong enough to use for her revenge plans.

Celestine has always been a firm believer in her potential and that she would not need anyone, not even a man to help her. But as she aged, she grew to realize how beneficial it would be to have someone in between her fingers, someone she could use to execute her plans.

She grew heartless and did not believe in the so-called magic of romantic love.

As the night unfolded, there were already a lot of guests gathered in the wide gardens of her mansion. Each of them is wearing their best attires, looking forward to this event of finally getting to know the person behind this lavish mansion built in the heart of the city.

Peeking at her window, Celestine saw the jive and chattering of the people from high society. The organizers hired a first-class orchestra and all the best the party could ever have.

It was a night full of sparkle and glamour, the guests were occupied introducing one important person to another and thus widening their network of friends in the business.

Dressed in a gold sequined dress, Ava approached the already prepared Celestine who is wearing a body-hugging gown that resembles burning lava. She is taking a sip of fine wine on a glass while looking at the people below, on the veranda where no one could see her.

"When will you come down?" Ava asks and stands beside Celestine. The veranda indeed provided a wide view of the gardens but the people are too busy to even notice them up above.

Gritting her teeth, Celestine placed the wine glass on a table. "Did they arrive?" she asked and fixed her hair in front of her shoulders which showed her great dragon tattoo that occupied most of her flawless back.

Understanding who Celestine meant by 'they', Ava relayed the latest information she got from the security department stationed at the gate, "Yes. Amira arrived last, thus completing the entire Lim family for this event." Ava informed which made the corners of Celestine's mouth rise into an excited grin.

All glammed up, wearing a bold red lipstick and lava red gown, Celestine is more than ready to reveal herself among all the people.

Celestine rubbed her palms together, "Perfect! Were they able to sit down at their designated table near the massive staircase?" she asks while checking her appearance one last time in a hand-held mirror.

"Yes, all is settled and ready. We made sure that their table is located near the staircase where you will come down so that they get the best view of you." Equally excited, Ava informed Celestine who is applying another layer of red lipstick and putting on expensive perfume.

Smiling at herself in the mirror, Celestine stared at herself, thinking that she is about to set foot in the first step of her ordeal of seeking vengeance. Too bad that Ryan is not able to make it tonight due to his busy schedule.

As soon as the host of the night got the cue for Celestine's entrance, he immediately picked up the microphone and entered the stage where the musicians were playing.

The music slowly faded but it was still there to set the mood, the volume was just lowered down for the host to be heard by all the guests.

Meanwhile, Amira, Ingrid, and Arthur sat at their designated table. Arthur is getting quite impatient over the party host's delayed appearance and was about to leave but Ingrid stopped him saying, "Don't leave. You may think that you don't need this further expansion of your acquaintances but the owner of this mansion is a very mysterious and wealthy person from Italy. They will need this person. You are a businessman Arthur, you should know that. Now, sit down and enjoy the party." She stated a long explanation.

Of course, Celestine made sure that Ingrid knows these important details about her to pique her interest and wanting to get along with her. Celestine knows too well that leaching out from affluent people is Ingrid's specialty and that she will remember each and every juicy detail she would get about her, the owner of this lavish mansion.