
The Bench in the park

They were sitting on the bench of a park. she put her head on his right shoulder and grap his arm with both of her hands.

"I should avoid now" she says

"Avoid from what???" he asks her.

She grap her arm more tightly, she says slowly

" from meeting you like this ?? "

He became a little worried and he suddenly turns his towards her face. His lips are touching her hair. He hold her hand and asks her


For a while she remains silence. she is trying to say that if she is getting to be adicted of him. She replies him

"Jack don't you think so we should not meet like this now?"

"But why Hannah?" he says.

"Becaouse I think I will get adicted of you" she replies him.

He laughs and clap on her reply.

"you?? Hannah you are saying these kind of things ??" he laughs.

with a disappoited voice and down her eyes she says


He again laugh out loudly.

"Look at your face Hanni look at your face." he laughs while talking " that face of you. that disappointed face of you ha ha ha I can't imagine its your face hooo!!!" he laughs.

She becomes a little angery at him. she pick her head up from his shoulder and punch him on his back.

" shut up you idiot i am serious" she says with her angery eyes. His experessions suddenly turn into a very serious form. on the other moment, he put hiself down the bench and begins to laughing by lying him self on the grass. on this reation she become more angery and she says

"you bastard i am really serious"

Now he is trying to control his laughter and he again sits on the bench with her.

" i know very well Hannah, you are a type of girl who can believe on friendship but not these type of things like getteing aditticted to someone etc." he says

"yes we are good friends Jack but...." she stops herself by saying something.

"but?" he asks impietently.

"Let me tell you jack i admit that i am a type of girl who believes in friendship more than love but i have a heart too jack.." she turns her eyes down as she is shying of him.

" i don't want my self to involve in this but its happening by its own.." she says with a slow voice. he laughs again.

" are you mad Hanni ??? come on baby what type of things5 you are saying to me today??? " he laughs

"are you hungery?? let me bring someting for you. i think you need to eat something so that these difficult and illogical things may leave your empty mind haaa!" he laughs.

She become disappointed but she keeps on staring him with her anger eyes.

" you would never understand me Jack." she says with a little anger.

Now i am feeling really hungery u said true. this is the only thing of mine that you understand about me that you know when i get hungery." she says to him after a deep breathe.

he laughs " ha i know baby because i understand you except your illogical adtictted like things" he says with satirelly with a laughter.

They walk towrds the canteen in the park with holding hands of each other.