
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter two

Wolf William (in front of Violet) poses with his Alpha

William "Alpha Victor There is an intruder in the lands of the South that smells strange, similar to magicians, but without any magic power and there are no traces of removing magic"

Victor "means that she is not an exiled witch."

"I do not know because I have not met exiled sorcerers."

Well, ban it at herd seat.


To end telepathy and open his eyes to see him looking at him with amazement

William "Alvin, what ideas how to transmit them?"

"I don't know, because we will only be able to negotiate with her if!"

"If only what?"

"Well, you have two options. The first is to make her forehead with our forehead and risk it with her, or to turn into a human and talk to her."

"The second is rejected because I did not bring clothes."


To get close to that giant wolf Violet! That wolf is slowly approaching and looking at me, it seems he is the leader and that I am his special meal

Violet with fear, "I am not delicious as I am sour and I have not eaten well for two years, that is, I am just boned."


Let William and Victor burst into laughter after Victor listened to her conversation with his decision to see the girl who entered their lands by force, and because he was the Alpha and his mother a witch, he could see and hear any member of his flock whenever he wanted to.

Alvin is funny she thinks we want to eat it

"She may be right with her because she is seen in front of a wolf, and I think she does not know anything about us."


Let the two thousand or the giant wolf approach, as Violet called it

To put his forehead on her forehead

'Follow us'

To open her eyes in shock after her eyes were closed

Violet in fear, "What is that sound?"

For Alvin to restore his forehead on her forehead

"I am the wolf, and to understand everything, follow us."

To get up and follow them after she suspects that she is in the dark dimension and that the one in front of her is not a wolf but a werewolf to go while she follows them somewhere a long distance at least for Violet and a slow walk for werewolves

They arrived at the headquarters, and upon their arrival, two thousand led her to a room similar to a ministers meeting room and sits in the middle


Well, I will not exaggerate if I say that he is the most handsome young man on whom I have fallen eyes! To realize that this wolf left her in the den of this person with a terrifying aura