
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six

Violet sarcastically , " If I were important for you ,you wouldn't allowed me to live alone from the age of 10 years if you think that coming back to life after 15 years will make me think that you are my family , you are wrong, only my family was Mrs. Maria My Nanny at the time you prepared for having Romeo she was console me about your death, In any case ,I came to do a job and I hope to surive it and then I will go where I belong"

Viola "I understand "

‎‏George " We're going to Gerald Hall to see the level of Violet "


They reached the hall and they found saint waiting for them his named Gerald

‎‏George "hello Mr.Gerald I want how strong my daughter her name is Violet"

‎‏Gerald " hello Violet "

‎‏He extend his hand to greet her

‎‏Violet "Hello Mr. Gerald"

‎‏Seconds after seizing her hand, he is shocked and back two steps

‎‏George"is she so weak?"

‎‏"No ,she is so strong and unlimited, and the reason that she look powerlessit is the blond hair defining her strength"

‎"‏But in the dimension of human, she had no power"

‎‏"This is because she is very strong, she may destroy dimension of human, so you find that when I go to the dimension of human, I have no power"

‎‏"How can we Activation her strength"

‎‏I can do it by force, but she'll be in a coma for a week or more"

‎‏''But i brought her up it tod... "

‎‏Violet " Start now, please, I only came here to stop the war"

‎‏Gerald " Since you desire that, it is better to start now, because whatever your desire is stronger, you will wake up faster."

‎‏George "but your m.."

Gerald fired a blue beam towards Violet, her hair turned brown and she fell unconscious‎‏

‎‏'Oh, they're Mr. George and Mrs. Violet'

‎‏"Why you allowed her, George, I only saw her for a moments"

"She wanted that and Mr. Gerald said it was better for her since she wanted it now"

‎‏"But.. "

‎‏"You used to live well before she came back, so what is the difficulty now?"

‎‏'That's right, I was dead for them, and if something happened to me they wouldn't care'

‎‏She left them to go to Lisa to see what she doing

‎‏"Dad what are they going to do with Violet "

‎‏''I don't know, but they'll do anything to extract her powers "

‎‏"I hope you are fine "

‎‏"me too "

‎‏Then she went to Viector, ' What brought me here is he definitely won't care... '

‎‏She cut her speech in shock when she saw