
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty nine (The Final Chapter )

The war began as soon as Violet descended. Viector Notice her , once she comes off ,she started the fight and then whistles ,so everyone stopped.

The magic of Nekram has entered into her hand, after which the magicians of Nekram felt weakness in their body and fall, and seconds later their strength returned to them, but much weaker as they became unable to fight.

‎‏"Does anyone know why the light magicians disappeared from this dimension? ! Because they can withdraw any power and Give it to different people or returned to their owners or taken themselves because of this ,assemblage all the magicians on banishing them to the sky between the clouds and now I'm hybrid of them so I took your strength and give to another people who will not start the war "

And when she talked one of the Nekram went out from the her back to kill her, Viector noticed that ,so he hug her from behind, because of that his body took all the hurts ,so he fall unconscious.

‎‏Violet caught him, " No, no, not a Viector. Please he is the only reason to I fight" Her tears fell on his face to feel his heartbeat beating hard and fast

"Save him that he is alive, I feel his heartbeat"

Because of Violet's words, Sinny-Tatm are presented to her and take Viector to their tents for treat him.


‎‏"I can't believe Viola is still alive" said Teresa, after embracing Viola

"Yes, I'm fine. I was in Atlantis, and the one who stopped the war was my daughter"

‎‏"You mean, Violet is your daughter, but it's been fifty years since you disappeared"

‎‏"Yes, I lived in the world of human and met George twenty-six years ago, and I had to leave Violet in the dimension of human for the light magicians to agree to my marriage to George"

‎‏"You mean you gave up your daughter in order to live happily with your husband"

‎‏"Certainly not "


‎‏"Aa, that is, I was compelled to do so"

‎‏"I cannot believe that my sweet sister with a tender heart abandoned her daughter and made her suffer only for her happiness "

"I have appointed her a breeder"

‎"I thought Viola died fifty years ago, I lived with that, but I cannot forgive you for all the pain you have caused to Violet"

‎‏"But how did you know that she felts pain"

‎‏"Did you forget one of my strengths is to know how others feel when I saw Violet for the first time, I didn't feel that sadness and disappointment coming from her as now, and now I saying goodbye Viola"

Teresa left Viola standing alone until George came ,so Viola returned to Atlantis


‎‏"Why you do that, Viector, why did you take the hit instead of me"

‎‏Violet said that while holding Viector's unconscious hand in her tearful eyes

"Because you are my love and my mate, " Viector said that with tired

‎‏"I love you"

‎‏"I love you more"


‎‏Six years later, Violet stands in her garden, looking at her husband Viector and their son Theodor while they playing soccer

‎‏"Come on, Come to eat , " Violet

‎‏"Sweetie, we are coming "

‎I love you "Violet

"I love you more" Viector

"I woke up from the coma because of you"

‎‏"I took the Nekram Stroke from you because I love you"

‎‏"but... "

‎‏Their five-year-old son Theodor, interrupted their quarrel, saying, " Stop fighting between you"


‎‏This was my life from the time I moved to darkness world until now, a quiet and pleasant life except times that my family descend from the sky literally and of course I do not meet them. Viector who receives them and I never see them, because I could not forgive them and I do not think that I will be able to do that one day because they did not help me at any time A stage in my life that makes my heart intolerant of them.