
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter Seventeen


In the evening after the celebration began

The King: " Would you allow a dance, Miss Violet?"

Violet " certainly"

" How are you"

" Fine thanks for question,, the presence of King"

" No need to ceremonials call me Michael"

" But... ''

" Do you know that you look like my wife's sister?"

" Really what her name is , and where is she "

" She died fifty years ago. Her poison was Viola"

" I'm sorry"

" No, you don't. My wife still feels guilty about her death because she died on our way out."

" Uh"

" I will ask you for a request ". "yes"

" If you can, talk to my wife so that she does not feel more guilty"

" Certainly"

" Well come then. "

He takes her to one of the palace rooms.

" Well , what is important is the thing Michael " ?

" Michael ?! is that way you talk to me Teresa"



Well, I know that this is rudeness, but Queen Teresa seemed very arrogant and very, very beautiful, but as soon as she saw me, she seemed shocked and as if she saw a ghost and stopped a torrent of words to approach me so quickly that I was surprised at her speed to surround my face


Teresa "Viola"

She said that with tears in her eyes

" Sorry, my little Viola. Sorry, because I was not with you and did not protect you well. Sorry because I went out that day and left you behind. It was necessary... ''

Violet interrupted her saying, " No, don't be sorry, because I should have died that day. This is my destiny, whether I existed or not, and you were the reason why I did not died until that day. and because of my died you are queen now "

" But you are most important than kingship"

" You don't understand your being a good queen. Help Michael be a good king"

" I could take you with me and Mike wouldn't mind"

" Yes, and you would have always had to protect me and neglect your duties "

" But.."

" You have always been with me, protect me and love me, thank you for being my sister "

The queen fell to her feet, crying

And after her crying fit ended

" Michael how effective... ''

After she taken her breath

" But who are you?""

" I am Violet "

" How ... ?"

" What?"

" Nothing, thank you for listening to me "

" No need but stop feeling guilty"

" But"

"You didn't know this was going to happen"

" Please excuse me for this emotion, but you look like her very much"


" What would you do if you knew that everyone abandoned me because they thought I was bad and no one trusted me except for Lisa, and that is why I searched for her?""

Teresa " is there anything"

Violet " no, nothing "

" Do you agree that you're as my daughter"

she answers happily " yes"

The next day after Teresa asked to see Violet

" If he calls me from now on, mom"

" Well "

" Come to see my garden "

" Well maje.. Mum .""

" Sane girl"

When they reached the private garden, which contained many flowers of different colors and sizes, and some colored mushrooms

" uh, how beautiful it is mom"

" What have you got a daughter?"

Michael said it with artificial seriousness