
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter fourteen

Max "what"

" I thought it was his granddaughter, Pietro, and he used it as a pressure card for them, however... ''

Viector cut off contact with Max after hearing Violet's words

Violet, " I think the most dangerous thing about Sibtan-trunalsare the Stray wolves, especially if they feel that the Sibtan-trunals were one of the reasons they were Stray wolves"

King of the Sibtan-trunals " What do you mean"

" if the loses the Flock of Light, they will become Stray wolves ,aren't they?"

" bu ... well whether I think we should have a plan before we start."

Veictor and Violet " Okay"


When they came out, a girl came with red hair and red eyes

" Please excuse me, Miss Violet, will you come with me?"

Viector " Who are you, and why do you want to take her?"

" I'm Melissa, you should go with Arthur to plan for the fight, and I ask Violet to help me search for the magician Alberto. She did the research that Lisa did, so she might help us, and these are the king's orders."

Viector " Okay"

he want after the blue-eyed and hairy guy named Arthur

Violet " How could the king order you this?" "

" These are his orders from before you come so Arthur was at the gate "

" So why made me hold women for my past"

" He sees glimpses of the future, not everything that will happen in the future"

" Uh, I see, and I have a question what does Arthur mean at the gate that I am Viector's mate." "

" I don't know, Arthur only knows and is not allowed to talk about what he knows. He can know the two companions because the two comrades have one smell, but it is stronger for the male." "

" Well I see"

" Let go then"


In a large room where Violet stands near a small table with some flowers on it to look at its strange color after changing her clothes to leather clothes for ease of movement in it and Melissa stands at one of the book groups and Viector Arthur near the table is a large on which a map is placed

Melissa "Violet, what do you know about vampires and black magicians?"

Violet: "Vampires die as soon as they touch the sapphire that contains the blood of wolves. As for those with black magic, they die as soon as they touch the diamond that contains blood of Sunny-Tatm."

Arthur "How does touches mean?"

Violet brings the cup and puts the water in it, then takes off her ring to throw it in the cup

Violet "almost like this, but the place of the water is blood, and the ring is replaced by either diamond or sapphire."

Veictor sarcastically, "How will we be able to deal with these materials?"

Violet " surrounded it with iron"

Arthur seriously, "Can you draw your idea here?" And give her paper, quill and ink so & she draws a sword, but its blade is divided into two halves

Melissa embody it from the material of iron

Violet "Werewolves will handle diamonds

And witches with rubies, so whoever makes weapons will not be affected. "

Arthur, "Well, we're going to make these weapons for the weakest among us."

Viector "and we'll attack from the south and from the west."


all of them go in a way to prepare for this fight