
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter eight

"I have another question: Are you going to Edward's party?"

"What party"

" There are things I need to talk to you about Violet."

This was Victor's voice who listened to all of Maya and Violet's hadith

Maria "I'm going to check something. Please excuse me."

She goes, leaving Violet and Vector alone

"Edward has come to check the rumors that I hide a human being and also to invite us to the party so that he can host it tomorrow evening."

" Well you say he came to invite you, what am I related to?"

"Because you, my mate , you will come with me"


Max asks veictor " Why you didn't tell her that you do it to protect it because its survival alone with the herd is at risk"

Victor reped " close your mouth Max If you do not take her with me everyone will certainly wonder why Ididnot taking my boyfriend with me

Max pretends to believed him , " Aha understand"


Violet after hearing the sound of the room door opening :

" Can you close the cloud, Maria? I cannot reach it."

Listen carefully to the next steps ! These are not Maria's steps, they are strong steps, and before she turned around, she felt the warmth emanating from the hands of the person closing the clouds to her. She turned to him after she was standing with her back facing the door of the room to turn to

"wh .. What are you doing here Victor"

" It's my home"


"she will hear your heart ,Viector"

" close your mouth Max"

" But she is very beautiful in this outfit"

" She is basically beautiful"

" Confessed our friend"

" Respect yourself Max"

So Max burst out laughing at me so Victor ignored him


" What did you say?"

" I used to say it's your house but this is my room"

" Not your room if I hadn't said so"

" Ah"

" Come on let 's go"

extend his arm to her to support her to get out where he stood

Violet " from these two wolves"

Vector pointing to each wolf, " This is Leo, the wolf of Thomas, and this is the two thousand is the wolf of William"

" Oh, hello ,and how we will go?"

" We'll go wolves, that'll be faster. You will go up on my wolves, Max.""

" I understand"


The wolves run towards the place of the party, and after their arrival, each of them went to wear his clothes, except for Violet, she remained standing and trying to arrange her hair so that Viector approached from the back to run her

Violet, with tears in her eyes, " Look at my hair, it's no longer in order"

Viector "and what matters"


approach her and raise both his hands, place her on her hair, to hold the hairpin that came out of its place by the action of the air, and to fix it in the right place and look at her

" Look, he's back as he was "