
The darkness Within

In every movies the protagonist are always be the one who solves the problems but have you ever thought that what if the protagonist is the one who needed help? Beatrice Finley is a girl who is everything what you wished for, but she is a mysterious one. She’s a girl who is seen to have a happy go lucky life, but oh boy… how wrong they could be, they always said that someone who is always smiling is the one who had a hurting heart… well, when you really focused closely to Beatrice you could see that all of the emotion she expressed is all fake but behind those fake emotions had something dark hidden within and behind all those things is someone screaming for help. Will someone manage to help her before it’s too late or will Beatrice fall into darkness forever…

Yoku_Manimeian · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 8: The Mafia’s Deadly Butterfly

As Beatrice finished warning the two boys, the person that she bit, hit her head with a bat causing her to fell on the floor, though she's not unconscious from the impact, but she pretended to be one.

Crisanto and Eric managed to dodge the attack that is aimed to them by the gangsters that surrounded them, thanks to Beatrice warning. But when the two heard a sound of someone collapsed to the floor… the both of them got distracted by looking who was it, but as many people said, curiosity killed the cat. When the two saw who was it, their eyes widened, they were in a state of shock causing the gangsters to took it as their advantage and hit the two, Crisanto and Eric, with a metal pipe.

As the two got hit, they collapsed to the floor unconscious. "Tch! Their just too easy to take down. What the shame, this is just a waste of time to be honest." One of the member of the gangsters stated with a smug look.

"Oh shut up Victor! Just look at this handsome faces they have~" The girl of the member said as she admire Crisanto and Eric's faces. "What're we going to do to them? Specially the pretty girl over there, it'll be such a shame if we'll just kill her." The skinny looking gang member spoke as he smoked.

"Let the boss decide on this situation or we will be a dead meat if we wouldn't tell her." One of them informed. A girl around 13 years old came out of the shadows all of a sudden startling some of the members of the gang.

The girl had a straight waist length black hair with a charcoal-black eyes. The 13-year-old girl is also wearing a frilly dark red dress.

"Boss!" The whole gang bowed at her in respect, some in fear as she grinned in glee. "What are we going to do to this three people milady?" One of the gangsters spoke, while the gang was talking to their boss, they didn't notice that Beatrice was listening to their conversation all along.

The 13 year old girl, who is known as gangsters boss, smiled in a psychotic way while looking at Beatrice, Crisanto, and Eric's body, she knows that Beatrice was listening all along because of her breathing pattern, though, Beatrice only did it on purpose to know what is the gangsters observation level is, but it seems like they are all amateurs in her perspective.

'I wonder when are you going to wake up, Deadly Butterfly.' The 13-year-old girl grinned in excitement for a bloodbath fight. "Kill them." She declared.

"It'll be much more magnificent when they'll be covered with their own blood!" She laughed manically as the gang nod with determine and some others in fear of getting killed by their own boss like what happened to their past comrades.

"Who's going to be the lucky one that will be killed first milady?" One of the gangs member who acted tough spoked, the 13-year-old girl giggled as she pointed at Crisanto's unconscious figure. "Him."

The guy who asked the question positioned himself and took out his hidden gun from the side of his hips and pointed it directly to the center of Crisanto's forehead going for the instant kill.

But before the guy could do it, his hand that is holding the knife had been chopped off in an instance, making the guy to scream in pain as his blood keep oozing out to no end.

"G-GAHH!!" M-MY…MY HAND! SOMEBODY! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" The guy yelled as he run out of the alley and ask for somebody's help, but because of his reckless move, it caused him to get run by a truck instead and immediately died from the harsh impact, the people who were nearby of the incident screamed in horror.

"Hurt them and I will not hesitate to kill you." Beatrice stare at the gang, all of the gangsters could totally feel the tension in the air while their boss just laughed.

"What a wonderful twist of event! AHAHAHAHAH! I never thought that the oh so great Mafia's Deadly Butterfly had a heart!" The 13-year-old girl exclaimed as her gang members eyes widened as they didn't know that the girl they are facing right now is the one who they call as the Deadly Butterfly of the mafia.

"You all are messing with the wrong person, specially you Maria." Beatrice said as she recognized who the girl was in fron of her.

"OH! Never thought that the heartless person like you can still remember me who's parents got murdered by the one and only you! MAFIA'S DEADLY BUTTERFLY!" The 13-year-old girl known as Maria yelled as she released her bloodlust.

Beatrice wasn't affected by the bloodlust the 13-year-old girl is releasing, instead she was just standing there smugly as Maria's gang run away in fear as all of them couldn't take the suffocating atmosphere that they were in.

Maria did an immediate strike and attacked Beatrice with a kitchen knife that she keep hidden in her sleeve. Beatrice blocked the attack on instinct.

"Just die already! I want this suffering to be over already!" Maria screamed. Instead of seeing the figure of Maria in front of her, she saw herself in her place as the words that she said to her father recalled.

"I just want this suffering to be over dad!"

Beatrice snapped out of her thought as she felt something is piercing in her shoulder, when she look at it, it was the kitchen knife that she blocked that Maria was using as a weapon. Instead of crying in agony, Beatrice only grunted and pulled the knife out.

As she successfully removed the knife off her shoulder, she kicked Maria away from her.

'Maria Scarlet, the only daughter of James and Carla Scarlet who owned a illegal company of medicines but they got murdered by me, who only followed my boss's command because apparently, James delivered a poisonous medicine on behalf of his wife's command just because her wife didn't like a criminal organization like the mafia roam around freely in the country she loved so much. Before James wife died, she asked me a favor to spare their daughter, so I did, but I leave no trances of the girl's where about, I even erased her last name.' Beatrice thought, but then she coughed out blood, making Maria to giggle creepily.

"Poison." Beatrice muttered as she wiped away the blood from her mouth and smirked. "Nice trick there, you got me." Beatrice stated as she stood up shakily from the effect of the poison.

"But you know, this is not what your parents had been wanted you become as they took their last breath."