
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

I woke up to pure agony. Rolling onto my back I tried to ease the way my skin felt so inflamed, I tried to piece together where I was. The dark grey walls and glass doors next to the massive bed was a dead giveaway that I was not in my small closet of a room back at the compound.

Flashes of violet eyes had my body coming to life. I couldn't even think straight when the flames of desire began burning through me, scorching me. I moaned and withered, tears escaping my eyes as shame washed over me.

Placing my hand between my thighs to rub the still swollen flesh of my sex I knew this wasn't going away any time soon.

I have already humiliated myself by having sex with not just a stranger but my own enemy.

"I'm here, kitten." His voice came out of the darkness to tower over my withering body. When he walked into the light coming through the doors, I noticed for the first time his body was covered almost completely with tattoo. The artist had obviously taken his time and poured hours into the intimate images of demons possessing half naked angels standing on top of bone yards. It was beautifully tragic and ironically described our situation.

Pulling the covers the rest of the way off of her body had me gasping from the cold air hitting my still naked body. His eyes went black as he watched me playing with myself.

Pulling his already rock-hard cock out of his shorts he started stocking it. I whimpered with need. I felt like my actions weren't my own, but I had no fight left in me. By the look of utter possession stamped deep in the lines of his face he looked like sin incarnate-the devil taking her the darkness sucking her in.

Having had enough he grabbed my thigh pulling my body to the edge of the bed. Placing his body between my heated thighs he bent down to claim my mouth. He kissed like he fucked. Hard. Hot. Heat spread throughout my body, and I felt like I was going to burn up alive. His mouth traveled over my chin, down my throat to my breast. My nipples were on fire as he gave them all of his attention. He was wild, his mouth hotter than hell. His teeth were everywhere as his actions became rougher. He was a savage treating my body like his playground. I loved it, the way he growled if I moved. The way his tongue lapped at the sensitive areas of my body.

This was what I needed. The heat. The fire. The danger. The rough mixed with tender. His mouth on me, claiming every inch of my body.

"Marcus," I hissed. He kissed me again until I couldn't think, only feel. Only need. So much hunger spilling over until I couldn't hear myself pleading. I have never been this turned on this needy.

He caught one of my legs and pulled it around his waist. His hand circled the girth of his cock, and he pushed at my entrance. I bucked my hips trying to impale myself onto his cock, but he shook his head, :I want to feel your hands on me."

I hadn't wanted to get that close to him. Right now, it was just sex. Just hunger pure need. I knew he had been committing my body to his memory, but I never had anything like this before. It was too intense, and I knew that at the end I would have to walk away.

I knew it was going to be impossible to forget him as it was. Tear threatened to spill over as the thought of never seeing him again was already ripping me apart. My body was demanding release louder than my mind was trying to rationalize my situation and my hands found their way to his shoulders. Then he was inside me, slamming deep, driving through my tight folds, the breath hissing out of him. His deep violet eyes trapping mine I felt as if he had me caught in his dark violet ones. Surrounding me with his darkness. I was completely exposed to him. His darkness consumed me took me as I was. My vulnerability. Every flaw. Every humiliating need and desire.

He yanked my legs up and over his shoulders, changing his position throwing me into a wild orgasm that raced through my body, every cell. I cried out as another wave hit me. Never once did his eyes allow me to look away, I had to depend on him , and he was letting me know he knew that. He was the only one who could help me. The third orgasm rocked my body and I felt him come over the edge with me. My body gripped his forcing his orgasm with the sheer strength of mine.

"Marcus," I whispered. The burn of tears spilling over my cheeks. His cock was still heavy as he withdrew and there was a bite of pain when his head exited my body. He curled his body around mine his breath in my hair.

It was silent between us, and I tried to gather myself as much as I could. I was broken and I didn't know how I was going to find my center again.

I was a soldier, a human. He was an Alpha. A leader of creatures and my sworn enemy. I wasn't sure I would be able to ever face my men again after this.

My stomach broke my train of thoughts when it growled loud enough to wake the dead. My face turned crimson red as I heard his deep husky laughter rocking his body behind me.

"Come kitten I brought you some food." He stood from the bed taking my hand in his. I thought he was going to walk me over to the table across the room but was shocked when he pulled me up into his arms to carry me bridal style over to a tray waiting for us.

The tray was stacked with pancakes, sausage, fruit, and eggs. My mouth drooled. Since the war my people have had a hard time keeping food rationed. There were many hard winters when I had to watch my people starve. Some didn't make it.

The thought of those that didn't make it had my mood darkening. I pushed a piece of sausage around on my plate unable to bring myself to eat it when I knew back home my people were struggling.

"What has taken your attention away from me?" He questioned as he sipped on his glass of orange juice.

"I have to go back to my people." I tried to sound confident and push emotions as far away as possible. Hearing the hiccup in my voice I wasn't so sure if I succeeded.

"I don't think now is a good time for you to be there." He stated focusing on his plate.

"What does that mean." I threw my fork down standing up. Fear for my people creeping to the surface.

He just looked at me as if he was analyzing my reaction, "Because there is a hoard of demons headed toward your compound." His lack of panic had my heart frozen.

"You really are a monster!" I screamed at him rushing toward my clothes that were laying clean and folded on the dresser. He was on me instantly.

"If you must see me as a monster because I cannot stand to see you get hurt then so fucking be it." He growled. His hand gripping my chin to keep me from looking away from him. Just the touch of his skin on mine had heat spreading through me again, but I pushed it down with my anger.

I let my anger take over ripping my face from his grip I shoved him away from me, "Fuck you!" I pulled my boots on lacing them up. I heard his snide remark as he walked over to pull some clothes out of his own.

"Oh, kitten you definitely did that." My face heated as my cheeks turned bright red. What was I supposed to say to that. So, I decided not to and stood up to storm out of his bedroom.

He was trailing me. Not stopping me, but not leaving me either. As I took the stairs two at a time, I saw a man come rounding the corner at the bottom looking up to Marcus. He raised his eyebrows in question as he saw the state of anger, I was obviously in.

"Lucion, this is my mate, Raven." He introduced me. "I know you are just visiting, but do you mind telling my beta to get the men together. It looks like my mate has a death wish." Lucion laughed as Marcus growled the last part out in frustration. "I would introduce you to her, but as you can see, she isn't quite in a state to socialize."

I ignored his jab at me and pulled the front door open. The brightness of the sun had my eyes squinting, but I marched on. I had to make it back in time to get my people as prepared as I could before hell descended upon us.