
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Seven

We had driven for the past two hours and were finally just outside of the town bunkered down for the night. I watched my men sitting around a fire chatting and laughing. They were all gassed up for tomorrows battle and normally I would be sitting with them. Tonight, I didn't feel like having the company.

My nerves were going crazy and ever since we left base, I had an uneasy feeling like someone was watching us. Surveying the desert surrounding us I pulled my jacket a little closer in an attempt to push away the cold.

"Want to talk about it?" I didn't bother facing him when Dustin came walking up behind me. I rested my shoulder against the back end of the truck and kept looking, searching. I didn't realize what I was looking for until his face popped into my head. His violet eyes looking at me with lust. I can't remember if that was how he really looked at me that night or if it was just a made up by my over worked imagination.

"Talk about what, Dusty?" I sighed out dreading the conversation.

"Whatever has you doing the mama bear overprotective routine." I glared over at him.

"Fuck you." I rolled my eyes as he just shrugged his shoulders at me.

"Raven you won't be able to protect all of them." Who the fuck did he think he was.

Turning to face him my hands on my hips as I glared him down. "Fuck you, Dustin. What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say I ain't a good leader?" I demanded from him pointing my finger out towards him.

"Fuck Raven you know that's not what I am saying." He threw his arms out in what looked to be frustration. What the hell could he possibly be frustrated about?

"Then what? Tell me."

"You know damn well we are walking into an unknown dangerous situation with no intelligence of about the enemy. Out of all our experience you know as well as I do, we might lose a few lives tomorrow." He yelled at me, but softly took a step towards me grabbing me by the shoulders. "That doesn't make you a bad leader. It doesn't mean you failed. You are an amazing leader, and I would follow you into hell. You cannot control everything though."

Pulling me into a hug I rested my forehead against his chest as he played with my hair. "I can't lose anyone else to this bullshit Dustin." I looked up at him for the first time in years tear were threatening to fall from my swollen eyes.

"You won't lose me Raven. Even if I fall tomorrow, I will always be right by your side." He smiled down at me but the thought of losing him had pain throbbing in my chest. "Combat buddies for life, right?" I nodded trying to give him my best smile.

"Now go back to camp and get some rest we are going to need you at your best tomorrow. I will take over watch with Diez." I nodded not having the energy to fight him on it. I went back to my sack and laid down for the night. The last thing I saw was all of my family laughing and talking around the fire and the man I had a lot of love and respect for watching over us all.


The next morning, I woke up before everyone else. Dustin had switched out with Halister at some point last night because I saw him standing at look out. I poured two mugs of coffee and walked over to join him.

"What's the word?" I answered his knowing smirk with a smile of my own. "Did you see anything suspect last night?"

"No boss all quiet on this end." He answered taking a long swig of his coffee. We stood there quietly taking in the peacefulness of the morning. "I know you are worried about today." He looked down fiddling with his cup as he spoke. "Just know I got your back." He looked me in the eyes trying to convey his sincerity.

"I know you do Halister." I gave a weak smile. He really was a good guy always loyal.

"Who the hell drank the last of the coffee!" I turned to see Diez trying to pour a cup of coffee from the pot I had just poured my coffee from. I downed my cup walked away from Halister as quick as I could.

"Halister did it!" I yelled. Diez instantly started giving him a death glare.

"Fucking really!" He threw his hands up in the air at me. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders before bending down next to Dustin who was still asleep. Everyone was starting to wake up.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and rocked him back and forth, "Dustin." He mumbled something before swatting out at me. Such a damn baby, "Dustin!" I said a little louder effectively making him jump awake. I jumped back to avoid him head butting me.

"Damn it, Raven." He placed his head in his hands trying to wake up. I watched as his muscles in his arms jumped at one time the sight of his muscled arms would have had me breathless, but now I didn't seem to see him the same way. Unfortunately, as he looked up at me from his half sleep dazed expression, I could still see the love and desire he had for me.

The one man I didn't want to ever let down and hurt was going to be broken when we finally did sit down and have that discussion about my lack of romantic love towards him.

"Alright we roll in ten." I stood up walking away from him. I had much bigger problems to handle right now.

In ten minutes, we had broken camp and geared up ready to roll out. Dustin was sitting behind me as Diez drove our truck and I saw shot gun leading our convoy towards our mission.

It didn't take long to reach the heart of the little town. It was about noon so any ghoul or hell hound that might be awake wouldn't be out anyway most didn't like coming out during the day. We stopped just down the road from the Hospital as I surveyed the perimeter. It wasn't guarded at all.

"Alright, game plan." I turned to look at everyone. First, we will roll up to the front doors. Diez, you throw in the bangs. Halister you take Private Baker and Private Morris clear everything to the left. Bailey take Jake and Roberts and clear the right. Dustin, and I will clear everything else. We will ronde Vue at the bottom of the stairs. From the blueprints it looks like the target is located two stories down, understood?" I folded up the blueprints and all my men answered in sync.

"Ma'am Yes Ma'am." I smiled at them, and we all loaded up.

Taking a deep breath, I watched as we speed up to the door. Taking this place by storm was going to be our only option. If we waited to do it under the cover of darkness this place would be covered in other creatures. This way we could catch them by surprise and take them all out.