
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Four

My body was cold. Jumping awake I found I was completely surrounded by darkness. I couldn't see anything. I heard feet shuffling around me.

"Hello?" I was laying on cement with no memory of how I got here. Lightening flashed in the background lighting up my surroundings for a split second. "The alley." I was back in the alley from the other night. Why was I back here again.

"Raven," spinning around just in time for the lightening to flash once more giving me a glimpse at the seductive violet eyes of the demon from before. I scrambled away from him but didn't get far as my back was once more against a building. Within a blink of an eye, he was on me like before, but somehow different.

His body vibrated against mine as he purred in pleasure. "Mine!" his strong hands grabbed my wrists slamming them up above my head making my very endowed chest thrust up to brush up against his. My body began tingling with need at the light contact. Oh God not again! I attempted to gain control of myself.

"Do you know what I do to those that run from me kitten?" He bent down pressing kisses along my exposed neck. Against my will a loud lust filled moan escaped me. "Mmhm that's it purrs for me kitten."

"No!" I bucked against him trying to throw him off. It wasn't working. "You are a monster I will never be yours." I seethed at him finally locking my gaze with his. "How could I ever be with someone like you! You are a murder." I spit at him. I watched as anger and pain twisted his face.

He growled and punched the brick wall next to my head. Pieces of it crumbled down to the ground along with my limp body when he suddenly released me and paced away from me like wild caged animal. His eyes never left me though.

I realized then I was his prey, and he was the predator getting ready to go in for the kill. "You know nothing kitten. I am no more a monster than your precious humans who experiment on my kind and lock us away, torture us!" He roared at me taking an aggressive step towards me. I involuntarily flinched away from him.

If I didn't know any better, I could have sworn I saw the beast soften when he realized I was frightened of him. "That isn't true. They wouldn't do that." I commented. I wanted to sound confident in my respond, but it came out as a whisper sounding almost unsure.

"Three days kitten."

"Three days until what?" The demon knelt down in front of me.

"You have three days until I come for you." His hand came up to cup my face holding me in place as he brought his face to mine. My eyes instantly darting to his parted lips. Was he going to kiss me. My heart stopped my body hummed with need.

"RAVEN!" My eyes sprang open to the blinding light of my bedroom with Dustin standing over me looking concerned. "You need to get up we are being requested in the common area." Despite seeing I was finally awake he didn't turn to leave so I could get ready he stayed rooted next to my bed staring down at me his eyes flicker with concern and .... lust.

"Dustin..." I didn't know how to fix things between us. Since the breakup we hadn't talked and up until last night it hadn't been an issue.

"Look I know we aren't together, but I feel like maybe there are some things we need to discuss." He stepped closer to the bed his thighs pressing against my mattress making it dip slightly towards him. "I know I have some apologizing to do and things I need to work on, but I feel like I am at a point where," his hand trailed up my arm sending goosebumps spreading across my body as he put the strap of my night teddy back up on my shoulder.

Dustin was still very much attractive, and chemistry had never been an issue for us, but it felt different now. I felt, guilty, for allowing him to touch me. Not knowing what else to do I stat up in my bed quickly my covers falling down to pool in my lap leaving my breast to be half exposed to Dustin. I saw him take in a breath as his eyes traveled over my exposed body. My nipples were hard as rocks sticking out of my already see-through nighty.

Dustin's hand shot out to grab me by the back of my neck forcing my face to tilt up to his as he crushed his lips down against mine. He tasted familiar and memories of us before rushed through my head and I melted. He deepened the kiss as he maneuvered his body on top of mine ripping the cover off me completely so he could nestle his large frame between my slender legs his hands grabbing my thighs to pull my legs apart further before traveling up over my hips and farther up until the cupped my breasts. I moaned into his mouth when he flicked my nipples taking one between his fingers twisting slightly to create a sensation, I felt all the way down between my thighs. When I closed my eyes to savor the feeling, I saw the demons face and instantly it was his body I felt against mine.

Frightened I shoved Dustin off of me. We were both breathless staring at each other not knowing what to say. I saw Dustin begin to speak but a loud pounding on my door stopped us both. "Raven! The Chief has requested your presence as soon as possible in the common area for a briefing." Dustin stood up and went to the door to let the Private know I would be along. I took that time to jump up out of my bed and put some jeans and tank top on. I was lacing up my boots when Dustin came back.

"We can talk about this later okay. Right now, I just need some time." I walked past him without saying anything else. I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear but honestly, I was so lost. I had some weird feelings for a demon that had me questioning myself. Maybe I was losing it and going crazy like some of the combat soldier who came back from the war. Something was obviously wrong with me though. Dustin was an amazing man I don't know why I feel like I should be pushing him away and guilty for letting him closer. Logically everyone thought Dustin and I were perfect for each other therefore I should too, right?