
The Darkness in Teens

A tale of teens who delve into something they shouldn't have for the sake of having fun. Little snippet of the first chapter to see if you guys like it: In the beginning, I and my Three friends Joseph, Daniel, and Chris wanted to have fun by exploring the unknown. We even had a handmade temple in a forest South of Daniel and Chris who were brothers. Chris first wanted to find or summon a demon that's where it all started. The deaths, pains, heartache, and lies! More information: Please follow i’m a first time writer who rely on Grammarly and friends. I upload once maybe twice a week with 1k word or more. But I would not upload unless I have a emergency. if you guys have any questions or ways to make the story better let me know I check and read every comment or join my discord for things related and not related to this novel…https://discord.com/invite/E983RPzKbh

teo_nico · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 - spells

****POV Eliyah****

"Hey dude can you tell me how did you come to know all this stuff" I inquired

It started back in...…..10 minutes later

"Where one were you?" I asked

"I was the third horsemen famine anyway. I think that's enough for now I'll tell you more later" Nico answered.

Oh so is that why I've never seen you sick" I mocked

"Oh do you still want to learn?" he retorted


"You said something?" he questioned

"Nope, anyway let's start!!".

"So how are we going to do this? Is there like a darkweb thing for this or what?"

"Oh we have many things like youtube..yes youtube, some websites and other stuff" he replied

Really youtube and online websites I feel like this is really dangerous. Nico would accidently kill or hurt me right?...yeah I can't be so sure he is not mentality sound from time..no most of the time.

"What will happen if I mess up?"

"Oh.. ah nothing depends on the spell. including Summoning unless it is a demon summoning then you're not" he shot back.


"But from the book of dark and voodoo…."he looks away.

"What will happen?" I angrily said.


"What will happen NICO!!!!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Ahhh...st...sto..stop yelling..ok.okay at best case you'll become cur..cursed..worst case It uh..doesn't matter as were not going the dark way" he replied hurriedly.

"We better…"

Ugh I can't believe him if I mess up I would be f**ked. Sure he probably wouldn't be since he can st...wait can he even use magic? I better ask him.

"Hol up…"

"Yes" he looks over

"Can you even use magic?" I questioned

"Yes and no it's a long thing" he returned

"Can you at least stop or protect me if something bad happens!!!?" I started to fume.

"Yes" he replied

"Okay" I exhaled a long breath."let's start"


Woah that was close he was really mad. I guess I understand why though i said if he messed up he would basically be F**ked. I also kinda lied as well. I can't use magic outside of my body really, so when we used to do magic I was like a battery. But I'm able to use other stuff like Ki/chi but he doesn't need to know that.

"Anyway let's start with a simple earth thing because it is the easiest since we can feel and see it the best "I stated

"Wait, what do you mean easiest?" Eliyah commented.

"Oh..so even though magic is well magic: it still needs a little bit of understanding of elements and sometimes other things related to psychics" I declared

"Interesting how do you know so much ?" he requested

"Oh so back when we did a lot of this stuff we had hit a roadblock. For us to perform better we had to find a way to increase our understanding and well this was the best and fastest way" I boasted

"Uhm...cool" he nodded.


"What's that?" I tilted my head.

"Hold on….Oh sorry dude I have to go, turns out I have a family thing I have to go too" he sighed.

"Oh..okay have fun" I said disappointed.

"Yeah sorry.. see you later dude" he waved leaving.

"See ya" I waved back.

Well that sucks I hope i could teach him a little. I guess I will save it for a later time. I don't feel like walking home just yet so I'll try one of these spells myself.

Basic level one spells

Water spells - water , water ball, water bullet

Fire spells- spark

Earth spells- earth pellet, small earth wall

Air spells-

Other spells - aura circulation, blood circulation


Wow these are really basic...like I know it's called basic spells...but still jeez. All though those two other spells are interesting. Blood and aura but it is confusing since that doesn't sound like magic unless aura is like a different way of saying "mana"or something . plus blood just doesn't sound like white magic more like black or some sort of forbidden curse sh*t. I'm going to hate myself in the morning aren't I.

"Okay before I become a wuss. Lets try this blood cuz why not i'ma dumb a**" I hype myself up.

What are the instructions

First sit in a meditative state

" Maybe I should head home first. I don't want to sit on the ground."

"Maybe take a nap while I'm at it as well" I yawned.

40 minutes of walking in the blazing heat of august

"I.I..I nnnneeeeddd water...gulp...Finally I'm home"

"You were thirsty huh" a voice said behind me.

"Yeah it's hot outside and it got hotter the longer I was out there" I turned around to look at my mother.

"Crazy," she remarked.

A few moments later

"I'm going out for a little bit," she said.

"Okay bye be fun have safe...wait no be safe have fun" i stumbled on my words

"Pfftt...okay bye" she laughed

Well since she's gone i guess i can start with this blood circulation thing.but before i do what does it do.

Opens back the website

Okay…"Blood circulation or otherwise known as Bc forcibly pushes blood throughout the body, empowering the muscles which need blood"..makes sense so far I guess. Bc also is used for purifying the body?. Wait what does that mean...scrolls down…"when blood flows through the blood normally it creates heat. When using this technique blood flows faster, heating and pumping it throughout the body more than standard". Does it mean it's really dangerous. If it flows too fast or too hot. It can probably burn muscles and veins...continue reading… so Bc is like the bodily version of aura circlatution. I kinda don't want to do this. It seems more dangerous than its worth.


"Dude whats up" a voice came out of the phone

Pick a number 1-10

"Why?" he asked

Nothing bad, just to confirm something

"okay?.. ugh ...2" he said

Okay thanks talk to you later

"Kay see ya dude"


"uuuuhhhh...Fine okay I'll do it " I reluctantly groaned


Technique - start in a lotus meditation position then breathe in and out...slowly increase speed after the initial breath.

inhale ..exhale...inhale….ex..in..ex.in.ex.in.ex.in.ex.i.e.i.e.i.e.ie.ie.

Bang..click..bang..bang..bang..bang.bang….30 minutes passes

"arg what's that sound!!?" Nico yelled since he didn't hear the sound at first since it was too soft.

I don't hear it anymore. What was that?


Author's corner:

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter

Sorry for not posting last week I was really tired

Update- wow such empty

Want to read ahead? join my discord server for early releases-

Heman will return next week with more information

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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