
Chapter 5

Leon woke and get ready for the day he was super happy about today he would be able to hangout with his friends today. Leon walked to the dining room where his parents were sitting he than sat in between the two and greeted them they greeted him back and the three talked and ate breakfast than Leon went to and told his inner circle they were free to do what they want for the day and that he would be hanging out with his friends. Leon was in the training yard where the knights were training with the squires Leon saw Fiona sparring on even ground with the knight he faced till she slipped and and the knight accidentally launched her away Leon went to catch her bit at the speed she was going he wasn't going to make it so he channeled lightning and jumped and caught her Fiona thought she was going to die till she landed in someone's arms and passed out once Leon saw her pass out he set her down softly than in an instant he was in front of the knight "what was the meaning of that she could of very well of died" the knight knelt "my apologies lord I lost control of my strength" Leon dispelled his lightning and sighed "it's fine just control your strength next time your free to go now" the knight then went to a group of knights who started laughing at him the he punched one and it started a fist fight in the whole group Leon then went over to Fiona as she woke up "what happened" Leon went and sat next to her as the rest of their friends did "you flew and someone caught you that's all no biggie" Leia spoke up "yea you went flying then next thing we know Leon caught you and gave the knight a talking" Fiona looked at Leon who was now playing with the grass looking away from her Morris spoke up "it was all so fast I was about to say hi to Leon next thing I know he's covered in lightning and went 'zoom' and caught you than 'blink' he's in front of the knight at a faster speed it was all so cool" Leon then laid down and closed his eyes Fiona sits up "thank you" Leon then mumbled "welcome" quietly Morris then bursted out "he's actually embarrassed this is the greatest day of my life" Leia than pouted "not fair I wish I got thrown" Fiona than rolled her eyes at the two "so Leon what are we doing today" Leon sat up "don't know thought you would" Royse than poked Leon "..." Leon thought for a moment "that sounds fun" everyone looked at him "oh Royse said we could go adventuring Morris spoke up "oh yeah I almost forgot my old man was talking about a group of caves in the forest with my uncle that could be fun" they all agreed than they all got their gear on and decided to go they were walking out the castle when the guards stopped them "reason for leaving in the middle of the day" Leon then came to the front "hey guys" he waved towards them "oh we hope you have a good time on your off day prince" they then let the group through. Leon and his friends were all following Morris through the forest and Leia spoke up "d..dosent t..this f..forest h..have b..beast" Morris responded "yea but the biggest one seen was the size of a bear" Leon then went to comfort Leia and thought to himself "but the one I fought was at least three times the size of a bear" he shrugged and continued on. The group were walking than the started runing when they started be chased by wolf beast they looked life wolf's except they had horns and three tails once they reached the cave they all thought they could have an easy time fighting the wolf beasts they could never imagine what they would face that day for if they did they would of ran home. Leon and the group were standing in the clearing in front of the cave when the wolf beasts stopped chasing although the did surround the are preventing them from going anywhere else Leon spoke up "great they stopped chasing but why" Morris spoke up "my guess is the cave i guess it's a safe place for us" Fiona spoke up "then let's hurry up and get inside" then the group ran into the cave. Leon was leading the group while casting a ball of light Fiona was next to him "how come you never told us you could use magic" Leon looked at her "you know that's a good question why didn't i" then they all start laughing till they reached a spacious area where once they stepped inside torches went on Leon seeing this uncast his spell and stepped forward and he saw spiderweb all over the area "looks like a spider den" Fiona stepped forward "yeah but where are the spiders" suddenly a sound could be heard above them and when they looked up the saw only one spider but this spider was 8 ft big and had horns poking out all over its body Fiona then face palmed "i should've kept my mouth shut" next thing they know the spider drops in front of them on instinct Morris, Leia, and Royse all run towards the exit and once their outside they notice Leon and Fiona are still in the cave then they hear something fling towards them. Leon and Fiona are standing side by side in front of the monster with their Fiona spoke up "you think they made it out yet" Leon gulped "i hope so you ready" Fiona shook her head "as ready as I'll ever be on the count of three then" the two counted to three and charged at the beast Fiona went for its front left leg with her great sword Leon went for the opposite with his halberd the both strike only to have their weapons bounce off and for the monster to knock them into the walls the two instantly recovered and looked at each other before jumping towards the beast and striking it's sides the beast then cried in pain as Leon and Fiona met in front of the beast Leon then shot a blast of lighting at the beast who was unfazed "damn he's resistant to lightning" then the beast charged at them and the two turned and ran Leon then shouted "if we get to the clearing it'll be much easier to fight this thing" Fiona shouted in turn "agreed let's hurry" Leon looked back "look out" he than pulled Fiona in front of him as he was hit by the spider slicing deep into his back he yelled in pain as the two were sent flying out the cave into their friends when Fiona recovered she helped Leon sit up "can you fight" Leon groaned "yea but I'm sorry ahead of time everyone" they all looked at him in confusion then he channeled the darkness to cover his body and it eased his pain and he stood Fiona and the others were all hunched over in pain Leon saw this "I'm sorry everyone but I must do this to protect you" Leon then yelled ' Brunhild was standing in front of him "when you truly feel an emotion is when you can release the true power of darkness no mater if it's love, hate, pain or sorrow" she then smiled "hopefully that day will never come for darkness places a great burden even greater than light" she hugged him ' Leon felt the pain he received from the beast but what the darkness fed off of was the love for his friends and wanting to save them he started to feel the darkness consentrate it self around him instead of releasing wildly and he cried in pain as the more it did the more pain he felt Fiona saw her friend in pain and and urge to ease that pain was found in her and when it was she felt a heat swell in her until it released and she was being covered in consentrated light Leon felling this light helped him ignore the pain although it kept growing stronger there they stood Fiona the seraph of light beside Leon the reaper of darkness at least that's what their friends who were watching thought. Leon felt the power surge within him as did Fiona then the two looked at each other then the beast who was standing in front of them then the two charged at beasts legs and cut clean through with their weapons now coated in their elements the beast cried in pain and then grew it's legs back and the two saw this and jumped to the sides and cut at its body on to see that whenever they delivered a new cut the previous one was healed but continued the beast cried in pain as its body was damaged and healed in a repeated cycle their friends saw this torture and felt sorry this beast couldn't just die but that thought soon returned to them as they saw the beast jump into the air and smash down on the ground sending their friends flying from the mere force of it landing the two caught themselves on the ground before the flew into the wolf beasts and launched them selves at the beast, when the beast saw them flying towards it and then swung it's legs and sent them flying into the air this strike would lead to its death as the two stopped in the air and raised there weapons Leons halberd glowed black and created a mist that grew into a scythe Fionas great sword shined and grew into a blade of light that extended a blade on the opposite side of her hilt forming a sword with two blades theirs friends witnessed this and again the thought came to mind a seraph of light and a reaper of darkness, the two then flew down towards the beast and swung their weapons together in a x like fashion landing on opposite sides of the beast who fell in four parts the two then released their forms and walked towards their friends who were now standing since Leons darkness was gone and they all noticed the wolf's were gone the then stared at the beast and decided to be more careful next time. The group walked through the town towards the castle as everyone stared at them in awe the reason for this is Leon was floating the dead beast following them when they reached the gate they were met by the queen, the king, and their guards Leon saw his mother and father and ran and gave them a hug which they returned "today was so fun we were in the forest having fun next thing we know we're running from wolf beast than we come to the cave we were looking for but what we didn't know it was home to this beast but luckily we managed to kill the beast we were laughing at the faces of the townspeople they were so funny they looked just like that" he pointed towards the guards who as soon as he did straighten their faces a moment later his parents then hugged the life out of him telling him to never scare them like this again he asked them what was happening and it turned out the cave Morris heard about was home to the youngest spider lord and the knights of the Kingdom were supposed to kill the beast but when the king and queen heard their son and his friends went into the forest they changed the knights mission to save the prince, but as they were leaving the prince returned with the beast dead they decided to hold a party for the little group of adventures who slayed the beast, the queen nearly canceled the event when she saw how injured her son was but the king stopped her. The party was grand there was a feast the a dance then a story was told. The group told their tale of how they killed the beast and everyone started cheering for Leon and Fiona calling them the seraph and the reaper. After the party it was past sunset once the last guest left Leon then headed to the rose garden where he saw Brunhild sitting on a bench he went over and sat next to her "why hello my lady enjoying the moonlight" she looked at him in worry "are you alright" Leon looked at her "I'm fine" she started to look angry "tell me the truth" he grabbed her hands "I'm still walking I'm fine" she then pulled her hands away and pulled his shirt up and it showed his bandaged chest "then what's this" he the looked at her as she gave him a worried look "i got hit by the beast but I went to the cleric so I promise you I'm fine" she held tighter to his shirt "don't do something so stupid again please promise me" he then said "i promise you I won't do something stupid like that again" she smiled a little "good" he then looked to the side "mind putting my shirt down and to stop touching my chest it's a little embarrassing" she gave him a confused look then realized she indeed was touching his chest and pulled her hands away then the two sat there blushing she spoke "if it helps you more muscular than you look" he blushed more "if it helps your more beautiful than you may think" she blushed more and the two sat there in silence watching the stars without realizing they were holding hands. The next morning begun Leons life of a prince once more he wouldn't be having an off day for a while now he did admit he was a little glad about that afraid something would happen again if he did.