
The darkened light

Immortal healing beings try to communicate and intermingle with the human world in order to survive on mutualism while hiding a horrifying truth waiting to be uncovered by one of their own who has fallen madly in love with the most powerful, hidden, and lost child.

AroosaLiaquat · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Unfolded mysteries

Maten used to sell toys at a small shop on the corner of st. Fairy. He had a simple routine of working at his shop from dawn till dusk and sleeping in a little apartment at night which he rented at a very cheap price. His life was undisturbed by the events of the city. Maten did not have any family or friends. He was very conservative towards keeping longer relationships with people. He was very kind and gentle toward everybody yet kept a distance from people. When he came here everybody wondered why he was so reluctant of people but slowly people got used to his routines and did not bother much. He had a few special customers who were regular at his shop and had friendly acquaintances with him but he never took that out of the shop. Mrs. Steon was one of those customers. She used to visit his shop once every month to buy one toy for her daughter. She would buy special toys for Christmas and her birthdays. Maten never asked her but always noticed sadness more than happiness in her eyes while buying toys. She has bought all kinds of barbies and teddies in the past twenty years and whenever she bought one, she would look at it for a while with wet eyes. Maten always noticed this but never said anything. They saw each other growing old but had never talked about their families. This morning Mrs. Steon came to his shop in rush but she did not buy her specific toys rather she chose something different, a big white teddy bear, which she has looked at many times but did not try to buy before. When Maten saw the teddy bear with her, he complimented her saying "very good choice" with a smile, and then he went to the cash counter. From behind the cash counter, he raised his eyebrow and said in a muted voice "also different". Mrs. Steon noticed his expression and gave him a warm smile "yes, very different, I hope this would also make a difference in my life". She said while observing the teddy bear with a hopeful sigh. She hurried out of the shop after paying the bill, leaving Maten thoughtful because she has always been very calm and composed in her ways.


Meesha has the curiosity of a toddler when it came to discovering new places. Her grandmother was afraid of letting her out alone in the village. When Meesha asked her to let her visit the village, she took Meesha to the northern part of the village and showed her all the places herself then brought her home. Meesha said she wanted to see the southern part of the village "that is an abandoned place and there is nothing but grass and herbs, and maybe some good variety of snakes" was the answer her grandmother gave her teasing Meesha. Meesha was afraid of snakes and knew that her grandmother is only teasing her but something in her expression disturbed Meesha as she was trying to hide something. Meesha could not get the idea of visiting the southern side out of her mind although the mentioning of snakes made her quite reluctant. The next day Meesha decided to go to the other side but her friend Sara happened to visit her. Meesha asked her for the company before coming here. Sara came at super and nobody could keep the track of time after her arrival because of her friendly nature. Sara was franker with her grandmother than Meesha. At night, after having dinner, Meesha and Sara went to their room. Meesha mentioned the story of the southern area of the village as abandoned to Sara. Sara was more adventurous than Meesha. She suggested that they steal the chance and visit the area at night which alarmed Meesha "oh, come on, nothing will go wrong and we will come back before your grandmother finds out, stop being a kid" Sara told Meesha authoritatively. "I am not being a child, it's just that we haven't been to that place before and nobody lives there so what I suggest is that we should visit the place in daylight". Meesha tried to make a point as she was more afraid of snakes at night than anything else. Sara did not agree and told Meesha to just get ready. They wore their coats, took a torch, and opened the door slowly in order not to wake up grandmother. They sneaked out of the house and walked towards the southern area. They talked about Meesha's car repair story while walking "they were the only people I have met so far here" said Meesha with a despaired look. "you will get to meet more with time and by the way how long are we staying here!" Sara asked Meesha. "I am not sure but not more than two weeks" "two weeks! Sara surprisingly remarked, "no way we are going back in a week, or at least I am going back in a week, what would you do here this long" "actually grandma is not well so my mother has asked me to keep her company in these holidays, but I am convincing her to come live with us in the city I hope she " "shhh" Sara's voice interrupted Meesha in completing her sentence. "do you see that light? "Sara asked Meesha worriedly. Meesha looked in her pointing direction and noticed bright yellowish light coming out of the field. "I told you not to come at night," Meesha said loudly while Sara put her hand on Meesha's mouth to quiet her. "excuse me" they jumped and turned around on a voice and Meesha couldn't help screaming. A manly figure was standing in front of them that they could not see well in the dark because Meesha dropped the torch and broke it when jack called them from behind. They looked back and the light was gone by now, it was only them and the man standing in front of them. "we were having a walk and lost our way" exclaimed Sara "but we will figure it out" she added and took Meesha's hand to hurry home. "it's not safe here at this time" Jack interrupted " I am local here, let me drop you home" but Sara continued her journey saying they will manage but continuously felt steps behind their backs. Soon they were home and caught by their grandmother who was roaming in the courtyard waiting for them. She gave them a cold glance "I did not expect this immaturity from you two" she said and went to her room leaving Meesha and Sara astonished and guilty.


Sara and Meesha exchanged concerning glances at the quietness of Cacelion on breakfast. Cacelion always took an empty cold bread slice with black hot coffee. She was taking sips of her coffee while reading a book when Meesha apologized "I am sorry grandma, please don't be mad. She put her hand on Cacelion's. Cacelion tapped her hand lovingly but did not look up or said anything. "Grandma is right, why wouldn't she be angry with you? You are so young after all, what if somebody kidnapped you!" Sara tried to clear out the air between them then she accosted grandmother "it's all her fault grandma she took me there saying she wanted to see the night snakes" she smirked, and went to the kitchen shelf holding her coffee mug while Meesha threw a spoon after her "She is lying grandma it was her idea all along" she justified. "Look, I don't want to deprive you of your little adventures but I have to return you to your parents in one piece so be careful next time" Cacelion finally lightened the mood and they all laughed together, which was interrupted but the knock on the door. "I'll get it," Sara said and went to the door. She opened the door to a fair-looking young boy who said his greetings with a friendly smile on his face, "hi, how may I help you" Sara inquired. " Is Mrs.Cacelion home? "yes, she is" Cacelion peeked through the side of her book and stood up smiling "Sam darling come in" they greeted each other with a hug which was very surprising to both girls as they looked at each other with confused faces. Before Cacelion could introduce Sam, he looked at Meesha and went toward her "hi, Meesha right!" he exclaimed without hesitation. Meesha smiled and nodded. Cacelion followed him to Meesha "so you both have already met! "yeah, the car broke, I told you, remember! He showed me around". Meesha explained. "and this pretty lady here is!" Sam pointed towards Sara. "She is her friend and Meesha is my granddaughter" Cacelion added. "so what brings you here honey?" Cacelion asked Sam who was busy staring at Meesha. "oh, yes" he moved his gaze to Cacelion "I came here to invite you for dinner, my father got the news about your granddaughter and he has already met Meesha so he decided to invite you guys over to get acquainted and for girls to have some good time". "great, we will be there for sure" cacelion accepted the offer. "great so I will take my leave, see you all at 8 pm tomorrow" Sam left the house