
The Dark Saga

Bethany and Maya stone are the last descendants of the witch clan. They must team up with each other to protect the immortality stone from the hands of the dark side. Will they succeed or not? Join me in this amazing adventure.

Smilingk123 · Teen
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5 Chs


We were in the cafeteria, I settled down with a plate of hamburger, an apple, and orange juice. I sat down close to Clarissa opposite Daniel.

"What should we do after school?" I asked taking a bite of my hamburger.

"what about movies night," Clarissa suggested.

"But where?" I asked.

"My turn to decide. What about at my house? I have a horror movie titled Rings 1&2.

"Cool," I said.

"Love it. What time? Clarissa said.

"7 pm," Daniel said.

"Ok," Clarissa said.

"Roger that," I said.

We ate for a few minutes until the bell rang for lunch over. We trooped to class gisting and laughing.


The school was over. I and Clarissa went to the pool to clean.

"Uhm Bethany, can I see your necklace," Clarissa asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"I have never seen the pendant only the chain," She said.

"My mum said I should never show anybody but I can show you," I said bringing out the necklace from inside my sweater and showing her. The necklace was green and round with two diagrams etched on it inside a metal enclosure.

"I don't see why your mum should tell you to hide it. If it's that precious, why are you wearing it?" Clarissa asked.

"Part of the rules, never remove it," I said.

"I don't see anything special about it except it's fancy," She said.

"Beth, when are we going home?" Maya asked standing in the doorway.

"Well, we are almost done," I said.

"Just be fast and quit your chitchat," Maya said.

"Be cool Maya," I snapped."

"You know you are supposed to join," Clarissa said.

" I have you as my maid already," Maya said.

"What do you mean by that?" Clarissa asked.

"Just shut up blue eyed freak and clean the pool," Maya said.

"That's it, I can't take this shit anymore am gonna teach you a little lesson," Clarissa said angrily moving towards Maya. Before I could say, Jack Robinson, I heard a loud splash and I saw Clarissa spluttering in the pool and Maya smirking. I helped Clarissa out and handed her a towel.

" That's it Maya Rose Stone, go and wait in the carpark," I said angrily.

"Hmmmphh," She stumped her feet and left angrily.

" Well, someone needs to teach your sister a big lesson," She said.

" Well definitely not you, you are out of the list," I said playfully, and we laughed.

" well we are done with the cleaning I guess," She said.

" Yep let's go," I said.

We went to the car park and I saw Maya sitting on the pavement.

"Where is beatrice?" I asked.

"Why are you talking to me?" Maya said grumpily.

"Let's go home Maya and stop acting like a baby," I said. "Bye Clarissa, see you in the evening".

"Bye Beth," Clarissa said and entered her car, and drove off. I entered my car with Maya and zoomed off.