
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


With a gasp Adrian woke up, hands calming his erratic heart.

Even though he was sitting, it took a few tries to get rid of the blurry stars.

Chills up his spine as the memory of clawing on his legs left him throwing away the warm blanket in seconds.

A sigh of relief when all that he saw was his own legs.

That had felt way to real, unsettling.

Nerves had heightened when he just had become accustomed to his new life.

The sound of breathing in and out where all what was heard before he finally decided to get up.

It could be no coincidence.

In fact never was something a coincidence.

A nightmare that specifically attacked Acacius heart's demons?

It must have been on purpose.

He, Adrian himself, had fell into it ,ugh no way out.

Vast feeling of mud entered his mouth, blocked his nose and left him unable to breath until at the end the silvery moon vanished, closing his eyes forever.

That was until he woke up ofcourse.

In the beginning of the dream he had told himself he was not Acacius, that he would not be bothered.

But the moment he saw similarities, similarities that may or may not be there the dream shifted and took him with it.

A nifty us of magic of that he was sure.

It could be the only possibility.

Approaching the discarded piles of books in the corner he quickly grabbed the Ancestry of the royal sword family.

The first time he had skimmed over it, hundreds of others books had waited their turn to be read in his limited time to survive.

Because that's what it was when you arrive in the body of if someone else, with no knowledge of anything.

A tiring way of life.

Either way he was glad it was over as he skimmed page after page.

''....three..saved the..not this page.'

''..aha here it is''

Grabbing the book he quickly and quietly retreated to his bed.

Entire body placed on the bed, away from the cold and exposed floor.

''The crown prince Aliya had numerous prospects for the position of crown princess and future wife.

On one such occasion the prince accompanied by his mother went out or visit a far away cousin.

The far away cousin had been given the best education so that she could fully support to meant to be king.

However the prince had fallen head first into a crush caused by another woman that accompanied a friend of hers to the sword kingdom.

Smitten with her the crown prince was fixed on his idea and quickly began to convince his family of the good it would do.

His father willing to give his eldest everything was powerless to the traditions of old. His son was destined to marry royalty or atleast noble born.

Only later it was found out that the young woman was in fact royalty of another kingdom was the marriage made in sign of peace.

At thirteen and eighteen respectively they where each other's betrothed.

Marriage itself only took place when the apparent princess turned eighteen.

Difference in traditioonce caused quite a few dispute even thought the decision to let the two marry was made out of peace.

The crown prince was undeniable happy as he could marry the one who caught his eyes.

Boldness he had seen left him writing over a thousand letters over the years.

Fascination that wasn't necessarily returned as an heir was only born years after the marriage.

Evident was the bound hands as his queen often made trips without his knowledge or permission.

Sources say that the queen was set in het own ways, ways that did not align with the past system of power in the sword kingdom.

Her highness more then once returned to her past life, under the belief of many to connect with her family there

Yet many believed it to be an escape of a live not hers.

Her dislike heightened cleary in her thirtieth year of life.

It was suspected, however never confirmed that the reason was because of the coming of age of her brother in law prince Acacius.

Before the marriage the two never spend time together. Mostly because of the age difference.

While prince Acacius was just five he was sent away to a military academy, wich caused the two to never spent time together.

And later on when prince Acacius became king she didn't give a fight.

Neither did the magic kingdom or her brother on the throne.''

Eyes traced the last line, fingers tapping thoughtfully on his chin before closing the book

Running his hand through his long almost entirely silver hair, he let his own magic go throughout his hair. Turning it back in the original colour if Acacius.

In the begin it had been mostly brown with some traces of silver yet now it was more silver the brown. Signifying the time he has spent in this world.

Dragging himself from the bed, he turned serieus.

Rushing he openend the door loudly, surprising the reinstated spy.

''Your highness!?''

Not minding him at all, he walked away fast.

''Your highness...this...your state of undress...your highness please wait.''

Footsteps where loudly heard behind him, trying to catch up.

Two pairs now loudly heard in the silent castle

The loose fabric of his pants brushing against each other, his long robe swinging behind him.

Rather unfit for a king to appear without covering his chest, the fabric of the robe even see through.

Not that the maid's he passed complained.

They where rather stunned that he was up and out at the ungodly hour of almost six.

The spy had silently fallen behind him, contemplating what the say but never quite forming the necessary words or sentences.

It hadn't taken long before the familiar door entered his view.

Barely stopping he openend it and demanded the other stay there.

Silent your highness ignored as he went his way.

The small walk that had taken ages before was now done in a flash as yet another door got slammed open.

Sophia herself in a night gown aswell was awake, eyes already fixed on the door.

She mustn't have been up long as a tired look washed over her before it changed in a weird look of admiration.

''ohh eye candy.''

Stunned yet not surprised, a frustrated huff left him as he quickly closed his robe and tied it together.

''Come on, I was enjoying that.''

Swirling the saliva in his mouth, Adrian fully fell back in to the character that was Acacius.

''What did you do?"

Arching her eyebrows she spoke up.

''What do you mean what did I do?

I was watching your undressed state, wich by the way is still revealing considering it's see through.

''Not what I mean'' Even the cold glare did not put her off.

''Well it's what I mean, do tell however why your walking around like that and rudely awakening me with slamming doors.''

''Your capable of magic! Don't deny it.''

''Magic? Oh dear, did you have a nightmare perhaps?''

''As if you don't know!"

''I don't, really.

Why don't you come here so I can ease your suffering.

You look so pale,let me comfort you dear.''

''Don't call me that.

Tell me, how can you use magic.

The royal family of the magic kingdom, however ironic that is, is not efficient in those matters.''

''I can't, you said it yourself.

We are unable to, just like so many others.''

''I will figure it out. Just you wait.''

''I look forward that.''

Turning around with a dramatic twirl he left once more with footsteps echoing.

His sister in law turning unusually silent behind him as not even a snark accompanied him out.

Stopping, he went back a few steps and loudly closed the door.

A chuckle and word of his adorableness Sophia retreated back under the covers.

Obvious by the swishing of fabric.

Walking on he only stopped as he closed the seconds door behind him.

A contemplating sigh left him as he breathed out.

''Your highness...are you alright.''

''Do I look alright?''

Stilled, both stayed in the uncomfortable silence.

One turning back and forth between the door and the other.

The other once more tapping his chin as he contemplated.

''Bring some tea towards my study, see if there something to eat aswell.

Something light, I'm afraid I can't stomach something unnecessary troublesome.''

''Yes, your highness. would you like me to do anything else?''

''There's no need.

Now hurry on before I change my mind and send you back to cleaning service.''

Adrian stayed out for one more second, the servant's eyes trailing up and down his appearance and the closed robe before leaving with a bow.

Small steps as he formed his own thought and ideas.

Smirking Adrian left in his own direction, proud with how he made use of the magically induced nightmare.

Slightly he wondered how he had even woken up after he got swallowed whole by the ground but just brushed it off as the magic having worn out or something.

He needed to start planning for the future and more importantly the reprisal of minds.

Drainage would be too much for him to bare, even now he will feel the after effects of changing his hair colour by magic.

Such a small thing had consequences, how would a character changing magic be better?

In fact that spell could change a person inside out, so the amount of power it would take didn't look very good to him.