
Chapter 1: Back Home

Eleanor rang the doorbell happily,she couldn't wait to meet her big brother. The door opened slowly and one of the maids stepped out. The maid smiled warmly and greeted her nicely"good evening miss Eleanor,welcome back","thank you and please enough with the formalities". The maid nodded and went down to the car that brought her home and took her things into the house. Eleanor walked into the house and met the butler who also welcomed her warmly. "Good evening miss Eleanor, welcome home, I hope you had a lovely flight"he said smiling,"yes sir Alfred, I had a lovely flight,where is my brother by the way?","he's in his study ma'am". She nodded and went to his study.

The mansion was still the same way she had left it, beautiful,calm, huge,at first she didn't want to ask where her brother was because she knew that as the CEO of Reigns Groups of Companies Worldwide, he was probably doing those stuff that CEOs do,work,some work and some more work.

She sometimes pitied her brother,she has two brothers,Jeff and Ethan. Jeff is the older and Ethan is the younger. Jeff is in charge of the company and Ethan isn't ready to join the company. Eleanor is the last and only daughter of the Reigns family. The Reigns family is the wealthiest family in all of Asia, they own the biggest corporation in the whole world. The company does a lot ranging from beauty to clothing and accessories to restaurants to gadgets to ships and shipyards to planes and airports. In other words the Reigns family Is megarich.

Eleanor's mum left them when they were a bit young. The court had signed Ethan over to her and Eleanor and Jeff to their father. But unfortunately their dad died,but ever since their grandfather became the closest person they had to a father.

Eleanor went to the study and like she had thought, he was working as usual. After Jeff left business school he was always busy, running the biggest corporation in the whole world. She quietly sneaked up on him and back hugged him. Jeff was startled, no one would ever do that to him, but he sniffed the air and the gentle smell of lavender was in the air. "your back" he said concentrating on his work trying not to sound happy, "yeah, I'm back and I missed you too big brother" she said as she hugged him tighter. Jeff smirked and stood up. Jeff is a very tall and built guy, some would say that Eleanor is a very tall person but each time she stood next to any of her brothers she always ended up looking like a baby. As he stood up he picked her up and twirled her in a bear hug, "welcome back Ellie, and yeah I did miss you running around and causing damage to my life"he chuckled and pecked her on the forehead, " hey that was years ago, now I'm not just gonna cause damage to your life, I'm gonna give grandfather a heart attack". They both laughed.

After that Eleanor went up to her room and sent a text to her pathner Damien to let him know that she made it back. After that she had some food and some rest. When she went down, Jeff was in the sitting room, going through some documents with a mug of hot coco, he loves hot coco, drinks no matter the weather.

There were some other documents on the table in front of him. And one in particular had caught her attention. She had her headphones on but she took it off to make sure she was not wrong. The documents had to do with Go Corporations. "Uhm bro, is Go corp one of our business pathners", he looked at her confused"yeah they are but what do you care about business", "nothing". He looked at her as if trying to tell if she was saying the truth but then he just smiled and went back to his work. And true she wouldn't care normally but Go corp is one of the biggest Demons lair in all of Asia.

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