

[Edited] She was called weak; she was treated like she never existed, but she would never let anyone treat her like trash ever again! Scarlett, the only daughter of King Zyen, ruler of the paradise, as they call it, because it floats in the sky like the heavens, is disowned and sent to Earth for her weakness. What happens when she's mated the creature she has always detested the most and he leaves her for a common human? Would she let the darkness, which has been calling out to her, take over as the dark queen? What happens when her mate starts looking for her after finding out how powerful she became? Would her father have any choice but to swallow his pride and beg his so-called weak daughter for help?

Excelhights · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 3: One lone girl.

"From now on, I'm Scarlett, just a lonely girl lost, but I'm strong, Scarlett; don't be afraid of anything or anyone; you're strong.." Scarlett has been whispering motivational words to herself ever since the winds placed her on human soil. 

At first, the forest was beautiful and picturesque during the day, but when the sun set and the forest began to devour the darkness around it, the sight became frightful and terrifying, so Scarlett began to encourage herself with words.

"Hours of walking had a very unsuccessful result, after all that I had suffered from not finding a single person in this strange place."

She threw her bags next to one of the giant trees and finally sat down on the ground to rest, not knowing how or when she fell asleep. She only woke up the next morning to the sound of a man trying to wake her up.

"Hey, hey, girl, wake up, girl!" A tall, dark-skinned man was shaking Scarlett vigorously and yelling at her to wake up.

"Huh, where am I?" Poor Scarlett had forgotten what happened and thought she was in her beautiful country. The picture was blurry in her mind—a strange man! Strange place!! bags!!

But as soon as Scarlett remembered, after a few seconds, what happened last night, her eyes began to fill with tears.

"What's the matter, girl? Why are you crying?" The man asked in a tense tone.

"I'm lost," whispered Scarlett, and she began to cry.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know; I got kicked out of my home and was sent here." Memories of the past hours were ruthlessly slapping Scarlett's head.

"Don't cry, come with me. I'll drive you to where I live. You can stay with my wife; she's talkative, and she'll love you so much," said the man with a smile. He went ahead and carried Scarlett's bags to put them in his little car.

Scarlett looked at the little wooden cart and the horse in front of it. Something like this has never happened in her country; they use their energy to do everything, and a weak person like that guy made this genius thing as if he had a special kind of power.

Scarlett smiled happily like a child and went so excited to climb next to that man that the man slapped the horse's back to make it go off.

When the horse started galloping, Scarlett clung to the floor of the cart so hard she started screaming in fear; the horse was fast, as if she were riding the wind. When Scarlett thought of this similarity, she felt very happy. There is someone who does not have a special power, but he can make one. Perhaps she can learn from him.

"What is your name?" asked the man.


"Where is your family?"

"They're not here," Scarlett replied succinctly.

"Haha, I mean your house, girl."

"Not on this earth; I am alone here."

"Don't be afraid of loneliness, girl; we are all alone; don't be deceived by the people around you; this is just a trick of your mind to keep going."

"But I hate being alone," replied Scarlett.

"If you are the strong companion of yourself, you'd be your true friend; that is better for you than imaginary friends."

The man took a packet of biscuits out of his jacket pocket and extended his hand to Scarlett.

"Go ahead, eat this; you sure haven't eaten anything yet," said the man with a smile.

Scarlett noticed the long fangs in his mouth, but she didn't care and grabbed the biscuit box from his hand, started eating it greedily, and the man looked away and left her to her own space.

"Sir, it is night; shall we not stop?" Scarlett asked

"There is no need to stop now; a few more hours and we will reach the village. You can sleep if you are tired."

Although the cart was small, Scarlett decided to go to sleep, as she could not bear it for a few more hours. Scarlett retreated until she was on the other end of the cart, and she hugged her body and embraced him in her arms.

Hours passed, and the sun of a new day rose.

"We're here," said the man.

"How do you know I'm awake?" Scarlett asked, startled by his power of observation.

"You kept tossing and turning all night, and when you stopped you realized you were awake," answered the man quietly. He got off the cart, picked up the suitcases, and moved towards another cart, on which was another man with pale white skin and a huge body that looked strong, and on top of it were Scarlett's suitcases.

"This is my friend, Scarlett; he'll drive you home," said the man, turning to his friend and saying,

"Make sure she gets home safely."

"Don't worry, my friend," said the man, looking at Scarlett.

"Let's go up."

Scarlett moved to ride the carriage; even though she only knew him for a day and a few hours.

The other man took Scarlett towards a very simple house in a narrow neighbourhood and far from the noise of the village. Some fear seeped into Scarlett's heart after the man's looks began to become strange and suspicious.

"Where are we going, sir?" Scarlett asked in a frightened tone.

"Going home, beautiful," said the man, smiling and licking his fangs.

When the carriage stopped, Scarlett got off and started running, but that man was very fast; he grabbed her hard and pulled her behind him towards the house, entered her into a small room, and threw her to the ground.

"M.., what are you doing? And where is the other master?" Scarlett's voice was scared, as if she were about to cry.

"Don't bother me, or I'll eat you," said the man, showing his sharp fangs.

Scarlett swallowed and was silent. Perhaps this is the death her father chose for her—to die alone and afraid among these filthy walls.

Hours passed, and Scarlett was still locked inside the small room.

No one entered, and she was unable to leave. That man was very careful not to leave any space she could escape from, so he closed the door with a solid lock.