
The Chosen - prologue

There are many things that determine your status is a society. For instance, your wealth or your family could determine it and help you out in the future. In my society, what determines your status is the color of your hair. Based on my hair color, I am of no importance to anybody.

Hair color is usually passed down from your family line, but there are some instances that are rare. You could have two parents whose hair colors mix and create a new one or you could have a child with a completely different genetic makeup. I feel bad for those ones who are different.

I'm different. Very different. Not in the good way either. I didnt bless my family with a miracle color of my own. I still wish I could of known them though because the only family I have is my gramps. He is there for me through everything and he promises I am more special that anyone. I still don't know why he says that.