1 The Beginning..

It was first day at school. Kartik was already late by a few minutes.He was both anxious and excited for his day. His family had just transferred to Mumbai. His father thought that it would be in better for Kartiks if he continued his studies living in a hostel. This school's hostel was within the premise of the school. It was a magnificent edifice with top-floor dormitory. Though Kartik didn't want to live in a hostel, his parents insisted suggesting one of his cousins resides in the same hostel.

Ved, Kartiks's cousin, had told him eerie stories about ghosts and stuff which were seen by many of the students. Kartik didn't believe in these stories, however, he always used to listen to them because they always incited him in some way.

Kartik enterd the classroom. He could feel students' eyes on him. This made his heartbeat fasten. He was shy by nature since childhood, it had always been difficult for him to adjust in the new environment. He took a quick scan through the classroom. There were around fifty students present in the room. While he was scrutinizing the room, one student came flying suddenly in front of his face. He asked him if he was new here too, before Kartik could answer anything, that boy was already sitting beside him. He introduced himself as John. He said he was Christian by faith and asked for Kartik's name. Shortly after that a teacher came and classes began.

Days passed by and Kartik got more and more envolved in his school and studies. He, sort of, started enjoying living there. Kartik and Ved grew very close to each other. One day, Ved suggested to do something spooky and bizzare. There was a room in the corner of the building which was said to be haunted. Access to this room was strictly prohibited and legend had that some girl was killed in that room. People who went inside the room during day light complaint about hearing noises and wailing.

Ved dared Kartik and John to go inside as both of them claimed that no such thing exists. John hesitated at first because Hostel's Warden was very strict about not going into that room but Kartik was thrilled. He thought maybe he could put an end to the rumors for once and all. There were security cameras everywhere in the building but none around that area. Filled with anticipation, Kartik accepted the challenge ,now all three of them were waiting for Warden to sleep.
