
The Dark Lord: Reborn

Wife? Dead. Child? Taken. Hope? Gone. When you get the choice to venture into a new world full of magic and swords, you immediately agree. Especially when the world is your Child's story. But is it really as bright as it seems? Or is it the start of something? Something which will later shake the very core of reality and time itself. ______ If you want to see a noble MC, this is not for you. Protagonist is a man of grand ambitions and will do anything to achieve his dreams. Also the MC is somewhat aggressive

LuenorSureva14 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Nag gritted his teeth. He knows what Dolph is doing.

But he wants to finish his job.

Nag: Mr. Dolph, I have been assigned to go to the Winter Palace and search for the remaining family members.

Dolph just smiled at Nag.

Dolph: I can do that. Besides, you are in charge of the invading army, are you not? So you should finish your job.

Nag: Mr. Dolph, you are the one with the higher command here. So it's you who should be the judge of the trial.

Dolph: Since you said that I am of higher command here, I order you to become the judge.

Nag smiled and bowed his head. But anyone could see that smile was forced.

Nag: Round up all the captured knights. Prepare a court in the Market. And who is the leader of the Rebels?

*Unknown Man*: It's me sir.

A young man, with blond hair, who was carrying a pike in his hand which was bloody, came forward.

Nag looked at the young man. He did look younger than what they had told him. Did they really entrust the entire rebellion to this man?

Nag: And what would be your name?

*Unknown Man*: Shanti sir.

Shanti bowed before Nag and Dolph.

Nag: So Shanti, I need you to raid the Granary and take everything in there. Redistribute the grains among yourselves.

Shanti bowed and left the Hall. The rest of the rebelling peasants present also followed after him.

Nag: What will you do Sir Dolph?

Dolph: I will take care of Duchess Sureva and the children.

Nag: Then I will take my leave then. Men, get Duke Sureva. Make sure to drag him to the Market.

Dolph: That's not necessary.

Nag: I am the man in charge of the trial. I will do as I see fit.

Rhea wanted to stop the knights approaching Arhenius but was stopped by Dolph.

Arhenius: Take care of the kids Rhea. Also, Lost time is long gone.

That was the last thing Arhenius said to Rhea before he was dragged away.

Rhea stood there in shock. Dolph didn't understand what Arhenius meant by the last line. But seeing Rhea's shocked state, it was not good.

Dolph: Let's go Duchess Sureva, before they get to the children.

Rhea, who was in shock because of the events that had transpired, now only thought about her children.

She had to get to Lui and Hera before them.

Rhea: Why are you helping us? Didn't your king tell you to eliminate the entire bloodline?

Why did Dolph save her from the knights outside? Why did he send Nag to arrange the trial? Where is Hunter?

Dolph: I can't tell you the reason yet. There are still many of Nag's men here. Let's get to a safe place first.

Seeing that she had no choice, Rhea followed Dolph. At least Dolph didn't drag her with the chains this time.

Richard was searching for a way to contact the outside world. Entire Winter Palace had been isolated. Other than a few guards of the Palace, there was no one else here.

At least the rebels didn't storm the Winter Palace….. yet.

Richard: Found it! Mana Communca Orb. There must be one in Sureva Palace.

Richard, after finding the Communication Orb, turned it on. The process was simple, just channel some of your mana into the orb and picture the place where the receiver orb would be. Mana signals would be send to the receiver end and the person there can choose to accept the call by channeling their own Mana into it.

Richard imagined the Communication Room in the Sureva Palace. Then he channeled his Mana into the orb. He waited.

He waited for someone to pick up the call.

There was no response. Richard tried again.

Still no response. Richard can only think that the invasion force has already destroyed the Palace.

That means… the Duke… .. Richard hoped that it didn't happen the way Richard thought it did.

Luenor, who was worried about the lack of news from outside, approached Richard.

Luenor: Did you call the Sureva Palace?

Richard: Yes. But there was no response. Maybe they have used the Mana jammers to stop the signals from going through.

Luenor wanted to cry. He knew that something was wrong. Something had happened to his parents. He tried to warn his mother but she still went.

Luenor: Ready the carriage. We are going.

Richard was surprised. Going where?

Richard: Going where Young Lord? There's an army storming the Sureva Palace as we speak! The commoners have rebelled! None of our allies are helping us! The King has abandoned us!

Maybe he was frustrated due to all the stress. But Richard directed all his anger towards the Young Lord.

Luenor now knew what was going on. The accusations, the rebellion, the order, his mother leaving suddenly… . Now it all made sense.

Luenor: Then we need to leave the Winter Palace and leave the Sureva Duchy all together! They will definitely come here next!

Richard was about to say something when the Mana orb in his hand began vibrating.