
The dark gamer of another world

A guy who killed himself due to some reasons and then got teleport to another world and get some serious OP skills which are most unique in that world. The new world is full of magic and fantasy stuff and looks literally like some anime/game world.

itonoah · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3:Puzzles

I just started living with Emiyo and I was still disappointed with my body since its way too much young and it doesn't grow faster, wait a second! Why the heck am I thinking like an 8 Y/o child. Anyways, according to the isekai anime I have to train my body so I can use some serious skills. I kept thinking and realized that I can probably access that system which keep popping in my mind. I sat on bed and tried to concentrate, I was able to see screen and the system's voice started echoing "You can't access system with current stats" Hearing that annoyed me. I felt so bad for myself but keeping my feeling aside I have to figure out when I can access the system, I need to focus again. I sat and tried to focus again, this time I tried to ask the system about when can I access it, so window popped in my mind with an echo like before this time the voice said "Dear host, raise you strength and IQ to the appropriate to access the system settings. Your current strength and goal will appear on screen now"

𝓗𝓸𝓼𝓽-𝓐𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓸 𝓐𝓼𝓪








Seeing the stats, I realized that it would be really hard to raise up the stats. Well I'm really confused why system was doing this to me, why can't I become OP protagonist like isekai anime MCs.

I need to gather strength and train myself hard, I started thinking doing some work out. But, wait how am I supposed to run in this forest? I can do push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, etc. without an issue though. I also need to train my IQ stats, should I start solving some puzzles and stuff? But does this world have puzzle like we use to have on earth? I better ask Emiyo, I knocked her door and she opened it in no time. She asked "What's up Akito?" I answer "I want some puzzles to play, I'm really bored right now." her eyes had sudden sparkle in it and said "In that case, I have some good puzzles" she ran towards outside the house, I guess she have brother complex but I am not complaining about it since in my last life no one really cared much about me. Suddenly she appeared with a big box full of books, some looking weird Rubik's cube, some artistic pencils and whatnot. I was really shocked seeing those, Emiyo patted on my head and said "It's all yours now, you can enjoy it!" I smiled and thanked her from my heart, she exclaimed and said "OH! I forgot to say, if you need help or clue just let me know I can guide you in how to solve that puzzle, ok?" I happily replied "For sure Emiyo!"

I came back in my room and checked all the puzzles in the box, I was amazed to see this many puzzles and I kept exploring, I found many puzzles were same as the world I came from but some puzzles which look like Rubik's cube and some jigsaw puzzle were different. This Rubik's cube is really weird it doesn't rotate like the real Rubik's cube, rather it looks like a box with just a pen mark. When I checked the jigsaw puzzle it is sliding puzzle, and again it doesn't move lust like rubik's cube wasn't rotating. I decided to ask Emiyo, but I feel bad for myself since I am solving kid level puzzle and can't figure out what to do. I am almost 21 according to my previous life, but anyways I should try solving the one I can before I call her.


1 hour later

HAHAHAHA it was damn easy, I could even solve it while sleeping. I solved around 12 puzzles out of 20, my IQ must've gone up at least a little bit. Let's check!!