
Chapter 13 Falling Into Great Danger

Translator: Doggotranslation

"Then, do you still recognize the road? It is very dark outside." Chu Yunsheng asked.

If this young man recognized the road, it would be much better to ask him to lead the way than him running around without a specific direction.

The young man nodded his head. "Yes. Originally, we had 30 people. After we are trapped here, we had made a few attempts to escape from there. But every time, we were pushed back by those insects. Oh! I forgot to ask you, which way did you come from?"

"From the east, but I didn't see any insects." Chu Yunsheng said without any hesitation.

Hearing what Chu Yunsheng said, the young man suddenly showed a dejected expression. "The one you killed was the one lurking in the east. We were starving, so earlier on, we tried to escape from the east. But we were pushed back by that insect again. We didn't expect that the insect would chase us."

No wonder there were half bodies outside the building. 

Chu Yunsheng nodded and then said, "Young man, let's make a deal. You take me to the south where the supermarket is, and also to the bridge in the east. Once I am done with those insects, I'll escort you to the place where the army is. What do you think?"

"No problem, but Feifei..." The young man answered readily once he heard what Chu Yunsheng said. After seeing what Chu Yunsheng did to the insect and to Diao Dingguo, the young man had blind trust in Chu Yunsheng's abilities.

Chu Yunsheng thought for a minute and then said, "Let her and the others hide in the opposite building first. We will come back to take them away after I dealt with those insects."

Diao Dingguo had also heard that Chu Yunsheng wanted to take everyone away from inside the room. He begged hysterically for Chu Yunsheng's forgiveness, hoping that Chu Yunsheng would take him with them. But Chu Yunsheng didn't want to change his mind.

It was still dark outside the building. There were occasional lights flashing in the dark from places far away from time to time. People could barely walk on the street without bumping into something.

With the help of night vision goggles, Chu Yunsheng quickly crossed the street with the group of people he had just saved. He hid the two men and two women on the third floor of a building on the opposite street.

In order to show his sincerity, he took out three pieces of bread and said. "These two pieces are to be shared between you four people. Young man, this third piece is just for you. My name is Chu Yunsheng. I am not some great man, but I'm still a man of my word. As long as you help me, I will escort you to a military base."

Chu Yunsheng gave out his name to those people, but right now, these people were clearly not interested in his name. They hadn't eaten anything for a long time. When they saw the fragrant bread, they were like a man who had not seen a woman for decades. If it weren't for the fact that they were afraid of Chu Yunsheng's mysterious power, they would have probably snatched the bread already.

After Chu Yunsheng gave the young man the bread, he was surprised to find out that the young man did not eat it straight away but carefully placed it in the pocket of his inner clothes.

But from the fact that the young man was swallowing, Chu Yunsheng could tell that the young man was just as hungry as the rest of the people.

The young man was very happy after hiding his bread. "Brother Chu, My name is Zhang Han. You can just call me Little Han. Are we heading out now?"

Chu Yunsheng couldn't help but ask curiously, "Don't you want to eat something before we leave?"

The boy patted the area where he hid the bread and said with a smile, "As long as I keep it here, I am half full."

"Okay then, let's go." Hearing the young man's answer, Chu Yunsheng did not bother to ask him again. After all, he was more concerned about the speed of his Yuan Qi cultivation.

With Zhang Han leading the way, two people soon appeared near the Hualian supermarket.

Through the night vision goggles, it was clear that a red-shelled insect was wandering on the street, and another one was quietly lurking in the supermarket inside.

But all of sudden, Chu Yunsheng's heart skipped a beat. The Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi in the area suddenly fluctuated a little bit, but soon returned to normal.

Chu Yunsheng looked around vigilantly. Unable to find anything, he did not pay much attention to the strange feeling.

After hiding Zhang Han in a small building near the supermarket, Chu Yunsheng slowly approached the supermarket in the dark.

After arriving a certain distance, he took out an arrow and aimed the crossbow at the Red-shelled insect that was slowly wandering around outside the supermarket.


The frost arrow shot out from the crossbow at high speed, making a sharp sound when piercing through the air. It was like the Grim Reaper's scythe locking on the red-shelled insect!

The red-shelled insect reacted quickly and spat out corrosive saliva towards the frost arrow.

However, Chu Yunsheng's arrow was too fast. With the help of the talisman and Yuan Qi, the frost arrow split the corrosive saliva in half and froze the whole red-shelled insect.

The power of the frost arrow seems to have increased now. Seeing the result of the attack, Chu Yunsheng couldn't help but think to himself.

Inside the Hualian supermarket, there was another insect. However, the insect inside didn't seem to want to come out even after hearing everything happening outside.

This sneaky bastard! It seems like I have to fight it inside.

Chu Yunsheng quickly used his long sword to kill the insect frozen outside and then stored its body in his storage talisman. He did not have time to use an absorption talisman to absorb the insect's energy immediately, because the one inside the supermarket might attack him if he did that.

As soon as he got inside the supermarket, one shadow appeared in his night vision goggles.

One, two, wait… THREE!

There were actually three insects hiding in the market! And they were slowly approaching Chu Yunsheng from all three different directions.

I'm surrounded!

Chu Yunsheng was terrified.

Three insects! With his shooting skill, and looking at the current situation, he would definitely end up fighting with those red-shelled insects in close range.

But he didn't know any powerful close combat techniques. The most basic sword fighting techniques required him to be at Yuan Tian stage two.

If there was one insect, he might be able to kill the insect with the energy shield talisman and the long sword. But now he was attacked by three red-shelled insects at the same time. There was no way he would be able to win the fight.

Calm down! I have to calm myself down! There is definitely a way!

Looking at three red-shelled insects slowly approaching in the darkness, Chu Yunsheng knew that he had to make a decision quick! Otherwise, once the insects got into the attack range, their charging speed would be beyond anything anyone could imagine!

The exit had been blocked by one of the insects, so he could only slowly retreat to another direction while facing those three insects.

But soon he could no longer move back anymore, his back was already pressed against the wall.

Facing such a desperate situation, the desire to survive finally burst out from within him!

Since he could no longer move back, and there was no way out, he decided to stake it all against those insects.

As the adrenaline rushed into his brain, Chu Yunsheng's determination was as firm as steel. He stepped his left foot forward with his body turned right, holding the crossbow steadily on his arm. After the cold arrowhead that carried his death wish was pointed at the red-shelled insect that was coming from the exit, he pulled the trigger.


As the arrow was fired, three red-shelled insects increased their speed simultaneously.

Chu Yunsheng knew that, no matter what the result was, he would still need to fight with at least two insects in close range. So he had to rely on the energy shield to protect him from their attacks!

The frost arrow directly hit the red-shelled insect in the center of its body. At the same time, the attacks from the other two insects also arrived, aiming toward his back and his left shoulder.

They did not use claws, nor corrosive saliva, they simply used their razor-sharp legs, combined with their weight, and slumped their bodies directly onto Chu Yunsheng from mid-air!

Chu Yunsheng felt a sharp pain. It was as if his heart had been torn apart, and his bones had been pierced through. The pain quickly spread from the back to all the nerves across his body.

The red-shelled insects' attacks did not break the energy shield, but the force of the impact caused Chu Yunsheng to have a serious injury.

With the impact force, Chu Yunsheng was sent flying and tumbled all the way towards the exit.

He was now very close to the exit. With just one step, he could get out of this supermarket. However, he didn't do it. If he turned around, leaving his back to two red-shelled insects, he would be dead for sure, because he knew that he would not be able to outrun those insects.

The energy shield could barely stop the red-shelled insects' attacks at the moment. Moreover, Chu Yunsheng felt that the energy shield began to crack! It probably could only stop one more insect's combination attack!

He had to kill another insect. His energy shield could probably last for a while if he was just fighting with one insect. He could not let them attack at the same time again!

Having no time to reload the crossbow, he threw it away while he was still tumbling on the ground.

This was the moment between life and death. The desire to live had evoked all the potential that he never had before!

While tumbling, he endured the pain in his body and pulled out the pistol. To stop himself from tumbling on the ground, he stretched out his legs and stepped on the door frame. His body instantly stopped tumbling and he stood firmly on the ground. Then, he started to shoot the insect nearest to him frantically!

The gun was enchanted with the fire elemental energy, and it was as powerful as the crossbow. The only difference was that red-shelled insects also had fire elemental energy, so it was less effective than the crossbow.

But Chu Yunsheng did not care about it. He just kept shooting the monster until he completely emptied his magazine.

The bullets carried the fire elemental energy, burning brightly in the air. They were like beautiful flame flowers blooming on the red-shelled insect, on the market's shelves, and on the wall at the back.

Life or death, it all depended on if he could kill this insect!