
The dark amulet series book 1:the great battle for amarykhanta

The great battle for amarykhanta is a story about the tale of the great and renowned confederate lieutenant captain Arne sala al din and his brothers arta jahan and berend Hayes is the chrystiansan del-mar family, as they led the confederate army on successful and victorious campaigns against the army’s of the dark and galactic dark.

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The rising tides of darkness and civil war

Long ago when it was the year 1860 in the province-state of South Carolina-khailia on Jan 8th, 35 year old arnamoun sala al din and his younger 34 year old half brother artaxiad shah jahan and their 12 and 11 year old sons Aramaithea Kashmiri and ariadna journey all said farewell to their family and joined the confederate army. At the same time, two young 13 and 14 year old pirate girls by the names of jhaeiyda-Attiley valor wise and Aesmeralda-Romilly Willoughby swan, disguised themselves as boys and joined the confederate army with their father, captain Thomason-Salem thatcher Hadrian. Then they began marching to the harbor of Charleston, where they board the ship, the HMS. Brittanica star and sailed towards the far distant province-territory of Washington-aldenshire.

Which was their destination for their battle strategy invasion and takeover plan of the north union states and territories called operation torch.After a long while of sailing through the Nicaragua canal, that took nearly two months, The confederate army reached the province-state of north California-khaynayru, which was the halfway point.

Where they all marched to the foot of the ancient Sierra-angeles death mountains and hiked up the long narrow and steep path to the top. Then upon reaching the top, the confederates began to walk along the long and winding path called mount misery road of death.

So while they were marching along mount misery road, the confederate army just happened to stumble across the remains of a gold rush era ghost town called Catalina Mojave.

That was built and founded in 1828 by the kohenBrae brothers at the start of the great north California gold rush. Now general lee and his troops all set camp at the ghost town of Catalina Mojave and slept there for the night.

Then in the morning, they continued their long march to the territory of Washington-aldenshire. So after a long march that took just about two months , the confederate army reached Washington-aldenshire.

Upon arriving the confederates set up a camp near the old town of Blackwell creek. Where they began drawing out their battle strategy plans for invasion and takeover plan, operation torch.

That both Arne , arta and general lee had came up with and agreed upon , with the help of stonewall Jackson.

Chapter 1: to be continued