
The Dancing Dragon

First things first I cannot write nor am I good at commitment so... The MC is indeed fruity so forewarning. Do not come at me, please. He doesn't have a love interest right now though. Also if you are going to leave a negative comment make sure it is constructive criticism and not something like, "#Dropped this is a terrible story." or "I'm out I didn't realize the MC would act gay." OR "Dropped." Honestly, I'm warning you now that he is what he is and I don't plan on changing him. He is believe it or not the character that I've created of my own volition. I am not a diplomat so when the MC is talking in a political setting I apologize if he sounds stupid but he is also not a diplomat so maybe he just is stupid. It's Game of Thrones so you know it might get dark but I'm not the best at writing grim or dark stuff(Not that I'm good at writing stuff anyway). Thanks and if you read through this jumble of things just know that I have a skeletal outline and that's it so we are improving. Meleris isn't an expert in GoT and neither am I. Now to the trashy synopsis. ________________________________________________________________ Daniel is not good and not bad he's just Daniel. He enjoys certain things dislikes certain things and is just all-around pretty human. However, fate likes curveballs especially curveballs in the shape of bananas. Daniel now Meleris is thrown into the political trash-heap that is Game of Thrones, well it's not the trashiest trash-heap out there but it is pretty terrible. He is not the luckiest in is his reincarnation with him being born into the unluckiest bloodline on the planet or at least in his opinion, the Targaryens. Although at least he was born before Aerys went psycho. Now his goal is to keep Aerys' sanity together and his head on his shoulders, with a couple of perks to help him.

LittleLol · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

The Little Dragon

Watching his breath mist out in front of him, Daniel rubbed his gloved hands together. His ears burned and his nose was running. Walking at a quick pace Daniel walked past a convenience store where people were walking in and out grabbing snacks on the way home. Walking over a bridge stretching out over the frozen river he watched a couple of idiot kids try to step on the ice only to fall through into the waist-deep water. A middle-aged woman with wrinkles around her mouth walked over probably from frowning constantly and started scolding the kids for walking on the ice. Daniel turned his head at the perfect moment to see a couple, slip and fall into one another on the icy bridge.

How cliche, Daniel thought, smiling at their misfortune. Adjusting his scarf he keeps walking on the slick concrete.


Daniel turns to see a truck piled high with bananas heading straight for him. His last thought was, are bananas even in season? Then he was hit and both he and the truck were flung off the bridge and into the icy water. Sinking his already cold body went numb and then began to hurt with a pulsing pain. Drifting off down the river the body of Daniel would be found but not until the beginning of spring when hikers in a state park came across the banana truck. As for the driver, no one knew as the truck had no plates or identification.


Daniel was in a dilemma, not sure whether he was awake or dreaming and he didn't have enough control over his body to pinch himself; he couldn't feel his body. A bright blue wisp of light appeared in front of him and then started to circle him. When it had circled him so fast it seemed to be a constant beam of light. Then it flickered and went out. Leaving Daniel very confused then the black void he was in flickered and he was in front of the wisp again. The wisp flickered then a light calm voice washed over him. He couldn't tell its gender if it had one, to begin with.

"You'll have to do I suppose...'' The wisp flickered and moved to form a human of light without any facial features. "Although what are they doing down there hitting anyone they come across? What standards? Haha, I can't believe we still leave those apes to decide who stays and who goes."

Shaking their head in disappointment, Daniel had a feeling he wasn't the only one who had heard these words.

Either way, let's get this show on the road. Alright you Mr. Daniel White age 17 as of the time of death, will be transported to a world at random. These worlds can range from peaceful to worlds of pure death and as such I'm required to allow you to select certain… boons. Of course, all of this is selected at random. Pulling out a wheel with several unreadable characters on it. The entity places it in front of Daniel and it grows to the size of a large arcade machine, "Alright now spin it."

Daniel tries to move his arms but they are so heavy as if they are weighed down by lead. So instead he tried to speak and ask for a little help but all that came out was a garbled sound. That was enough and the entity huffed and then spun the wheel for him. Clicking around the alternating colors of red and white kind of felt like he was gambling and hoping for an outcome that was unbeknownst even to himself. Slowly clicking to a stop, the one it landed on flashed and disappeared with the light going for his throat. His neck was then covered in the light until it disappeared.

"[The Archangel's Voice] is it. Hmm, that might be useful for you. Alright, one more boon but first. The entity hands a clipboard with a piece of paper on it but when Daniel doesn't take it. It started floating in place."

[The Archangel's Voice]

A passive boon that is constantly active, affecting the vocal cords making your voice much more pleasant to listen to, and all who hear your voice are more inclined to have a good impression of you. Your singing talent is undeniable and the only problem is that threats said by you sound much less threatening.

Spinning the wheel again, the entity looked at a non-existent watch and turned to produce another wheel; this one when enlarged was slightly smaller and was blue and black instead. When the boon wheel stopped moving the entity didn't seem to care that its interest in the current situation was waning.

[The Dancing Goddess Body]

Blessed with a beauty only outshone by the Goddess of Beauty this body has an incomparable sense of natural balance and coordination. This body has the powerful regeneration ability of a god very rarely will scars stay on this body. Will take time for abilities to kick in as it must be integrated into the host body first.

Daniel was dejected he had massive stage fright so even if his boons allowed him to be a singer and dancer he wouldn't be able to do it. Turning to the entity, the World Wheel was already spinning. It slowed down and Daniel's stomach was churning as he was hoping for a peaceful world. The wheel and the entity took a glance then had to do a double-take then it laughed nervously. Daniel had a bad premonition.

So we are gonna need you to sign this. The entity started putting a form in front of him. Daniel was going to refuse as he could not understand a word written on the page, "If you do refuse we will erase you."

Daniel's eyes widened and he decided to just lean forward and lick the page. Grunting, the entity mumbled good enough, and then the form disappeared. "Alright, have a nice trip."

That was the last thing Daniel heard before he disappeared into a mist. As his consciousness faded, Daniel took a last look at the entity as it was shaking its head.


January 1st, 256 AC

"-ness it's a boy."

As the cold air hit Daniel's body he shivered before he was swaddled into soft blankets. Opening his bleary eyes he saw outlines of a woman in a bed and another two standing off to the side. As his clouded eyes started to clear he could see the woman had white hair but not from old age; it seemed as if there wasn't a wrinkle on her whole face. She did look slightly pale but that just made her unnaturally bright violet eyes clearer to see. Overall she was quite pretty even with her hair all out of place and her bedsheets in shambles.

"Bring him to me." She said, reaching out to take me from the midwife that was holding me.

"Here you go, Your Highness." The midwife laid him gently in my mother's arms. "Should we go inform His Highness that everything went well."

"Tell my husband and our children to come to meet Meleris, their new brother. And inform my father that I'm alright and so is the baby."

What is going on? Am I Meleris? Daniel now Meleris wondered but when he tried to voice anything it came out as a cute gargle making his mother chuckle at his face. Watching the midwife exit his field of vision and the click of a door closing he felt sleepy. There was so much going on that he didn't register the three-headed dragon banner on the wall or the recurring red and black scheme of the room.


About an hour later Meleris' eyes opened to show their lavender color. Few noticed his movements but his mother noticed them very quickly as he was held in her arms.

"Good morning my little dragon, come and meet your siblings." Shuffling him around his mother directed him toward 2 white-haired youths both older than him by quite a few years, maybe 10 to 13.

Wait a minute. Little Dragon, the color scheme, white hair, the banner across the back wall! Oh come on you couldn't have made my time a little easier. Meleris was internally cursing about being sent into Game of Thrones, especially as someone in the family that is wiped out and has to live as beggars. Although his only comfort was the fact that there were too many Targaryens in the room for it to be right at the time of Robert's Rebellion. There were 9! And one unfamiliar black-haired woman.

Their violet eyes were directed toward him and the boy smiled gently, "Hello little dragon I'm Aerys I'm your older brother." Then his eyes lose some of his gentlenesses as looks at who Melleris assumes is his sister.

Smiling softly the girl then introduced herself in a quiet voice, "Hello I'm Rhaella your older sister." Shifting his eyes, Meleris looks at the remaining people in the room. There is a handsome older male with laugh lines around his eyes that's smiling at him and the shorter stouter dark-haired woman next to him both look much older than his mother. They smile kindly as his eyes look at them and introduce them to be Aegon V and Betha Blackwood, his grandparents. Then there was Jaehaerys II, his father, and Shaella, his mother. He also met his eldest uncle married to his eldest aunt and his youngest uncle and aunt. All were related by blood.

Wait, slow down with the introductions. This is to confusing stop. Meleris yelled in his mind and cute giggles and sounds came from him. Many of the Targaryens chuckled and looked at the cute baby. This baby gave them a comfortable feeling. No one in the room knew it but it was Meleris' voice kicking in.

Hours passed as the family sat around and talked which wasn't something that happened often. Finally, Shaella shoved everyone out on the excuse of Meleris needing to sleep and that was some of the reason but the second reason was that she was exhausted.

Hi, I am the author of the book. I do realize the chapter is only 1,700 words but I’ve tried my best and I don’t want to jump into the next scene yet as I’m trying to work on not making the story fly by too quickly. Either way thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you haven’t realized this is a little before the War of the Ninepenny Kings. Also before the Tragedy of Summerhall.

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