
The Dancing Captive

"I have never known what efforts were; I have never known what submission referred to; I have never known what my passion was; I have never known what I, myself really was; Until there was… You" . . . . Rewritten version 21+ alert!!! . Dara is indeed a great submissive catch for a cold-hearted Dominant man like him, she's an innocent, a pure one to be taught, wrapped in a beautiful, petite, almost flawless appearance. For Dara herself, this is her very first time to get into this kind of darker side. . Being a slave means being strong.  More than what she has become all along.  The circumstance that Dara has never thought would be extremely challenging.  But, by being his slave... She finds herself. She finds her deepest, hidden passion that she has never realized herself, before. She finds a way to overcome. She finally learns how to share a man, like a harem. . . Getting into the BDSM world virtually, was never her intention at all, but here she is sharing a man with girls from all over the world, in a virtual room of harems. Jealousy, humility, degrading, among friendly, sympathetic, cooperation, partnerships, and even knowledge shared there. All of the mixing emotions of ups and downs flutter her heart and sanity.  . Will she grow stronger and earn him? Will she survive with all of the emotional occurrences? 

janeDoe · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Real-life of The Dreamer #1

Pip pip pip.

Pip pip pip.

Dara reaches out to her noisy phone on the corner of her bed, squinting her sleepy eyes trying to see the time and put it back on the bed.

She stares at the ceiling, thinking about the repeating dream that she just had. It was her primary school building again this time. She remembers floating there in one of the alleys and thought, "This dream again… I was here last time." Then she floated to another building with an indoor small court on the very top of it and thought "Aahh, then the canteen." Then floated down from the indoor and crossed the bridge that connects the building to another one, then to the empty canteen. She thought, in her dream, ''nothing has changed in here, at all. So nice... It has lots of renovations and huge rebuilding in real life."

She often gets those strange dreams, where she is always conscious inside them. It doesn't seem to be normal for her to be almost always conscious inside a dream, but she doesn't know about others.

She remembers another repeating dream. She was trapped in a small room, with one small window on one side of the wall, she's hiding from zombies outside. She always thought, "this is just another dream, I just have to survive here and wait until my body wakes up. Please, Dara, please, wake up now, I'm scared."

Sometimes she thinks that she's going to be a psychic, sounds like one good option.

Or a psychopath for the worse one.


She gets herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a glass of water doing nothing, not even drinking it. Her eyes gaze away hazily.  Then she slaps her right cheek, "wake up, Dara," say to herself. She breathes deeply, fills her lungs with a huge amount of air and stands up to her feet, stepping up to open the drapes.

Eric has already been in the shower for more than 20 minutes, jerking off himself perhaps. Dara shrugs walking towards the stove to prepare breakfast for kids. Finding a large container of oatmeal, she pours one and a half cups of it into a bowl. Then she fills a kettle with the water and puts it on the stove and turns it on, waiting for it to be boiling enough. She pours the boiling water into the bowl and stirs it well then leave it aside on the table. 

Finishing the stove and the bowl, she walks away to the fridge, taking a box of milk, and some mixed fruits that she has done a day before, leaving them on the table as well, next to the oatmeal. 

She walks to the kids' bedroom, opens the door and saunters inside to wake them up for school. She smiles as she gets herself a seat on the younger's bed, she's a cute tiny angel with sugary pink lips. So beautiful. She caresses her cheek, "Wake up, baby… School time... Come on."

Beth stretches her body, pulls her blanket up over her head and turns her body away, snuggling more inside her blanket. Dara chuckles and pulls the blanket off of her head. Meanwhile, poking her older brother with her toes, on his butt, "Wake up, champ! School." She pokes him more, he slaps on her foot and moans, "five minutes, Mooommm" 

"No, no five. Wake up now, Christian." 

"Fiiii…ve," his decreasing voice makes Dara chuckles and kicks his ass playfully. She stands up between their bedsides and claps her hands, and with a firm voice saying "Come on come on, kids, time to wake up. Breakfast, come on." 

They up and sit, drag each of their little feet with a super hard effort and eyes still closing. Such a cute morning she does have with these two creatures, she smiles ever so wide and leads them to the dining table. 

She splits the set oatmeal into another smaller bowl for Bethany. Then adds some milk and fruits to both bowls. Then she walks to the kitchen cabinet, finds some chocolate chips and milk powder and pour them into their bowls. She seats herself around her children, watching them having their breakfast with barely opening eyes.


Eric comes out from the bathroom whistling and walks towards his kids to kiss them briefly while they are eating before he enters his bedroom and prepares himself for work. Dara's turn to have her brief shower, Eric said previously that he has to leave earlier today, and can't take the kids to school as usual, so it's going to be Dara today. 

She shouts from the bathroom as she finishes her rapid preparation, "Kids! Shower. Now!" She hears the spoons collide with the bowls faster and she chuckles. 

They are all done preparing and ready to be off. Eric had left half an hour earlier when kids were still dressing up. Christian and Bethany step out before Dara, leaving her a few steps behind them to lock the door.

They head to the elevator since they live on the 6th floor of the HDB. Bethany shouts happily, wanting to press the button, then jogs a bit. She tries to jump her little feet to reach the button and Christian mocks her, "you can't do that, shorty!" 

Dara bows down, lifts her and says, "Eat your vegetables so you'll grow tall faster, honey." Her little finger presses the button many times before Dara laughs and says, "enough, Bethany." The elevator opens soon, there is no one in there but them, other residents might have been left to work or school or so. 

They walk a bit to a bus station nearby and wait for the bus to take them to school. Her children are schooling in the same place, they are three and a half years apart. Christian is almost 8 years old and in 3rd grade of primary school. Bethany is 4 years old and in pre-school still. There it goes, the bus.

The bus stops after 15 minutes taking them. They drop off and walk a bit to reach the school building. The kids run seeing their friends and both only blow kisses to Dara, shouting "see you mommmyyyyy… I love yooouu!!" 

"How time flies, they are too busy already to kiss and hug me before leaving," Dara shakes her head and smiles watching their cheery steps. Then she sees some other parents that she has met before and they smile at each other. 

Dara was turning around to walk away when she almost bumps into a woman, another mom she is. They both gasp at each other and chuckle at the same time. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't pay attention!" Dara touches her arm. "Hahaha, no, no, it's okay, I'm fine," she replies.

Then the woman squats down to kiss her son goodbye, "Okay, we're here, go inside now, honey." The boy kisses her cheek and runs away to the school gate and she stands back up to her feet, turning around finding Dara is still on her spot watching them.

"Oh, you're still here. Did you just drop your child too? I think I've never seen you before?" She asks Dara with a wide smile. "Yes, I did, children, actually. Usually, my husband takes them here, but he had an obstacle today." Dara answers her. "Ooh, how many are they?" She asks her again while hooking her arm into Dara's. Dara welcomes it with a broad smile, "two, a boy and a girl"

They walk together and talk for quite some time and she finds that her name is Kannika, she is a mixed-race of Thailand and Chinese. Also, that their children are in the same class. They are both happy to find each other because it's not a common circumstance to find "a friend" among parents. Most people are just extremely busy or not very friendly.

"This mom is quite interesting," Dara thinks while analyzing her. She's polite, friendly, cheery, physically attractive, not the prettiest but more than just average. And owning her own business, from the conversation that she has learned in a while, means she's mature and independent. "Will Master Alec like her?" Dara's mind keeps wandering around.