
The Start

# Chapter 2:

As the years passed, the young Aegon Targaryen, now infused with the soul of a modern man and the potent ability of biokinesis, grew not only in age but also in influence and power. His knowledge of the future gave him an unusual perspective, and his abilities allowed him to shape events behind the scenes. This chapter explores how Aegon navigates his burgeoning power and the intricate webs of politics, all while maintaining his facade.

## Fortifying Alliances

### Strengthening House Hightower

By the age of twelve, Aegon had a clear understanding of the critical role alliances would play in the coming conflict. The Hightowers, his mother's family, were among the most significant power players in the realm. Aegon used his influence to strengthen ties with them.

#### Meet with Otto Hightower

Aegon arranged private meetings with his grandfather, Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King. These meetings, initially innocent in nature, soon became strategic discussions. Otto found Aegon's insights astonishing for his age, unaware that the boy's wisdom came from a different life.

"A wise man does not reveal all he knows, Aegon," Otto advised, remarkably impressed by his grandson's precocious intellect. "But I see in you a future where our house could ascend to unparalleled heights."

Aegon simply smiled, a knowing smile that spoke volumes of his understanding and ambitions.

### Securing King's Landing

Aegon's relationship with the nobility of King's Landing was another focal point. His charming demeanor and quick wit won him many admirers among the court. Through subtle displays of his healing abilities, he fostered loyalties that were bound not by fear but by wonder and admiration.

#### Healing Acts

A noblewoman's child, suffering from an incurable fever, was healed by Aegon's touch. A knight, injured in a joust, found his wounds closing swiftly under Aegon's care. These minor miracles were attributed to the gods' favor, but those who benefited from them knew to whom they owed their gratitude.

## Strengthening the Faith

### Aligning with the Faith of the Seven

Understanding the power of the Faith of the Seven in influencing the masses, Aegon sought to align himself with the clergy. He presented himself as a devout adherent, winning over key figures in the Sept.

### Strategic Charity

He initiated charitable acts, funded by the royal treasury, but always intended to bolster his image.

#### Rebuilding and Support

In the aftermath of a fire that ravaged part of King's Landing, Aegon organized the rebuilding efforts, ensuring that the Church of the Seven was restored to greater glory. His actions, while officially under the king's orders, bore his distinctive touch, endearing him to both the common folk and the clergy.

## Training and Discipline

### Dragon Mastery

Aegon's connection with Dreamfyre grew stronger. He often flew his dragon, not just for the sheer joy but also to demonstrate his prowess and bond with the creature, essential for a Targaryen prince.

#### Secret Training

In the secluded corners of Dragonstone, he practiced combat and honed his biokinetic abilities. He learned to use them not just for healing but for enhancing his physical strength and agility, understanding that in the conflicts to come, every advantage would be crucial.

### Physical Transformation

Through disciplined training and biokinetic enhancements, Aegon began to transform physically. By the age of fifteen, he was a towering figure of strength and charisma, a physical specimen that matched the historical ideal of a Targaryen warrior.

## Foreseeing Allies and Adversaries

### The Green Faction

Aegon understood the importance of fostering loyalty among his siblings and key figures in the Green faction. Helaena, his sister, found an unexpected confidant in Aegon. Their bond grew strong, Aegon subtly guiding her while providing emotional support.

#### Aemond Targaryen

Aegon took a special interest in his brother, Aemond. Recognizing Aemond's fierce spirit, Aegon ensured his brother received the best training in both combat and strategy, subtly grooming him for future conflicts.

### The Black Faction

While Aegon strengthened his own position, he kept a wary eye on the Blacks. Rhaenyra, his half-sister, and her supporters were watched from the shadows. He gathered intelligence through his network, understanding their plans, and ensuring he remained several steps ahead.

## The Road to Power

### Wielding Influence

By the age of eighteen, Aegon had woven an intricate web of influence throughout the seven kingdoms. He had allies in the court, the faith, and even among the common folk. His powers allowed him to maintain his advantage without revealing the full extent of his abilities.

### Preparing for Ascendancy

Aware of the tensions between his father's court and Rhaenyra's faction, Aegon took steps to prepare his rise to power. He knew the Dance of Dragons was inevitable, but with his foresight, he aimed to reshape its outcome.

## Conclusion: The Tides of Change

Aegon Targaryen stood on the cusp of a new era, his body infused with a modern mind and supernatural abilities. The Dance of Dragons was approaching, but this time, the scales were subtly shifting by his hand. The fires of discord would soon blaze, but among them, Aegon intended to forge a future even the most gifted prophets couldn't foresee. As he looked over the capital from the heights of the Red Keep, he knew the wheel of fate was turning, and he was prepared to seize destiny with both hands.