
Dancing Amongst The Stars

Thing is, I am not sure if anyone would care if I kill Ayush. Sure, he has parents that will grieve for him, but I am confident that only after a week, they will come to the conclusion that they are better off without their boy.

Perhaps in time my knife will meet his throat, but not anytime soon.

"Stop hitting me!" I roared in the middle of the class.

And since it was I, who broke the peace, the teacher awarded me a spot outside. As I exited, I shot Ayush a glare. Not that there was any effect. The dude just smiled at me. And all of his friends regared his feat of hitting me-with his pen on the back of my head continuously, as a triumph. I will have my revenge, oneday

Though, it's not like his actions were fully counter productive for me. Since, the teacher kicked me out herself, I needn't have concocted an excuse. I closed the door behind me and proceeded towards the end of the insanely long hallway. Knocking at the small door, I said "It's me open up."

Once inside, I collected a bag and filled it with a hand-towel and a camera. Fifty minutes later, a man with red blue eyes, made his towards the principal's office, one of my creatures, with the bag hung over his shoulders. He first had to face the clerks, who he quite blatantly ignored as they called for security. Next came the two men standing in front of the gate. Thick and muscular, both over six feet tall, they wouod have intimidated my man had I not been with him.

One of the two, the taller one, tried to stop me. He placed a hand over the centre of my chest. In sign language that means 'No Entry'. I stepped back then crouched down and settled my pack on the ground. I took out the hand towel and gripped it with my left hand. I ignored my pack lying on the ground and rose to confront the guard.

I stabbed my unoccupied hand towards him, a fist wrapped over the palm, with the middle finger playing truant. The guard decided to engage and charged at my creature. As he closed in, I used my towel covered hand and slammed it into his chest. He cried from shock as he ascertained the presence of a knife hidden beneath the towel. As he fell on the ground, I gave the other guard a mocking smile. He wasn't as rash as the other one. And he decided to pull a gun at me. The gall of the man. By now one of the security guards had reached. He too aimed a gun but not at me, at the six feet muscular thick tall man, who fell just as easily as any other, when shot at. Both of my creatures then entered the office and found Saket and the principal, cowering under the desk. When Saket was dead with a bullet in his head, the principal recieved a camera and instructions for clicking a picture. The principal complied, as both of my creatures said cheese with guns shoved in their mouths. Then came the click. Then came the bang. The principal of course screamed, but when he saw the photo he had just clicked, he slammed the camera down on the ground. Behind the bodies of my creatures, a smile formed on the ground, with large eyes and lips painted with red. Supposedly with blood. Supposedly with reserves of my own men.

The principal puked at the similarity between the picture he had taken and the smile that had just appeared in front of him.