

OHMA stood up covered in blood there were many superficial bullet wounds on his body and even some holes but they slowly started closing as he slowly made his way through the destroyed building.

Walking on the street covered in blood people were giving him weird look but it didn't matter to him and it literally didn't matter since now his status was far above them. the name of the town was LANE.

He still clearly remembers how a few days ago he was working his ass off on his study desk but now everything changed a recollection of his horrendous past and sone non-existent relationship made everything upside down.

He was prepared to become a custom officer and live a free life without any worries being an orphan gives you that much profit but 3 days ago he saw a dream in which there was a women and a man with slightly matching face with OHMA and then their talk


"Dear what do we do government has stepped out of the project" said women

"Those idiots they don't understand the change it can bring, how unbelievably powerful it is" said the man

"But we won't have anymore human subjects to test at this rate we will be stagnant after our last failure even vadra has pulled his hands"

"Failure ha" scoffed the man "those basterds saw its power despite being instinctive he smashed through three high end warlocks they are afraid and also conflicted weather to kill us or support"

"Is it possible, really "

"Of course I am sure their scientists must be trying their best to copy that formula, but those idiots don't know celestials have different genes and law structure and their patterns are always different not to speak of combining two ferocious bloodlines such as these, even I was just luckey to have that one in a million chance"

"How about we use them on us we are strong unlike that subject and now that you have perfected it ,even more so"

"We are not suitable the chance is only half but a new life will be able to adopt to it easily though it might take some years"

At this moment their eyes moved towards a child to OHMA it felt like they were staring at him.

"Perfect idea let's give it to him though it will stagnate his own power but given some time he will adopt to it and since they won't be able to sense it they will only think our child is a failure and we can observe him carefully without them knowing" said the woman with a excited expression

"Hm 10 to 15 years is nothing for us elementals it'll be wort observing him under their noses and once we succeed it won't even matter we can ask purple seat for his support even government doesn't dare lift their head before them"

And the next thing he remembered was a euphoric feeling like he was lord of the world and he could crush anything with his mere hands.


OHMA reached the orphanage and went to his room the floor of his room was broken there was a hole in it, after the dream he wasn't able to control his power and broke many things.

Reaching to bathroom he took a shower and changed into new clothes befor going down for dinner.

A large rectangular table surrounded by eighteen chairs 16 occupied by children from 5 to 16 and one by an old woman in white uniform. This orphanage was made following the old styles where orphans were able to live comfortably and government also gave funding for it though it was almost neglegent compared to the super cities but was enough to sustain 20 children comfortably.

OHMA took his seat as usual and started eating like usual, there was silence and slowly all the children ended eating and went to their beds after washing their plates.

OHMA was sitting and looking at the old woman her name was Ema and ever since he remembers she was the only one who remained with him uptil now he still remembers how he wanted to play in rain it was her who accompanied him everytime and took care of him and was always worried about his health and since he was the oldest member of this orphanage after Ema she definately suffered a lot cause of him, after he grew up he took sme responsiblities and took care of little ones. Both were silent and were looking at each other Ema was first one to break the silence.

" You have grown so much" she said with a smile

"Did you informed them?" he asked

"Yes you are special and not allowed to live with us, you were always special whatever you wanted to do you never failed and also helped us all these years we are thankful but this small town cannot contain you, I contacted magistrate and he said he will inform the authorities and they will pick you up in two days"

" Thankyou Ema" said OHMA

That was all he could say he was indebted to her in many ways and so before going he did a last thing for her that was butchering Reddy gang it was a gang of more than five hundred people and since their leader was a minor mutant he was fairly famous in the town.

This gang was known for land mafia business and deals. strong people in cities couldn't care less for normal humans so naturally he was one of strongest, in area all around the town only one who could compete with him was magistrate but even he wasn't able to drive them out.

Johana Reddy was responsible for the death of ema's husband so he killed him and since he was only mutant of their gang no harm will come to ema.

Ending his meal he washed his plate and went upstairs to pack up his luggage. OHMA knows he might never come back or maybe if he so desired but right now his mind was messed up so he didn't notice the faint sadness in ema's eyes she'd seen him from childhood and the change from a bright and cheerful boy to a mass murderer was a bit much for her.

she didn't say anything though she hoped If he wasn't special.

Next day ohma repaired his roof and brought some farewell gifts for other children of the orphanage.


Two days later ohma along with Ema went to magistrate office. it wasn't first time he had came here multiple times due to the orphanage but never had he seen such solemn atmosphere before.

Entering the building he saw a man in black coat standing on right to a woman on chair.

The man was magistrate without his past bearing standing like a faithful servant while the women was a lady with a dark skin though trying to hide but ohma noticed a bit of impatience in her eyes.

"Are you ohma?" asked the lady as soon as he entered.

"yes" ohma answered immediately

"Good I suppose you know I am here to take you to SAMAS, since you are a mutant fulfilling the criteria surpassing a inferior mutant according to council code #258 you are not allowed to live with commonfolk even if you desire." she said in a authoritative and condescending tone.

" ...." ohma was baffled why was this lady overbearing with that measly power he knew he could crush her with a little effort and on top of that there was that repulsive feeling he felt the same way from children and ema at orphanage.

" I am aware" ohma answered

"Good " she stood up and walked at the backward of manor followed by ohma, magistrate and ema.

There was a black airship 8 meter in length waiting for him.

He'd heard people say about the airships in cities there high class people or organisations are allowed to freely use them after permitted by respective authorities.

Entering the airships he put his luggage and occupied his seat.

" My name is Alisa and I will be responsible for taking you to SOMA, that is the name of city we are going" she said sitting comfortably.

" Two days ago I was contacted by senior choudock to pick you up now I am going to give you short explanation of what you need to do after reaching Soma , first you will get your ID and room which is already prepared and then your capabilities will be tested so that your rank could be given to you according to your strength which goes from 1-19 but no one has gotten more than 8 in soma as a newbie so don't keep your hopes too high" she explained

There are 1 to 19 ranked mutants in this world below rank one are inferior mutants. a rank one mutant has enough power to lift a bike with one hand while a rank 8 mutant could through a truck flying. ohma wasn't too sure about himself cause he didn't used his full power till now but since he awakened his powers. He has been trying his best to hold back even with his fight with that johana Reddy he fought as a normal human looking at their guns he felt strange and even after that, getting shot by gun the bullet could only drill into his skin not pierce it. it'd took him five minutes to kill them all.

And that sudden infernal outburst from their leader was only able to burn his clothes.

" You know about powers from rank 1 to 8 but there are many varieties of mutants and ranks above that, you will be explained after reaching the coordinates" she finished explaining

" What's your rank " suddenly ohma asked

" Rank 10, I have been working with government for 3 years and I joined as a rank 5 mutant at the age of 19, I am in data and logistics department" she answered

Ohma compared himself with her and he surmised he was more than rank 11.

Majority of mutants are born as rank 1 and there are also those who are born above it some awaken these powers at different age like ohma that's why government keeps the towns in check and magistrate is also a form of surveillance in towns, a mutants power increases as he understands it more either by usage or either inherited by birth they can also be increased using scientific methods but such methods are costly not affordable by all.

It took the airship two days to reach the city and when ohma saw it from above he was amazed how there were many airships moving in and out and the tall buildings the checkpost wall surrounding the whole city around 100 km in diameter or maybe more than that even ohma at that height couldn't see its end. this was SOMA.

Next chapter