
A Troubled Heart

In the depth of night, when the moon hung high in the dark infernal sky, a soft knock echoed through the stillness of Asher's private chambers. 

As always, he tapped into the castle's senses - a magic woven into its very structure - to see who it was. Usually, it would be Merina returning after spending some time with her family.

But his heart clenched when he saw it was her and not Merina. A rush of conflicting emotions swirled within him as he took a deep breath, steeling himself for the encounter.

A moment of hesitation passed before Asher rose from his seat, his dove-gray skin gleaming faintly in the soft red moonlight that filtered through the room's lone window.

"Come in," he called out, his deep voice steady, a warm smile carefully plastered on his handsome face to hide the turmoil within.

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