
The Damned Demon

Died a Hero, Reborn as a Demon... The strongest Hero in the world killed the Demon King, the most powerful demon ever to appear on Earth. He achieved something which no other hero could ever do. But alas, the Hero never expected his own girlfriend, his own friends, and the organization he trusted to suddenly turn against him and try to kill him. It was the cruelest blow he was ever dealt in his life. He still didn’t give up and tried to stand his ground, but they had come prepared, and he was caught unawares in their trap. He fought to his death only to find himself transmigrated into a demon’s body! But who would have thought that he would be the husband of the Demon Queen! However, life as the royal consort was not easy at all. So read to find out how he is going to overcome those trying to step on him and finally get his revenge. ===== Discord Link https://discord.gg/HjWkd4nB3z =====

Resurgent · Fantasy
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621 Chs

A Storm Ahead

Asher stepped onto the front deck of the Skycrawler, where Eradicator stood with unwavering focus, her eyes scanning the horizon. 

The control panels before her flickered with an array of luminescent runes and gauges, but her attention was as much on the dark, ominous skies as on the instruments.

Perched on her shoulder, a small cat with glossy black fur and piercing red eyes meticulously groomed its paw. Its two fluffy tails swished gently, almost in rhythm with the hum of the Skycrawler's engines.

Sensing the king's approach, Eradicator turned smoothly, her movements precise and efficient. The cat, seemingly undisturbed, agilely climbed atop her helmet, settling comfortably.

Eradicator bowed slightly, her voice even and devoid of emotion, "Your Majesty."

Asher offered a surprised smile, "I wasn't expecting you to bring Twilight along."