
The Daily Life of Spirit Hall Prince

harukazuchi · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

2. The Nine-tailed Fox Scheme

Bibi Dong arrived in her private palace while holding Xue Li in her arms. Bibi Dong sees Xue Li sleeping face and smiles once again. After asking her servant to prepare a rice porridge for dinner, Bibi Dong brings Xue Li to her own room.

Bibi Dong put down Xue Li in her own bed and let him sleep there. Bibi Dong sits down and sees Xue Li's sleeping face. Her face is like a mother who gazes at her lovely daughter sleeping face.

After sleeping for a while, Xue Li opens his eyes and sees Bibi Dong sitting beside him. Bibi Dong greets him with a smile.

Xue Li: "*growl*"

Bibi Dong: "Oh, do you want to know who I am? *smile* I am your teacher from today."

Xue Li: "*growl*"

Bibi Dong: "Oh, do you also want to know where you are now? *smile* This is your room from today."

Actually Xue Li never heard human language nor learned it so he doesn't understand Bibi Dong's saying. Bibi Dong just assumes everything when she talks with Xue Li like a mother who talks with her baby.

Meanwhile at palace kitchen

Everyone makes a ruckus about a 'little princess' gossip. Maids who came back from the market told everyone about a phenomenon that happened at the shop market at noon. Some maids said that 'little princess' is Star Luo's princess or Heaven Dou's princess. But maids who saw Xue Li, said that the princess's beauty is far beyond 'humanity'. They said that 'little princess' is a holy maiden that comes down from heaven.

Ye Lan: "*cough* It's enough for now! It's time to prepare dinner for Her Majesty!"

Xiao Yi: "Head maid, actually Her Majesty just asked for rice porridge for today's dinner."

Ye Lan: "*surprised* Why?! Does Her Majesty don't like our food anymore?!"

Xiao Ke: "Plea- please calm down, head maid! I think that's not the reason."

Xiao Yi: "Yes, I saw Her Majesty carrying a little girl in her arms when Her Majesty called us. I think the porridge is for a little girl!"

Xiao Ke: "Yes, yes, I saw her too! By the way, I could only see the little girl's foot but you know what?!"

Others: "What?! Don't suddenly take a quiz!"

Xiao Ke: "Fufu! I can see that she has a veerrry white smooth skin!"

Others: "..."

Ye Lan: "Xiao Ke, back to your work now!"

Xiao Ke: "Eh, why?!"

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong examines Xue Li's body carefully. Fortunately, she couldn't find anything wrong except for one thing.

Bibi Dong: "(Eh! What is 'this' ugly thing? Does a little girl have this thing? Maybe it will disappear when a girl grow up, right?)"

Without noticing, Bibi Dong pinched Xue Li's little elephant and made him growl in pain. Xue Li slapped Bibi Dong's hand and jumped down from the bed. He crawled and hid under the bed.

Bibi Dong: "Xue-er! Ple-please forgive your teacher! Your teacher didn't mean to do anything bad to you! (Ah! What a fool! That thing is her 'thing', I mean his 'thing'! Eh!) Xue-er, are you a boy?!"

Bibi Dong becomes embarrassed after realizing her blunder. It's not like she couldn't recognize that 'thing', but something inside her is trying to reject it. She also swears that she will make Yue Guan pay for his lies.

Bibi Dong tried everything to lure Xue Li out but nothing worked. She also said sorry many times but unfortunately Xue Li couldn't understand human language.

When Bibi Dong becomes helpless, suddenly Ye Lan knocks on the door and tells her that the dinner is ready. Bibi Dong asks Ye Lan to come in and put the porridge on the table. Xue Li, who is still hiding below the bed, smells the porridge and comes out.

Bibi Dong: "Xue-er! *hug* Please forgive your teacher! Your teacher promises you that she won't hurt you anymore!"

Ye Lan: "*surprises* Your Majest- *nosebleed*"

Ye Lan, who was surprised with Bibi Dong's voice and behavior, looked back and saw Xue Li naked body from the side. Unfortunately, Xue Li's beauty and his naked body bring a great impact for Ye Lan. Bibi Dong who realized Ye Lan's 'condition' became angry and swept her out. If not because of Ye Lan's cultivation, she would already become a cripple.

Ye Lan quickly stands and asks forgiveness before cleaning her mess quickly and leaving. After Ye Lan leaves, Bibi Dong picks up Xue Li and puts him on her lap. She could see that Xue Li wanted to eat the porridge. Bibi Dong feeds Xue Li happily. Finally for the first time in her life, Bibi Dong found her own happiness.

6 months later at Spirit Hall Academy

Spirit Hall Academy has more than a thousand students. Among those students, there are some students who show their 'top-notch' talent. Some people call them elite students, and some people even call them the golden generation students. Those elite students are placed in one class because they are almost the same age, around 7-9 years old.

Among those elite students, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena are standout because of their background.

Xie Yue: "*cough* My beautiful little sister, you look beautiful again today! Is the-"

Hu Liena: "*sigh* Please shut up, brother! I am not in the mood today!"

Xie Yue: "*dry laugh*I , i see. DId you still get mad because of 'Teacher'?"

Hu Liena: "Hmph! I am not mad! You know what?! Everytime I come to Teacher's place, she always says to write down my daily report and then urges me to go to Gui Mei's elder to train with him. When I said I have a question, Teacher just told me to write it down and she will write down the answer tomorrow! Teacher really doesn't see me as her disciple anymore! *sad*"

Xie Yue: "Of course not!"

Hu Liena: "Then tell me the reason!"

Xie Yue: "That's.."

QIan Renxue: "Your teacher already found a new 'toy' so she doesn't need you anymore, Just find a new teacher and stop whining, little fox."

Hu Liena: "*looking back in angry* Q-i-a-n R-e-n-x-u-e! You.."

Xie Yue: "*sigh*(it's start again..)"

Meanwhile, Xue Li is sitting leisurely with Bibi Dong at the palace garden. In this half year, Xue Li spent his time learning how to speak, read and write. The one who taught Xue Li was Bibi Dong .

In this half year, Bibi Dong became like a mother. She let Gui Mei and Yue Guan handle the Spirit Hall on the surface so she can focus on Xue Li. Bibi Dong also brings Xue Li outside the palace to take a walk. Although she hides her aura and uses an artifact to suppress Xue Li's beauty, Xue Li's beauty still affects some people. Because of that, there are many rumors about a goddess visit or a little princess who sneaks out from a castle in Spirit City. Among those rumors, only one rumor that seems true. The shops visited by the goddess gain profit 5 times more!

Xue Li: "Teacher, I want to eat 'sweet ball'."

Bibi Dong: "Ah, you mean orange? Wait a minute, I will peel it for you."

Ye Lan and some maids always standby near Xue Li. For the palace maid, Xue Li is their princess now and the one they only need to care for. In their heart, Bibi Dong has already become number two.

Today, Yue Guan is coming again with many sweets and beautiful dresses for girls. Bibi Dong always reprimands Yue Guan about the 'girl dress' but he always said that a boy dress is too plain for his little princess. Actually Bibi Dong also thought that Xue Li looked prettier with these frilly dresses but she still worried about Xue Li when he grew up.

Yue Guan: "Your Majesty, actually there is an important meeting today about the Heaven Dou empire. We hope that Your Majesty can attend the meeting for today."

Bibi Dong: "Just deal it with the elders."

Yue Guan: "Your Majesty, actually the elders become suspicious about 'the princess' rumor. I am afraid that they will come to the palace to meet with-"

Bibi Dong: "Hmph! Let me see if anyone dares to touch Xue-er!"

Yue Guan: "Please calm down, Your Majesty! No one dares to touch the little princess. They just want to know if the rumor is true or not. So, please attend the meeting to clarify the rumor. Your Majesty can leave the little princess to me. I swear that no one can touch her as long as I live!"

Bibi Dong: "Hmph! Fine, but if anything happens to Xue-er, I will make you regret being born!"

Yue Guan: "Yes, Your Majesty! (Hehe! Finally I can stay alone with my little princess!)"

Bibi Dong: "Xue-er, please wait here. Your teacher will attend the meeting for a while. Don't worry, because your teacher will come back quickly."

Xue Li: "Un, come back quickly before dinner."

Without no one knowing, Bibi Dong already fell for Yue Guan's scheme. Actually the one who spread the rumor about 'the little princess' was Yue Guan. Unfortunately, when Bibi Dong realized Yue Guan's scheme later, everything was already late. Because her lovely disciple has already become someone that even surpassed the 'witch queen'.

After Bibi Dong left, Yue Guan took out one of his favorite story books. He put Xue Li in his lap while starting to read the book.

Xue Li, who started to learn how to read, became very curious about Yue Guan's book. Although he couldn't read the book well, he still can see some of the illustration images that drawed in the page. After a while, Xue Li showed his likeness to the main antagonist character. Yue Guan, who saw Xue Li's expression, became very delighted.

Yue Guan: "My princess, do you like grandpa's story?"

Xue Li: "Un. Why does everyone always do everything she says?"

Yue Guan: "(Yes!! It's coming! Fufu, it's time to polish my sweet little princess!!) Because everyone loves her!"

Xue Li: "Love?"

Yue Guan: "My princess, do you want to be loved like this Nine-tailed Fox Queen?"

Xue Li: "What is love? Is it sweet like this 'sweet ball'?"

Yue Guan: "*cuckle* Love is something mystical that resides in someone's soul. Love makes everyone follow your order, protect you, hug you, pat you and many more! They also won't do something bad to you! And of course it is far sweeter than this 'sweet ball'!"

Maids: "(Is that really how you describe 'love'?! We need to save our princess!)"

Xue Li: "I want love! Guan-ye give me love! All of you too!"

Maids: "*stab in heart* *kneel down* We swear to love only our Princess Xue Li! We will give our loyalty only to our Princess Xue Li! (Ah! My heart couldn't hold it anymore! If it for our princess, I will do anything!!)"

Yue Guan: "My princess, grandpa already loved you since the first time we met! Grandpa also swore to love you until death! *hug*"

Xue Li: "*happy* Good! (I will also ask teacher's love later!)"

Yue Guan: "But it's not enough if only us! My princess is destined to be loved by everyone below and above heaven!"

Xue Li: "Then let's go and ask everyone 'love'!"

Yue Guan: "Please wait. My princess! My princess can't just go and ask everyone 'love', because it will be tiring, right?"

Xue Li: "Hmm.. Then how?"

Yue Guan: "Actually grandpa has an easy way! My princess just needs to become like a Nine-tailed Fox Queen!"

Xue Li: "Like her? How?"

Yue Guan: "*cuckle* Don't worry, my princess! Because your grandpa will 'lead' you! My princess just needs to 'practice' with grandpa everyday!"

Xue Li: "Good! Let's do it now!"